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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Connecticut should get the nod for that. Nothing but grey or dark blue Durangos, Chargers, Taurii, and Explorers for their state highway patrol, most with no visible lights. The only way to know it's a cop is they'll blast by you on the highway going 110.
  2. Lest we forget how batshit crazy politics can get.
  3. Portugal is a very, very different example and cannot accurately reflect the U.S. 1) Antonio de Oliveira Salazar. The U.S. has never endured years of crushing fascism. That man is the reason I don't have a grandfather and why my family emigrated to the U.S. The effects of his regime are still very present, as the current ruling parties have been pushed very far left out of a national disdain for right-leaning politics. 2) One of Portugal's biggest problem at present is the massive brain drain. While unemployment is very high, the people who employers there want to hire are leaving the country in droves. Portugal has a very good public education system but lacks the economy to sustain it. The U.S. has a relatively good economy compared to the absolute shit public education system (in both quality of education and wastefulness in $$$) we have.
  4. I don't mind the story as reported, but that shitty photoshop job sucks. Everyone knows Krypton is the birthplace of Superman.
  5. I was attempting a Jonathan Swift Modest Proposal-esque shitstorm. I failed.
  6. I say we eliminate the tax credits for having kids. You shouldn't be rewarded just because you or your wife crapped out a couple of screamin' demons.
  7. Then when welfare fraud has been eliminated, those investigators will be without jobs, on welfare, and armed with an intricate knowledge of how to commit welfare fraud :gabe:
  8. Ohio: the cold weather state where we lease brand new expensive as fuck Harley Davidsons for our police force every couple years, then attach useless sidecars in an attempt to make them seem useful in the winter.
  9. Extremely good summary of the new Power Supply regulations, you only omitted one important detail. In 2012-2013, the KERS is not considered part of the motor and can be tampered with and replaced at will, whereas teams are allowed only 8 motor/transmissions for use throughout the season. With the new V6/ERS Power Supplies, the ERS cannot be replaced independently and teams only have 5 Power Supplies for use throughout the season...puts a HUGE burden on the engineers' shoulders, I think there will be significant growing pains in 2014.
  10. Yeah I really can't write a lot off. That 1099 is 100% cash performance bonuses. It screwed me last year and will do so this year.
  11. Not sure about 03-05 but the trans in the 02 was famous for being total shit
  12. Question, for those that may or may not be able to answer it. About 16% of my income comes as 1099 pay through bonuses directly from Chrysler. Someone mentioned earlier that you can get creative and pay far less taxes on it than would seem to be required. Specify if possible?
  13. Thats....not how tax brackets work. Example: Say I made 50k in 2012 and my friend makes 60k. Tax bracket cutoff is 52k. I would pay tax rate x because i only made 50k, so my net = 50,000 - (50,000 * x) My friend's net = 60,000 - (52,000 * x) - (8,000 * y) where y = the higher tax rate paid by the new tax bracket.
  14. Came here to post this. They seem to be all over the place, but what I would say its worth whatever the seller's patience will allow. If it is in Excellent condition and not just untouched condition, I would start my asking price in the mid-$20k range and be very very patient with willingness to refuse a lot of shitty offers.
  15. try morphcard.com my buddy runs it. not sure if its higher or lower than the GE machine you tried but its worth a shot.
  16. This. When I got my old Apache from my uncle, I still had the 1963 California plates on. Shit, they held up better than the Bicentennial plates I currently have. I agree with a previous post, if you're going to make us replace plates, at least lengthen our stickers so that we only have to re-register ever 3.5 years or something. I'd love if on the left where there's room for a sticker we could pay for an extra sticker with a #1 or something on it that states we only need 1 plate.
  17. What are you looking to spend? I don't have tix myself but my buddy is a scalper who can probably get you a good deal.
  18. 1000 internet points for you sir. Don't spend them all in one place.
  19. I've been holding off on buying a new car so I could make sure I get those plates instead of the fugly ass Senator's-wife-designed "Beaufugly Ohio" plates
  20. http://www.dispatch.com/content/graphics/2011/11/24/license-plates-art-grlf0sff-1license-plates-jpg.jpg they will soon look like this. and I agree with paying double for half the plate. I'd gladly do so.
  21. Please let me know when Class 10 is being offered so I can appropriately armor my car and possibly take a vacation 500 miles away.
  22. And its a blatant cash grab. http://www2.nbc4i.com/news/2013/jan/29/ohio-may-require-replacement-old-license-plates-ar-1332094/ If my research is correct, there's between 6.5-7million registered cars in Ohio. Lets assume 7m for the sake of easy math. Again, for easy math, lets assume they're on a rolling basis of 1 million cars needing plate replacements each year. So every year, at $10 bucks a pop, DPS is raking in an additional $10million from a completely needless, pointless plate law. How often do you see a plate that is so rusted and unreadable that the entire state needs to replace their plates every 7 years? Call it a fee, call it a tax, whatever. Its still fucking stupid.
  23. I'm still no clearer on this thread. correct me here if i'm wrong. 1) OP, a fag who literally cannot stop sucking dicks, got jumped and heroically abandoned his wife to deal with nunchaku-weilding assailants. 2) OP, a fag who literally cannot stop sucking dicks and is evidently also crippled to the point where he cannot drive stick or form coherent sentences, "runs" from his assailants, grabs weapons (foam bat and a nerf gun maybe?) and then "runs" back outside to "fight", while still being crippled and receiving government checks. 3) Months later, mommy calls OP to say the police man is looking for him because OP apparently doesn't have his own garage or phone number. 4) shit talking ensues 5) OP takes a break from sucking dicks to go full potato 6) CR gets a much needed laugh this winter am I missing anything? edit: If I wasn't sure Stanley Kubrick was dead, I would think he was just trolling CR for material for his next psychologically twisted movie
  24. I've only read pages 1 and 12 so the only thing I've learned from this thread is that apparently someone invented a keyboard that's operated by drooling on it. Anyone care to fill in some cliffs for those of us that can't understand potatoese?
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