welcome. is it fast any numbers. or are u not gona pop the hook. make us find out the hard way. one thing us racers know is its not how u stand by ur car. its how u race ur car. lol i couldent resit fast and furious 1
i still thought it was cause he was a stalker and a talker. lol i thought that was funny.
u got any lambo motors for my lawnmower. i need it buy last tues.
i run a a roller, stock block afr stock 210s supervictor and a csu 850. kevin is the best. tell him i told u to talk to him about a e85 carb. just say matt with the turbo s10.
arent those lifters supposed to have a roller on them? weird never seen anything like that. man u done wore the roller off and made them flat.
ur gona love the e85 and get a csu bt and ask for dual boost ref power valves. ull need them.
Im gona get a set they show a 1600 w peak 10 with dvc either 2 ohm or 4. my current amp has 2 pos and neg terminals. but its a mono amp. i want to run at 2 ohms. to make the amp last longer unless u think 1 ohm is fine
http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d71/Mattsv8_03/SSPX0013.jpg just had these all tested to verify pressure all were above 148 at the 1.9 installed height. work perfect for solid cams and some smaller hyd roller i went with full solid roller needed stiffer springs.