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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Hoboken isn't the worst part of NJ. Its basically NYC South. It smells terrible but is no worse than NYC for crime. You're thinking of Camden.
  2. Had you not seen? I don't know that an AZ course would present unique challenges like all the others do. COTA is almost universally loved by the F1 drivers with plenty of elevation change, long straights and high speed as well as very tight corners. Similar in philosophy to Spa.
  3. You also forgot that Deion Branch was cut and re-signed every week last season. Look for more of the same this year. Not what he was in his prime, but he's a solid route runner and has good chemistry with Brady. You've also completely forgotten about Jake Ballard, who if he's healthy will be awesome. As a native of CT, Bristol isn't a bad area but it's not great either. Could've easily found himself in a shitty group of friends.
  4. Future jobs could still be affected. If you were a prospective employer you could contact past employer to see if they're eligible for re-hire. Not sure how the law works here, but an HR person could say he's not eligible for re-hire due to pending litigation. Prospective employer probably wouldn't like to hear that.
  5. I have no expertise, but I'd guess that the most you would get out of it, with or without lawyering up, is that the manager would be reprimanded.
  6. Only if you say it like you're doing them a favor, not if it's a threat.
  7. This. Drifting is to auto racing what olympic mogul skiing is to giant slalom. Yes, you're using essentially the same equipment, and yes, the same basic skills are on display and you are certainly in direct competition with your opponent. However, the person that crosses the finish line first is not necessarily the winner if aerial sections are judged to affect the outcome. While mogul skiing presents a unique challenge many slalom skiers would be incompetent or uncomfortable on, I still think the giant slalom/downhill is a more pure interpretation of the challenge of skiing, just like I think road racing/rally is a more pure interpretation of the challenge of motorsport than drifting.
  8. I think F1 because despite the constant neutering of cars and their out-of-this-world design, they reflect the trend of car technologies of today and tomorrow. - KERS/ERS (next year) system represents the hybrid tech of the day - No refueling is also reflective of modern concerns for fuel economy - DRS is a technology that has been in modern supercars for some time, and we're starting to see it creep into economy cars via grill shutters to improve fuel mileage. - As ridiculous a comparison as it seems, the modern F1 steering wheel as posted before is more indicative of the modern passenger car steering wheel than an LMP steering wheel is; modern passenger cars allow you to communicate either with others or with the car (Bluetooth/voice commands) with a single button press, change car settings (infotainment), view car data (HUD/trip computer), and even modulate throttle (cruise control) all from the steering wheel. - Hell, in my car I can even order a vehicle health report sent to my email. Seems insignificant in a passenger car, but that's basically the same as the telemetry sent every millisecond from an F1 car. While there are many race series that incorporate several of the above qualities, I think F1 is the only series that has them all.
  9. March 2024, "We're going to war with Syria! They have WMDs! We have the receipt to prove it!"
  10. This is damage control for the NSA snooping thing. Create a controversy to shift people's attention. Either that, or Obama really is retarded enough to not turn a fucking history book back to study up on Cold War era Iraq and Afghanistan. probably both
  11. I pace the fastest guy on the highway and stay 100-200 yards back. Watch his taillights for braking in strange areas. Keep my eyes in my mirrors for cruisers on my six. Seems to work pretty well.
  12. Windows phone LOL This is a good idea, just get one and exchange it if you don't like.
  13. I just got the S4 a few days ago; never touched the HTC. The S4 feels super light and plasticky but I got around that with a really nice Spigen Neo Hybrid case. It makes the phone have the same sort of shape as an iPhone, just way bigger. Feels great in my hand. I had a family event on Sunday all day taking a ton of incredible quality pictures with the 13MP camera, forgot to charge it, and still had enough juice to make all the sales calls I needed yesterday. 30 hours of average useage without charging according to the phone. I don't care much about onboard speakers, as I use headphones if I'm that serious about phone media, but the S4 speaker does suck for anything but ringtones. Some of the features I thought were gimmicky are actually awesome; the phone reads eye movements when I'm reading emails and auto-scrolls the page. If I hover my finger over the screen in my inbox, it gives me a preview screen of whatever email I'm hovering over. The voice command response is awesome. The multi-window funciton is great. I can't say that the HTC One is a superior/inferior phone since I've got 0 experience with it, but the S4 is perfect for me. If I didn't have this, I'd probably have a Note 2, I'm very happy with Samsung (first time owner, previously all LG or Motocrap) EDIT: oh yeah, and the fact that I can use it as a TV remote gives me a nerdgasm.
  14. I think for the vast majority of gamers what XBone is doing isn't particularly horrible. However, I rarely buy new games for consoles; all my 360 and PS3 games are secondhand. My decision's already been made for me. I don't think this is over, though. I think MS will backtrack.
  15. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/042/151/jnjyxa31o8_thats_racist_animated1.gif
  16. If that Focus is as in good a shape as it looks, that's a great price. Those 5-door SVTs are incredibly hard to come by in good shape. Wish I had the cash to buy it GLWS.
  17. If there's ample demand, why not supply? PS2 is still the best selling console in history, and just went out of production earlier this year. It almost survived to see the PS3 get replaced.
  18. Maybe growing up on N64 gave my hands some superhuman adaptability, but I've never found any particular game controller to be so inhumanly horrible that it wasn't usable.
  19. I try to keep an open mind with DRM stuff. I used to pirate games all the time in high school and college when dropping $60 was not a realistic option. When the games turned out to be good and memorable, I made a mental note. Now that I'm financially independent and stable, I've made it a point to try to go back and buy all the games I pirated that weren't total crap. At this point in my life, DRM in terms of making sure games aren't pirated doesn't bother me. However, this whole X1 fiasco is a real put-off. I have a PS3 and an 360. My 360 isn't plugged in to the internet, I don't have a Gold subscription, and I only use it for my used copies of Forza 4, Red Dead Redemption, and Undead Nightmare, all 3 of which were purchased as 2ndhand copies, and none of which require me to plug in a Kinect. I would not be able to use my 360 as I want with the X1 features/restrictions. I do, however, have my PS3 connected via wifi and I use my FREE PSN account to buy random crap sometimes, like a course or two for Tiger Woods. I've never even considered using PS MOVE, but I constantly use my PS3 for NHL Gamecenter, a SHARED NFL Sunday Ticket subscription, and Netflix. These are all things I would be able to do on my PC, but I use my PS3 because it's equally simple and FREE. If MS doesn't listen to the demands the market is making, X1 will fail massively. I think Sony is going to make very few changes with PS4 to avoid alienating people like me, and will successfully convert quite a few Xbox users, probably irreversibly so.
  20. Yeah Speed is now Fox Sports One or something, and NBC Sports/NBC cover F1. Fortunately they took most guys like Will Buxton with them. This has the schedule and channels: http://motorsportstalk.nbcsports.com/2013/03/11/full-schedule-for-formula-1-on-nbc-sports/
  21. It was really the SEC being angry they got called out on fudging their academics. Also, this is the first time I've seen anyone say "retiring" without the quotes. Also, I've never particularly cared one way or another about OSU, but the guy did a lot for the school, community, and Ohio as a state. Doesn't deserve to be ousted because he spoke the truth. Edit: also, did my iPod parts come in from China yet, Trish?
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