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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. At the same time that I feel the pinch of outrage, I still understand the rationale. -OSP is tasked with catching criminals, and is allocated funds to do so -Their performance is tracked by a number of vectors, some of which undoubtedly include traffic citations and the revenue that generates -Their jobs depend on their performance, as any funds deemed to be misused (in manpower especially) will be taken away. If faced with the prospect of losing their jobs, its a pretty clear choice, especially since public service jobs like this are usually the first to the chopping block.
  2. What caught my eye was the 5 grams of crack. Either all our crackheads stay off the roads, or we're relatively crackhead-free. Surprised that no mobile meth labs were found...yet
  3. I wonder how much of that was found in body cavities? Probably all of the heroin.
  4. http://www2.nbc4i.com/news/2012/aug/24/5/oshp-franklin-county-sheriffs-office-team-operatio-ar-1148746/ Put your crack pipes away and stay the fuck home if you've got warrants, cuz tha po po is comin for ya this weekend :megusta:
  5. This, if you're looking at the older ones. That Yamaha V8 was problematic.
  6. One opened at the corner of 33 and Grandview ave. Closed within months. Their prices are ridiculously high. The food is good, but when it comes to stacking meat veggies and cheese on bread there's a million places that undercut them on price.
  7. Until it, too, gets canned. When it's easier to tell someone that "it's the Acura Civic" than to explain the features and benefits of spending $26k on the base model of a rebadged car that Consumer Reports basically said "nahh...just go get the previous model year, the new ones suck", you're doomed.
  8. weren't the last ones based on the same platform as the Sebring?
  9. Good riddance to the Eclipse. Its like the girl you grew up loving in high school, then as you got a bit older she started getting "worn out" and less special...by the time you'd grown up and take a last look back at her final photo in the obituary, you see what a pathetic, stripped out husk she'd become. I will say that this is one of the most bizarre looking cars I've ever actually....kinda liked. Call me crazy but I dig the manchild hatchback look of this one and only this one: http://www.pdfun.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/2002-Pontiac-Aztek-Service-Manual.jpeg Then I saw this and was 100% ok with the death of the Aztek :dumb: (linked due to laziness/didn't want to resize). Photoshop job, but still. Retch.
  10. I was reading the whole thing saying in my head "yeah well I bet Brown gets donations too". Then they actually talked about it. 1) Bravo to the author of that article. 2) I AM OUTRAGED!!!!!!!
  11. I don't know how good or bad Park Ops is, but Parking Solutions Inc holds a lot of profitable accounts. If you have experience and can get a gig working Easton or The Cap, you can make some good cash. And in 360 cases out of 365, they side with you and not the claimant on issues such as this. I base this on the average 1 claim per day with PSI paying out roughly 1% of the time...I was the manager at Polaris.
  12. i need solid proof in order to be outraged by this
  13. youll never hear me dispute that I said that.
  14. Like many/all of the claims made in this thread, my OPINION is 100% made up on the spot and not based on any provable evidence or financial modeling. However, if I were to characterize the typical person who gets up in arms about this sort of alleged "misuse" of taxpayer dollars, I would characterize them using the following unsubstantiated claims: - They are the same people who, when observing a stationary officer checking speeds in a relatively safe zone, would say "why aren't those guys doing something useful, like catching criminals or collecting deadbeat's delinquent fines". - They are also the same people who believe the police, when tasked with "stopping crime", should do so without bothering the citizens who may or may not be doing anything illegal, because 4th amendment that's why. How exactly do you suggest police funds be spent? You don't think they should provide a public service to collect delinquent debts...I didn't read anything about special pay or hours for this, did you? I think it'd be foolish NOT to have people who are already on the city's clock. If it were as easy as telling police to "get out there and just stop crimes for once instead of all that other hullabaloo," there'd be 0 crime nationwide. To the suggestion that was made regarding wage garnishment/suspension of welfare services...you think the people who won't pay these fines are all upstanding citizens? I think there's a good chance some will turn to illegal means to get the money, especially if the government gets in the business of garnishing wages. More wages go off the books, less tax revenue for police, crime goes up and policing goes down, and all of a sudden Pataskala is a shithole. What a completely ridiculous thing to get all hot and bothered about.
  15. The 2.4 Tigershark looks to be a solid option when it arrives in the R/T. I'm with you, I think a turbo version of it will likely be awesome.
  16. I was playing with guns the other day and accidentally shot myself square in the face. Good thing it wasn't one of those deadly hollow points or I might've been dead. In other news, sky is blue, grass is green.
  17. Thank you for this and your other posts. I couldn't help thinking while reading that article that the guy who wrote it did research AFTER he'd made up his mind about his opinion, and not before. Looking down the list of previous articles he's written, there's an obvious bias and chip on his shoulder. Very poorly written and presented argument, will not read that guy's opinion again.
  18. If Obama is Bonnie, and Biden is Johnny Depp, I agree 200%
  19. Marc, question things all you want. Let me get this right: -Obama has not released transcripts -THEREFORE his grades are probably bad -THEREFORE he probably shouldn't have gotten into good schools -THEREFORE there were probably other forces at work -THEREFORE those forces were probably something to do with foreign exchange status, due to his probably forged birth certificate -THEREFORE he is ineligible to be president. Is that correct? Am I adding or missing a step in there? Because I count 5 unsubstantiated assumptions in that line of thinking. Sure seems like a lot of effort put forth by the Democrats to make this man president. And yet, a majority of American voters still preferred him over the competition. Sounds like sour grapes to me. Whether or not trolling, I post this for the consideration of all.
  20. I see your Pastafarianism and raise you Dudeism. I do so because I recently became an ordained Dudeist Priest as a gag gift from my uncle. http://dudeism.com/ "Come join the slowest-growing religion in the world – Dudeism. An ancient philosophy that preaches non-preachiness, practices as little as possible, and above all, uh…lost my train of thought there. Anyway, if you’d like to find peace on earth and goodwill, man, we’ll help you get started. Right after a little nap."
  21. I was going to say DHS requirements have gone completely bonkers, even for law enforcement agencies.
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