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Everything posted by Lustalbert

  1. What is wrong with a Buick? BTW, Noob, you are taking your beating prety well.
  2. Australia got rid of all the priavtely owned guns, seems to be working well for them..... http://www.geoffmetcalf.com/aus.html
  3. Excelent find. Thanks for posting that up :nod:
  4. Lustalbert

    sonic WTF

    TTTTTtriple post goodness on the top of the 3rd page. Later.
  5. Lustalbert

    sonic WTF

    Sooooo...... How much alcohol was involved, or was this a sober moment of creativity?
  6. Very nice. 1K down the toilet with the quickness.
  7. Bonus points. Someone post up some Tex Avery stuff.
  8. Incredible. Murder Inc. "Midgets 1/2 price" "Japs for free"
  9. Possibly intrested. Need to check my truck and see if they would fit. No use for the rims though. If someone else is looking at the rims, could posibly work something out.
  10. So much for there being a fast and reliable RX-7. Back to chosing only one....
  11. OSU Surplus over on Kenny road, just noth of Lane. UThey used to have tons of filing cabinents, all of them are heavy duty institutional units, double roller drawers. I used to get the 4 and 5 drawer units for around $20.
  12. MMMMM, shiny. Can I come over and play with your tailshaft housing?
  13. Bullshit. Are you getting soft on us? :marc:
  14. All that hard work to retain your virginity.
  15. Cesium, the dogs nuts of the alkali metals.
  16. Excelent find. Thanks! :nod:
  17. Its the motherfucking nacho chesiest! Just dont spin it to fast or the flavored magic powder will come off.
  18. Is that a fucking dorito on your alternator pulley?
  19. Go corupt some inocent country girl. Post pics. Pray you never go back to that town.
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