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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. By production, I mean readily available. A few more years and it could have happened. Fuck nascrap.
  2. New menaing to "go fist youself"
  3. Kinda handy to know since they randomly pull cars to check. Just make sure you got all your paperwork with you.
  4. An even better motor, if only ford would have finished the project and made it a prodution motor. http://www.supermotors.org/vehicles/articles/lfm-issue01-a2-1.php
  5. Wow, you are still alive. Are you on speaking terms with your liver yet?
  6. The helicopters chasing us out of the BJ's parking lot. When we could have a meet without assclowns getting us chased out. The assclown with the orange CRX and the dispatch article. We became more than e-famous, we where front page news bitches!
  7. Got a mini tree in the window upstairs, and the full size in the living room next to the fireplace. Cozy. If by that you mean lots of eggnog and booze, in.
  8. What a waste of a good mustang. If they made it a gt 500 clone or put a blown 427 cj, that would be good. I am making it a personal goal to find the assclown that disgraced a classic by installing that motor and castrate/punch in the uterus said assclown.
  9. Open a deli in your basemsnt and claim tax exepmt as a new business.
  10. Good Dr. Your chrismas starts after the new year dosent it? All the people that are emotionaly challenged after the holidays, and crack due to the rush. Its like thanksgiving dosent exsist anymore. Places used to have the comon coutesy to not play christmas music till after thanksgiving. Now it starts right after haloween. Someone needs to apply a proper bitch slap to the retailers that are pushing christmas so much. Pisees me off more than just a little.
  11. You can get a ticket for riding a bike while drunk. Also, cops are kinda asses about opencontainer, especialy in fron of the bars. When I went up there the last time, there was a place that claimed the worlds longest bar. Kinda sucked, they had all the taps shut off, so it was mostly cans, and not cheap. The beer barrel dosent have pitchers, it has buckets of beer. You use a cup to dip in the bucket and fill your own glass. I think you can keep the bucket though, cant remember.
  12. If I won the lottery, I would go apeshit there.
  13. A trip down memory lane. Mr. Forky all you bases are belonging to us.
  14. :funny: Assclowns snipping wires? I have never heard of this before, WTF it that about? Damn juviniles need an ass beating.
  15. 110% If you are still sitting on them after jan 1st, ill give em a home. (this months budget got spent on the wife for christmas)
  16. I love reading of all these problems with VW. The only vw I would own is an old bettle or a micobus with the drivtrain from a blazer swaped in it.
  17. You know, I kinda miss that place. No wait, no I dont. F that. Send me your APO adress. I gots a package that should help the coffe.....
  18. Sounds like a damn good idea. Insurance will be a bit of a pain, making everyone sign a waiver stating they have insurance, and will not hold you responsible would be a good posibility. I know there have been a few times that I could use a lift, and I know there wil be more times coming up that I will need one.
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