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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. both parties are minorly in the wrong, and this is one of those moments where you can do one of the following: A) Be vindictive and make his hobby much harder to engage in by having him kicked out of the track for a momentary lapse in judgement. Something I'm sure, were you on his side of events, you would certainly not appreciate. or B) Realize that we all have momentary lapses of judgement, let him know what happened but don't necessarily go asking for a payout/compensation, and both go on with your lives having learned a lesson and continue racing like you both love to do.
  2. He never will. No GM in the NHL will take a $3mil/year contract for a guy whose save % is .894 in 46 games. He's a backup at best, and for most teams he'd be an AHLer.
  3. They shouldn't be yelling "We want answers" because that's not the truth. They should be yelling "we want answers that validate our version of events".
  4. ITT We learn that all of CR is full of e-badasses who would IRL absolutely lose their shit over a car prank. Trolls take note, you want to rustle some jimmies, all you have to do is swap peoples valve stem caps with shitty LED ones or something similar.
  5. In Ohio, no one would ever notice.
  6. Ownership wants a yes-man and Howson is the guy for the job. J.P. McConnell is a steel guy, not a hockey guy. Mike Priest, the President, is a CPA, not a hockey guy. Nearly everyone at the top of the organization comes from a sales/finance background and has never even picked up a hockey stick. The guys I think should be calling the shots are guys like Todd Sharrock (VP, Public Relations) and Craig Patrick (Senior Advisor, Hockey Ops). At the end of the day, this franchise is being run as a hometown revenue generator for some good ole' boys who have their roots in Columbus.
  7. I think the problem is not with Howson, as I previously thought, but with ownership. John McConnell is not a hockey person. Read his bio on the site: http://bluejackets.nhl.com/club/page.htm?id=74285 Tell me that doesn't read like an advertisement for Worthington Industries. I think he runs an organization full of yes-men and Scott Howson is just another GM who is smart enough to know how to keep his job.
  8. Steve Delisle has been announced as the Jackets minor leaguer that went, likely because with the additions they'd be over the 50 contract limit. 3rd round pick will be returned to CBJ should the Rangers make the Stanley Cup Final this upcoming year. EDIT: Delisle was a 4th rd pick in 2008. 6'6" 233lbs holy crap thats a big boy.
  9. My prediction for starters RW - Anisimov C - Dubinsky LW - Foligno D - Wizniewski + Johnson G - Bobrovsky
  10. No shit. Say hello to your new captain Jack Johnson.
  11. about half an hour late on this, but Darren Dredger of TSN is reporting that Nash + 3rd rd pick + unnamed prospect for Artem Anisimov + Brandon Dubinsky + Tom Erixon + 1st rd pick from NYR. As usual, the Jackets get fleeced but ultimately improve.
  12. I would've preferred the NCAA just kick PSU out of the organization, but that truly would be unfair to all the other student athletes in the university who were not part of a program that put football ahead of academia, the law, and moral behavior. I think this is a decent compromise until DOJ gets ahold of it. I think every admin who covered it up should spend the rest of their lives in prison.
  13. 80 Scholarships, 4 year bowl ban (meaning all current players will be able to transfer without sitting a year), $60million fine. essentially a death penalty. You can't recover from that kind of scholarship loss. EDIT: wrong about sanctions. 40-65 scholarships, also vacating all wins since 1998
  14. While I'm by no means a die-hard NCAA Football fan, I'm glad they got the sanctions they did. A lot of people will cry "but it hurts those who were in no way involved! You're punishing innocent people!", and to an extent, I agree. However, I also will say that it doesn't matter, there are more important things to consider. It's unfortunate that these young athletes have to pay for the sins of their coaches and admins, but the more important message the NCAA sent is that if your school is clearly incapable of putting its priorities in line, you will not have success and we will make sure of that. In covering up Sandusky's transgressions, PSU coaches and admins made the integrity of football program their top priority. If they could so easily turn a blind eye to victims of child abuse for the sake of one man, how can anyone be certain that, as an accredited institute of higher learning, they would put the concerns of academia over football? It is for this reason that I fully support the draconian measures taken by the NCAA; they have gone the step beyond "lack of institutional control" to speak to a university like they are a child, in effect giving a warning to all other NCAA schools, and said "if you can't play responsibly with your football program, you won't have one."
  15. this deserves to be quoted. There are 2 sides to this story and the truth lies somewhere in the middle.
  16. FINALLY a political platform I can get behind. Nobody will get the job done in 2012!!!
  17. Not trying to accuse you of misrepresenting what appears to be a nice car, but there's a difference between 140k and 147k...thats about 6 months of driving. GLWS, I'll pass it along to some audi amigos.
  18. just posting so I auto-subscribe to this thread. cant wait to see the rebuttal
  19. Sadly, during the day I don't have the option to walk out. Our customer lounge is in the middle of the showroom and the TV is always on. I'm pretty good at tuning it out but I swear if I hear Mittens singing "America the Beautiful" with superimposed ominous messages one more time I'm going to go postal. BRB going postal...
  20. This is not a thread about politics. Everyone in politics is guilty of this. Does anyone else wish there was some sort of "Opt out" feature for cable providers where I could opt out of political ads appearing on my TV? For instance, instead of a political ad showing up, just a blank screen for 30 seconds. I don't have kids, but holy fuck if I did I wouldn't want them watching this shit. At least the violence and sex and drugs on TV don't pretend to be non-fiction. If we can create a chip to block out all "unsavory" programming, why can't we do the same to filter out all the BS and half-truths that, instead of promoting critical thinking and making one's own opinions, encourage people to accept others' word at face value without looking for alternate theories or ideas? rant over, carry on with your lives.
  21. Alright brokedicks, you win. $220 cash takes it. Mods please update thread title?
  22. Supplementing previous link, nbc4 includes name of complex he was spotted at. http://www2.nbc4i.com/news/2012/jul/17/ashland-murder-suspect-spotted-columbus-police-act-ar-1106737/
  23. I bought Dragon Age: Origins Ultimate and due to some glitch it wouldn't let me play any of the DLC content that came with it. So I pirated that shit since I paid for it and EA customer support only saw fit to accuse me of piracy. I figured if they think I did pirate my copy, why not fulfill their prophecy?
  24. I picked up KOTOR II from Amazon. Got my CD-ROM in the mail yesterday. Its the only game I've bought in the last 5 years for PC that I couldn't get digitally.
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