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Everything posted by Rotarded1647545491

  1. I'll definately have the 7 running for that event. However, tuning may not be done quite yet.
  2. I need the widest width of the seat bottom and the seat back (wings)?
  3. Chris, Call me. Joe, He lives 1/4 mile from me. Right by Dyno Brian's shop on the West Siieeeede!
  4. 40 degrees IS great for boosting, but horrible for traction. Unless you have AWD, any car with 400+ HP will not be able to get traction, even on drag radials and from a roll, unless it weighs over 3500 lbs.
  5. I'd rather drink bong water, or dip spit, than natty light! Red Hook ISB Molson/Labatts (True Canadian versions, not the imposters they send here) Boddingtons Corona Tito's or Grey Goose Martinis, UP Three Olives Cherry Vodka or Stolichnaya Razzberry Vodka and Red Bull
  6. Fixed it so it's a bit more comprehendable for the rest of us. Thanks for the headache!
  7. I'll show you a beating! Meet me behind the bleachers after sixth period!
  8. Gotta love when the guy is laying on his stomach with his arms out and being held by two officers, then a 200 pound officer does a knee drop on his neck to completely incopacitate him. It's exactly as the police training film shows, yet you wonder how many serious injuries have been caused. Disclaimer: Yes, I understand that the procedure is used for the safety of the officers. But for anyone who has seen a 95lb, 13 year old, shoplifter subjected to this, it just makes you say hmmmmmm.
  9. I think he answered that above your post!
  10. .....and guess which CR member is right in the middle of this fued as the CIO for COGENT??? Kyle's not having a good couple of days!
  11. That would be correct if they are fraternal like my brother and I, meaning two seperate eggs being fertilized, but identical twins are from the same egg and require only one lil swimmer. Congrats Shawn! You're gonna love twins!
  12. Meh, That is the most un-flattering pose I have ever seen.
  13. Welcome! Hope you have a sense of humor.
  14. People are actually buying these things! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=33695&item=8000256803 http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=33695&item=7996502959
  15. Maybe if you gave the make, model, and color of said "rice burner" someone might just have a clue what car you are talking about????
  16. Check with International Auto Parts in Westerville. I think the sell the reman'd calipers fairly cheaply.
  17. I wouldnt pay a dollar for an SKS. H&K, the weopons of choice!
  18. 63mph downhill (Apple Valley, Ohio) on a race bicycle with 3/4 inch wide tires. I will never do that again.
  19. Tell me exactly what parts you need and I will locate them, with prices, for you.
  20. No, I think he are say you being stupid!
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