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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. or take a friend in a good gas mileage car, drive up and drive back. i'm not sure how but i think you can get a temp plate unless the car you need to get doesn't run
  2. what happened to auctioneering? p.s. this is alex formerly from PSI.
  3. Also forgot to mention the girl i know who has "CUNT" tatted on her inner lower lip. doesn't regret it one bit, but its confusing when she says "fuck my cunt"
  4. A few years back a (now ex-) girlfriend got a tattoo in the small of her back of a lizard I sketched. It was a pretty plain looking and I liked it, but that's always gonna in some way remind her of an ex-boyfriend. Probably a crappy thing to have inked on.
  5. some truth right here. 98.9 has got it right IMO. not always the best music but they cut DJs out and my changer only moves when they play Cyndi Lauper or Nickelback
  6. Yeah, strangely enough in Kentucky its the opposite where you get that tax allowance for used cars, not new. EDIT: The best way to go about the negotiation with the dealer is to let them know you want trade value PLUS tax savings to equal fair private party value for your car. that way you and the dealer are negotiating to the same end, it makes both yours and their lives easier and everyone ends up happy.
  7. Protip: In Ohio, when you trade in a car on a new vehicle (doesn't apply to used vehicles), you only pay tax on the difference number REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOU OWE ON YOUR OLD CAR. Example 1: You live in Franklin county (6.75% tax) and are trading in a $10,000 car (which you owe nothing on) on a new $20,000 car. Instead of paying $1,350 in tax, you only pay $675. Technically your trade in is worth $10,675 in that case. Example 2: You are trading in a $20,000 car that you owe $18,000 on towards a new $20,000 car. Even though, payoff included, you're only really putting $2000 down on the new car, the difference between trade-in and new car price is $0, therefore you pay $0 in tax. So in this case, instead of giving you $20,000 for your car, its essentially $21,350 to you.
  8. My answer to this is always the same: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBmueYJ0VhA
  9. the key is to place the butt of the stock directly on your crotch. really improves aim. edit: with my Moss 500 field barrel I was a 17/25 shooter. with my friend's Remington 870 bird gun I was at best 12/25. with another friend's short-barrel benelli I was back up to 15-16/25. the moral of the story is fire something you're comfortable with.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGKPlUiDxGA i dont even want to know who made the video for this
  11. First they drive to a shady part of town. Then they shoot up some Oxycontin, pass out in the backseat, and the first one to wake up with their 24"s stolen wins.
  13. http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/birthcertificate.asp I hope that, in all its delightful, well sourced glory, will put your uneasy mind to rest. I like it because it cites critics claims (alternate viewpoints!!!!) and then cites sources to try and counter those claims. No one would fault you for trying to find sources to disprove the things written in this article, and in fact I encourage it so that you may find a truth that works for you.
  14. You, again, are searching for the confirmation of your beliefs rather than the dissenting view. To quote Paul Craig Roberts: "Consider, who do you trust with your civil liberties, the US Department of Justice or the ACLU's phalanx of Jewish attorneys?" Sounds at least a little looney to me. I do find solidarity with many of the main ideas he believes, but he is just way too radical in every way, on all parts of the political spectrum. "The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently." -Friedrich Nietzsche I'm not disagreeing with your or Roberts' views, I'm just saying that there are many other views on the subjects and the truth probably lies somewhere closer to the realm of centrism rather than radicalism.
  15. I'm not frustrated about factual sources. That infowars thing you posted? The only factual thing shown is a scan of a legal document issued by Judge Michael Malihi. Now, should I just take that at face value because I need to wake up and realize that our freedoms are under attack from someone who may not be eligible to be president? Or, as you have repeatedly done with the mainstream media, should I be skeptical and look for another angle. Such as, "Who is this otherwise unknown guy Michael Malihi and what might he stand to gain that would skew his performance of his duties as judge?" Or possibly, "Why would a judge make the extreme requirements outlined in this document, and subsequently say the POTUS has no reasonable excuse as to why he cannot attend this frivolous litigation hearing?" I choose to question and hold on to my final judgement until there is more information. Do not hunt for a reliable news source. Read all the news sources and find your own truth in it. Read CNN, BBC, the Economist (incredible), Al-Jazeera (also incredible), Fox News, the London Times, the Dispatch and anything else you can. Maybe the fact that you don't see this story in the "mainstream media" is not that they are trying to keep it under wraps; maybe its because there's no story there and the average American doesn't want to hear the rantings and ravings of a radical judge. Or maybe its not. There are many truths and we all choose the ones that make our lives the easiest, and now that many people's lives are becoming more difficult we find it hard to admit that it is what we believe in that brought us here. I don't mean to attack you personally, I know I can get pretty voracious on political stuff. Do not take it as a personal attack. Your last post, however, did take a personal attack on me, so you know....hi Pot, I'm Kettle.
  16. "Since 1973, social security numbers have been issued by our central office. The first three (3) digits of a person's social security number are determined by the ZIP Code of the mailing address shown on the application for a social security number. Prior to 1973, social security numbers were assigned by our field offices. The number merely established that his/her card was issued by one of our offices in that State." SOURCE EDIT: B10 by LJ, thank you sir
  17. FTFY. You get your news from sensationalist "independent news sources" who use circuitous logic to prove their point. Yes, the media controls a lot of what we do and don't see but you know why they're good at what they do? People are willing to talk to them and give them a wide variety of information. When a fringe nut that you read comes along trying to pry out some fodder for their insane blog, no one wants to give them anything so they have to make it up. And that's what they do. That's how we get crazy shit like these SSN and birth certificate stories. I don't trust everything I read, but I do look for alternate viewpoints on everything. You go on and on about who's controlling the media but the lack of accountability in your "independent news sources" is frightening. When something like this SSN thing is disproven, instead of you accepting that as fact and disregarding the sources that spread that shit, you defend them by saying its a _____ controlled conspiracy to keep the truth away from the "sheeple". Then you tell us to wake up, as if we are somehow less intelligent and learned than you. Its your turn to wake up. Your way of life is not under attack. You have food in your mouth, a car in your driveway, and a roof over your head. People work hard to keep water running to your faucets and shit running away from your toilets. You live a comfortable life. I've spent 4 years of my life studying politics and all I got to show for it was a piece of paper and a hatred of fringe lunatics. Stop telling other people to educate themselves and start considering that there are other explanations to the way of things in this universe. Narrow-mindedness and fanaticism are the cause of this country's problems, not an imaginary elite whose sole goal is to shit on your Christmas. That's my rant and I'm sticking to it. EDIT: And as for a good news source, try Al Jazeera English. They rarely censor anything, and include extensive articles on stuff like the fracking in Ohio on their front page
  18. TBH I had not heard that the chemicals used were an industry secret. That very much frightens me. I'm all for experimenting with new methods and copyrights, but as Casper said up a few posts, not when it fucks with my drinking water. If the members of Congress who support fracking would drink a glass of water containing all the chemicals used in the process, maybe I'd throw my support behind it :gabe:
  19. Relevant to this matter: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/01/house-republicans-order-j_n_1246971.html?1328114727 This is but one side of the story, but its important.
  20. Batman Arkham City on XBOX360, catwoman code has been used $30 EDIT: looked at CL prices PM me, of 25 views I know one of you clowns has $30 for this.
  21. The reason for this is because of the disparity in cars on the Autobahn. On the one hand, you had rickety old Trabants and Ladas still driving around for a while with Benzes and BMWs sharing the same space. A Trabant cruising at 50 in the left lane would be pulverized by a BMW cruising at 90. I've discovered the best way to deal with shithead left lane drivers is with pressure. One common thread among Ohio drivers is that they hate to be passed and they hate to feel like the slow car on the road. Often times you can cure their nanny drivingism by slowing down a little bit and then speeding up towards them. It doesnt have to be stupid fast, just give them the impression that a faster car is approaching. I'd say 8 times out of 10, this gets the car in front to speed up to a normal level.
  22. What size boot are those bindings drilled for? Any corrosion on the edge? Pic of the underside? My dad had a pair almost identical, we both use old K2s and they're great skis.
  23. 1959 Chevy Apache pickup. I still think about her :no:
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