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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. That's why they call it greasing the gears of democracy.
  2. I've seen similar Expeditions bought and sold for similar price in much worse condition, someone pick this up.
  3. I've never understood the logic of this. Speed traps, under the assumption that police use them for their proper purpose, are for keeping drivers safe and speeds at or below the speed limit. By flashing high beams, other drivers are able to effectively combat unsafe driving and high speeds. Therefore, the ultimate goal of the speed trap has been accomplished and all high beam flashers are actually aiding justice instead of obstructing it. Unless, of course, safety was not the ultimate goal of the speed trap, but rather revenue generation. By the obstruction of justice logic, if I saw my friend's browser history included searches on where to hire a hitman, if I successfully talked him out of meeting with any potential hitmen, I could be obstructing a sting operation and should be hauled off to jail.
  4. The mission dialogue is ALMOST as bad as GTA. Almost.
  5. Attaching enemy infantry to enemy vehicles is my favorite pastime in that game. Especially with jets.
  6. I'm waiting until they include games for free that I don't already have. Or until the prices drop a bit. Not gonna touch Crysis 3 til I have a new gpu though.
  7. JC2 is as fun a game as I've played in a long time. Whenever I look blankly at my Steam library thinking "what do I play? I have too many choices" I always end up playing Just Cause. I'm hoping to resist this sale, play the games I've not played that are already in my library, wait for the Xmas sale and pick up newer releases for cheap. EDIT: And by the above comment I mean I'm hoping to spend < $50 in the summer sale :dumb:
  8. No info on equipment, miles, or anything. not really a motivated seller i take it.
  9. It looks like a yacht and a ferrari F50 had a retarded lovechild.
  10. I tend to wear through shoes pretty fast; when I was buying cheaper shoes I'd blast through them in a few months (tends to happen in auto sales). Started buying from Johnson and Murphy and have been very satisfied. Check out their store at Polaris, they usually have select styles for pretty solid discounts. Last time I went (year and a half ago), I got 2 pairs for $200 total, and I wear a 13 wide. They're just starting to wear out. I usually get more all-weather style shoes since I have to wear them in rain/snow/etc, so leather soles aren't as good for me.
  11. This. Also, not sure how it is recently (I've heard iffy things) but I used to frequent Buffalo Wings & Rings on Broad near Mt Carmel East. They had great prices and awesome wings, but then they changed their name twice (eventually back to Wings & Rings) and I haven't been in a couple years since I live 1 mile from Barley's.
  12. It's not a bogus ticket. In Ohio, as with many other states, you are not allowed to obscure your license plate in any way. In a technical sense, this means that you can't have plastic covers, frames, or literally anything that obscures any part of the plate. Mostly this is to prevent people from using fraudulent registration stickers, but it can be used in the most liberal, sweeping sense. It is, as far as I know, a fix-it ticket however. If you take off whatever frame or cover you had on your plate, show up to court, and can show that your plate is not obscured, you're good to go.
  13. Yeah that's completely different than the red light cameras. There's an actual officer standing with those SUV-mounted cameras so IMO it's legit.
  14. I got a Spigen case that seems to keep mine pretty well defended on all sides without being bulky. The design of the case actually mimics that outer dimensions of the iPhone. No issues with mine but I could definitely see how a phone this light would break in someone's pocket.
  15. You can keep an eye on this bill here http://www.legislature.state.oh.us/bills.cfm?ID=130_HB_133
  16. http://i.imgur.com/8CBdpfv.jpg
  17. Good to hear it made it out of committee! The issue is always with those license plate scanners; they invest a ton of money in order to keep tabs on us and our driving habits. Ever notice how they cite finding stolen cars as the most common reason to keep front plates, yet when someone's car gets stolen the standard response is always "we'll keep an eye out but it's unlikely you'll get your car back" and it's up to you to get your own damn car back with your own detective work?
  18. Without knowing you or this Marine, I would bet that this particular Marine could outrun you in a marathon, do pushups at the finish line until you arrived, and then snap you in half like a twig when you arrived. And yeah, plenty of people enlist in the Marines because they're lazy and don't like running. EDIT: and FWIW, I'm a 6'3" fatty now, but when I was 210-220 I had very little body fat.
  19. Then allow me to be an outlier; NYC is fucking awesome. You have to do it the right way and avoid the tourist crap because there is so much amazingness in the city that you can't find on a map. I've been to countless jazz clubs and incredible restaurants that you'd mistake for someone's home from the outside, and the best parts of the city are the non-Manhattan boroughs. The Bronx, while rough in the South part, has so much cool stuff; the Bronx Zoo and Yankee stadium (I'm a Sox fan and can appreciate it) just to name a couple, and Van Cortlandt Park > Central Park.
  20. My argument is that your proposal is very close to communism. So let's say they live on a government-owned farm with government-provided food and government-provided lodging. If they're working the farm, obviously the government is looking to recover the costs of free lodging and food through crops' profitability. The government would therefore have a vested interest in seeing the price of its crops increase, which would do what for you and me? That's right, it'd increase the market price of the goods we consume! I'm sure you wouldn't mind the value of your hard-earned dollars decreased drastically because of inflation caused by a government program to help the poor. However, you and I as educated individuals realize that the government would definitely have measures to control inflation so as not to significantly harm the rest of the hard working public. They would regulate the price of goods and services to ensure a healthy balance between the government providing suitable aid to those who rely on it and not affecting the well deserved wealth of those who have earned it. Is this sounding like communism yet? EDIT2: by communism I mean the multiple failed attempts to run a socialist government, not pure Marxism. EDIT: I'm obviously interested in arguing my point. I don't disagree that what you propose is a valid way to force those who rely on government aid to contribute back to society, but I question its value as a way of weaning people off the welfare teat. Our current system does a terrible job of this and needs an overhaul. I just figured the overwhelmingly CR-supported method of doing so would be more of the completely free market approach rather than support of a bloated government taking more control.
  21. http://codes.ohio.gov/oac/5120-3-08 You're absolutely right. Ohio minimum wage pays you $7.85/hour. Without any taxes whatsoever, based on 140 hours worked (comparable to the highest paid Ohio prisoner) that would pay you $1,099. The highest paid Ohio prisoner category, per the link above, is paid $24/month assuming 140 hours worked. You're right, it is apples and oranges. I guess in your scenario, the $1,075/month equivalent difference would be used to pay for the services I described, since they're supposed to be saving that $24 every 140 hours they work to eventually "get out".
  22. This is pretty much 100% communism. It's been pretty well documented that it's all but impossible to build savings on current minimum wage when you have a family to feed. edit: not sure if Jonathan Swift style satire to troll the right wing nuts, or actual wing nut misunderstanding
  23. Skinnier tires are better for snow traction and MPG. Not sure on sidewall, obviously more = more efficient at consistent higher speeds but with a dropoff in efficiency at a certain point with acceleration. That's more math than I'm willing to do.
  24. IIRC SRT-6 was auto-only. Xfires are well priced now, but IMO they're shitty uncomfortable cars with lots of expensive MB parts skinned with shitty Daimler Chrysler plastic.
  25. 2nded. The S54 motor (01-02) was a big upgrade for those. Went from a 240hp S52 to 315hp in the S54, only weighing about 200 more lbs than the S2k.
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