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Everything posted by Rotarded1647545491

  1. Lets bring it to a boil! http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f323/cancunbarbie/Steelers/hines_ward14.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_ZzSeX2ctOaA/R1OUVmAzwEI/AAAAAAAAAvY/v4F5p9JD2cw/s1600-R/chadhit.jpg
  2. Translation? I don't speak moron!
  3. I see that car every other day, here at work. It's Butch Peterman's. Another member has both a red and a blue 430, the blue being a spyder. He's a douche though. I believe that 575 is a member's car as well. At least I know it's been here a few times before. Hell, Our lot has at least one Aston Martin in it every day. We have members with DB7s, DB9s, and Vanquishes. Every one of them in silver.
  4. John Broyles, MD 3440 Riverside Dr Upper Arlington, OH 43221 Phone: (614) 864-7225
  5. Spare the rod, spoil the child. My parents were pretty harsh about punishment. I am a twin, and there is nothing more distressing than be left out of something that your twin is participating in, like I was left out of an entire season of baseball. Works for trips too.
  6. It's "Damned" Shawn/Sean/Shaun Skinner WTF? How did you happen to try this phrase?
  7. The problem is that we now have laws that protect stupid people. "Caution, Coffee is HOT! Do not place in between legs while driving." Darwinism has been replaced by the perpetuation of inferior intelligence, with lawyers "protecting" the rights of people who should not be walking this planet, let alone procreating. / rant
  8. Sorry, but I refuse to read anything punctuated with ellipses.
  9. Just the thing I need to finish my Hydroponic room in my basement. How fast will 20 or so of those spin my electric meter?
  10. Until this shows up: TAIL LIGHTS ARE NOT CONSIDERED MODS!
  11. I hate when this^ guy tries that. Get in line asshat!
  12. I need to get a hold of him, I think I'm pregnant with his baby! PM me his digits, I lost them. Or, tell him I sent him a PM 3 days ago
  13. Name: Steve Join Date: Jan 2008 Location: canal winchester Age: 22 ****WARNING**** A violation has been reported to the moderators. A person under the age of 23 should abstain from calling anyone legally licensed to drive in these United States a "kid" due to close proximity in the age range. Please re-state the original post to include the word "peer" in the place of "kid" Thank you for continued support of Columbus Racing. ****END WARNING***
  14. That the most manly alcohol I've ever seen you with. Those Bacardi O's and Smirnoff Ices' you like to sip on had me questioning your sexual preference for years. Now I am just unclear if you swing both ways. Ben knows, right?
  15. The department didn't suck ass, as I stated in a post before it is an amenity. It's not expected to make money. What is expected is service and food exceeding the member and guests expectation with a budgeted loss of between 175k and 300K a year, for the last 33 years. Now, if I can finish this year, while maintaining the impeccable standards expected by our membership, AND show a profit, I can write my ticket anywhere, in any field. It just kinda sucks ass losing income right now.
  16. So, the day wasn't a total loss. I just sat down and had a beverage with this guy in the Captain's Grille: http://www.filmdope.com/Gallery/ActorsD/4155-5456.gif
  17. Just like putting them on a resume on MONSTER or other web sight. As long as I do not pubically state the actual numbers, in my case I stated either the percentage of and the $ over/under, there is no violation of policy/disclosure/law.
  18. Not even close, but you must understand my department is considered an ammenity. Most Clubs only try to break even on Food and Beverage, with a majority of income coming in from the dues structure, and guest play. My department has gone from 5 salaried managers, to 2 in the last 4 years. Yes, they were running fat, but not 3 people fat. Here's the kicker. We are a top 20 U.S. club in every category and the expectations are in the stratoshpere. The attention to detail, the cleanliness of every square inch, and the level of service cannot, and has not, suffered in any way.
  19. I've loved Ramen since college. Still have them at least once a month. I add chicken/beef/shrimp and always extra pasta/noodles. I guess that'll have to be a couple times a week now, if I wanna keep my hookers and blow habit going.....
  20. I just got my budget #s through the end of July. Gross Profit + 7% to budget Even With 2008 Payroll Expense - 2.4% to budget - 16.4% to 2008 Total Expenses - 3.3% to budget - 21.9% to 2008 Net Income + $77k to budget + $211.5K to 2008 The department I took over 14 months ago has NEVER turned a profit in the 33 years of existence, losing more than $200K a year. We are on pace to turn a $26k profit this year..... ....yet I just took a 10% pay cut?
  21. if the Benadryl doesn't work, try loratadine (Claritin)
  22. Not with a "lemon" dispensation in it's history. They can sell it as a used car and not have to tell the customer it was classified as a lemon under law.
  23. If the car is lemon-lawed, the dealer must disclose this to the next purchaser under Ohio law. I would go around the dealer principle and pressure VW corporate directly. I would find the VW 800 customer assistance line and pitch a raging bitch. You will probably hear from the dealer shortly thereafter with an offer to trade, or buyback. This would be the quickest and easiest way to get out of the car. The dealer will much rather have it back "clean". It is YOUR negotiation and not theirs. Be firm on what you want. They lose less money bowing to your needs, than trying to unload a "lemon". Think about this: They would have to offer some sort of extended warranty when re-selling a "lemon". This will cost at least $1000, and they still can't get anywhere near blue book. They will try and negotiate thinking you do not know this. Go at it with guns blazing. Your stance is much greater now, than when it's labeled a lemon.
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