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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. I disagree with nothing that you wrote there, but you omitted the need for a well-educated, critically thinking populace. Democracy cannot work without citizens who can separate social, religious, political, etc. issues and scrutinize them with the scientific method.
  2. Yes, because kneejerk invasions without the approval of a budget-conscious Congress went over SO well in Afghanistan and Iraq. Obama's in a bit of a pickle here; invade and the Republican Congress will jump down his throat for throwing money at a country we have no interest in. Don't invade and the Republican candidates will jump down his throat for being weak on foreign policy. We won't invade, because at the moment a majority of voters care more about stopping government spending (including military) than nuking the Middle East. EDIT: Let's take a moment to appreciate the stupidity of this situation. Islamic protesters riled up over a video portraying Islam as violent respond by....murdering people. I wonder if there's a word for "irony" in Arabic.
  3. http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-19557497 "To use a car analogy, six years ago the iPhone was like a sexy new flagship model from BMW or Porsche. Today it's a Toyota Camry. Safe, reliable, boring. The car your mom drives. The car that's so popular that its maker doesn't dare mess with the formula."
  4. For every anecdote of heroic resistance, there's one for someone trying to resist heroically and facing really fucking annoying consequences. You can either: A) Try to be a heroic example of standing up to a fucking evil system that allows private companies to enforce city ordinances and laws for profit which the city gets a comparitively minor cut of (usually in the neighborhood of 30% or less) with the potential for credit problems and, as was said before, license/suspension issues. B) Pony up the $95 to not have to go to court, not run the risk of getting 2 points on your license and increased insurance costs, and not run the risk of having to pay court costs AND the actual ticket price of running a red light which I believe is substantially more than $95. It says that none of this goes through the BMV because basically, the company (probably ATS or Redflex) is charging you $95 not to rat you out to the BMW. They do this with the city's blessing, with the understanding that the city gets a kickback and "improved safety". The police signature on there basically states that a police officer saw this video evidence, judged that, had an officer been present, you would have been issued a ticket, and that if you'd like to challenge it they will happily meet you in court. If any of this reeks of bribery, blackmail, and corruption, its because it is a system based on all three. If you'd like to know which states love money and hate you, look at this map: http://www.iihs.org/laws/cameramap.aspx EDIT: For the first time in my life, I've considered moving back to CT where there are none of these illegal atrocities.
  5. Go ahead and bash me for liking soccer, but tonight at the US Men's National team game vs. Jamaica at Crew Stadium, 23,000 people sang the Star Spangled Banner in unison as loudly and proudly as possible. It was beautiful. We are one nation under God*, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. *If that's your cup of tea. It's not mine, but I have enough respect to say the Pledge as it is written since the 1950s.
  6. Walking from 1st period to 2nd period as a HS Freshman: Me - "What'd you do in Mr. _____'s class?" Friend - "Not much, at the end we watched a plane hit one of the twin towers." Me - "What movie is that from?" as we walked into our 2nd period class and watched the 2nd plane hit. Took me a minute to pick my jaw up off the floor. I've always believed since then, that if we ever give up our freedom of open-mindedness in the interest of pursuing those who hate us for it, they have won.
  7. Saint-Martin or Sint Maarten? 2 different places on the same island.
  8. You find out what your payoff is (not the same as remaining balance), find out the payoff address, and send it there before the payoff quote expires. The title holder will release the title once the car has been paid off, and that's when you should give the car to whoever is buying it.
  9. The workforce doesn't want to work at McD's because we've been taught since an early age to work hard, get good grades, and study or else we'd be flipping burgers. Now those same people are criticizing the young workforce's reluctance to take such jobs out of a sense of misplaced pride in our mountain of college debt.
  10. I don't know what's worse, how many times that JPG has been compressed or the photo "editing" that's been done to it. or this thread.
  11. Has anyone here ever done business with a guy named Gregory Barnes? He runs a company called Global Striping LLC. EDIT: This has nothing to do with me getting a lot striped or anything, I've just recently had a poor experience with him, wondering if anyone else has.
  12. Allow me to point out some bias in this article: -posted on guns.com -references an EDITORIAL column published in a known conservative-leaning publication (Washington Times) -The James Lieto case the article mentions and fails to link to the WSJ? Well, they failed to link it because of the following facts; 1) two men involved in the seizure decided to plead guilty to a multi-million dollar fraud scheme in fall 2010, and 2) in February 2011, Lieto was informed he'd receive every cent back. -the author misquotes Franklin to appear to be more staunch in his defense of "little" liberties. The actual quote is: "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Everything about this reeks of having been modified to fit the author's intended goal. I'm not saying it's wrong, but getting worked up about such things without looking for possible other points of view is a betrayal of democracy.
  13. i think its pretty obvious i did right before the police station ran a train on her
  14. Drunk asshole rear-ends me at a stoplight doing about 30, swaps seats with his pregnant girlfriend, then takes off while I'm on the phone with the cops and my back is turned. I take solace knowing that he'll probably be in jail soon, but what a piece of shit; leaving his pregnant gf to lie to the cops (she was called out and immediately changed her story) on his pathetic behalf.
  15. I friggin love pumpkin beer season. Southern Tier's Pumking is delicious, even for someone likes me who doesn't like a ton of hops. I just picked up a sixer of the Woodchuck, looking forward to it.
  16. You shouldn't pay more than $425 for a great condition used one.
  17. Forgot about edamame. Get some frozen edamame (soy beans), microwave, salt the fuck out of them, and pop them out of the pods and chow down. Very healthy, relatively flavorless (other than the salt) and a good texture. Its a legume, not a veggie, but goes well with other veggies and gets you used to eating colorful things.
  18. I'm a huge meat-eater but my ex is vegetarian so I learned to cook a lot of stuff we'd both eat. My current gf also digs on veggies a lot so I get a lot of good ideas from her. And of course, who would I be to forget to thank my mom for some excellent veggie cooking tips. Corn: put that shit right on the grill without shucking, or shuck it and boil it. Either way, butter and salt that shit! Broccoli: I fucking hated broccoli until my mom got a grill basket, which is exactly what it sounds like. Somewhat thick metal basket with some holes in it to let juices drip out and flame directly cook. In a mixing bowl, toss broccoli with some olive oil, a little salt, some finely chopped garlic (a little goes a long way) and some ground black pepper. Then directly on the grill, tossing a couple times until you see the edges start to blacken. It's the only way I'll eat broccoli. Asparagus: While very very good sauteed, I prefer it done the way I like my broccoli. Same method, just use regular salt, garlic, black pepper, and olive oil. I like to put it in a ziploc bag and refrigerate overnight before grilling. Place it directly on the grill, no need for a grill basket. Mushrooms: Not a veggie but a delicious fungus. My current GF stuffs them with garlic, cottage cheese, mozzerella, with salt+pepper+cayenne+italian seasoning, then bakes them. I like stir-fried mushrooms, and grilled portobello. all deeelish. Brussel Sprouts: Fuck brussel sprouts. Cucumber: Thin-sliced, with a dash of salt and little red wine vinegar and you have yourself an incredibly delicious, healthy snack. If you don't like vinegar, I find them delicious with just salt or even plain. Either way, they're mostly water and a good way to get into eating veggies. Other ideas: Cambell's Creamy Chicken & Dumplings soup has a good amount of veggies in it for someone not used to eating them. Cream-based sauce dulls the flavor, and its pretty good. Chili is a GREAT way to get some veggies in you. My uncle makes his chili with beets in it. He cooks it so long the beets basically absorb the flavor of the meat and actually have a similar texture (to 16-hour stewed meat). You can put pretty much anything into chili and it'll end up absorbing the flavor of meat, so it's a great way to have some onions, peppers, corn, beans, etc. Stuffed peppers. Getting a little more adventurous here, as peppers tend to be more flavorful, but as someone who took a LONG time to love the flavor of a chile relleno, I can say this is the best way to enjoy non-spicy peppers. Also, use bacon. Everything tastes better with bacon.
  19. i love my bulgarian mak, they're great guns and this is a great price!
  20. I find that the easiest way to get a car open without the keys is with Macho Man Randy Savage. Do you have one of those lying around?
  21. I'm a raging moderate with a preference for conservatives who lean left, rather than liberals who lean right. IMO Jon Huntsman would've been the best thing for this country. The problem is that while I do see the conservative platform as the best thing for our country's economy, I refuse to support the Republican party based on the overwhelming influence of evangelism in social issues. Barry Goldwater saw it coming, and predicted the no-compromise ways of the current party. Only when the Santorums and Perrys have been eradicated from the party will I consider myself a potential Republican.
  22. That's a very fair starting price for this car given the condition. CarMax wants 15k for a similar one but they don't negotiate and they have fees.
  23. I have a hard time believing the people who voted AGAINST John Kerry in 2004 could stomach a vote for Romney this time around. I understand the "lesser of 2 evils" argument, but come on. Is there anyone in this political landscape whose true motives are blurrier than Romney's? Dare I use the 8-year-old term "flip flopper" to describe him? The entire Bush platform of 2004 boiled down to "I know I haven't been perfect, but give me 4 more years and I can fix this thing. And do it because you truly have NO IDEA WHAT MY OPPONENT STANDS FOR". Ask yourself, Republicans, if you believed Bush when he said it, why not now? Is it really all the reasons you say? Or is it because of the color tie he wears at conventions?
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