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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Its a controversial issue, but the "privacy" thing needs to be thrown out. You have no right to privacy walking down a street.
  2. I use GoSMSPro and just use a plain black theme, not girly at all. I'm running Gingerbread on a Droid Bionic and it doesn't feel bloated at all.
  3. For a year we've watched the two parties play hardball with one another over the budget and spending crises facing the U.S. Instead of laying out a budget, stating the issues and compromising to come up with a working framework for the future, every few months we near a government shutdown with the bare minimum progress being accomplished. Each party has their goals and refuses to budge on them. Yet in a matter of months legislators from both sides of the aisle have come together and held hands in solidarity. To promote peace? To solve the fiscal crisis? To help the needy, reform the broken system of government, or to have serious discussions on world security? No. In this time of political posturing, the only thing these fucking morons come together for is to promote censorship, litigation, and corporate interests. We are fucked. Our legislators are fucked, and we citizens are fucked because we haven't stood up to them to say "FUCK YOUR AGENDA. Fuck your campaign contributors, fuck your special interests, fuck who YOU say creates jobs. Start working for us or start walking."
  4. not 100% sure, but when I worked at Brio/Bravo corporate office on Goodale (near where the Grandview Yard is not) there was a place where all the homeless dudes would bring their scrap right next door. Its called Research Alloys Co. Inc., not sure if its only aluminum though.
  5. Kraut-rice 1M makes me sad edit: but I do love the blacked-out kidney surrounds
  6. What dealer? I'm always entertained by stories of idiot salespeople. Hurrrrr if I make him feel dumb maybe he'll buy my car!!!
  7. Imagine if it were an elective decision when purchasing insurance: "Do you, at any time during your coverage, plan to drive drunk? If so, would you like to add Drunken Mishap Insurance to your policy? This will add approximately $2533 to your 6-month premium. Note: If you drive any F-Body GM product, this coverage will be added automatically"
  9. UPDATE: ODOT running out of money for this clusterfuck. http://www2.nbc4i.com/news/2012/jan/17/5/odot-funds-running-low-ar-899207/ So they'll complete what they've got going on now? But what's Phase Two?
  10. on the upside, every GS out there probably got a tiny bit more valuable
  11. My parents just got their 135i back from Deutschland last month, that thing is great. I was amazed how easily it pulled in 6th gear at 60mph. Theirs is pretty much loaded, they wanted a 1M but the only dealer that would sell them one wanted $10k over sticker :lolguy: The only gripe I have about BMWs is those fucking run-flat tires that ruin the ride. My dad's already looking at alternate sets.
  12. Quoted for the inevitable flag and removal.
  13. be irked that whoever made the grill used a finish that would be easily stripped by a common, well recommended grill polish/cleaner might as well get going on the entire grill for the uniform look. not trying to troll, just trying to guide expectations.
  14. Probably will catch some flak for this: http://uuce.net/covenant/ Disclosure: I'm an agnostic. I subscribe to the principles of all religions and the restrictions of none. I'm not UU but someone I was very close to was, and she helped me see the value in religion where before I thought there was none. I was born into a hyper-Catholic family from Portugal but my parents, like me, hated the overbearing governance of religion in their lives. They raised me and my sister going to a Congregationalist church, of which there seem to be a few in your area. http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-Address&gs_upl=5945l6894l1l7069l9l8l0l0l0l0l270l1164l0.5.2l7l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&biw=1366&bih=643&wrapid=tlif132675941452110&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=congregationalist+church+pataskala&fb=1&gl=us&hq=congregationalist+church&hnear=0x883868c4f7291ec9:0xd4516c24cfc38d6,Pataskala,+OH&ei=Bb4UT8qqGI7Ytwenoq1N&sa=X&oi=local_group&ct=image&ved=0CAUQtgM
  15. can a mod please change my title from Senior Member to Assistant Director in Charge? edit: LMAO at the CC list. OH NO NOT THE CANADIAN POLICE ASSOCIATION.
  16. Attn: Jones http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGmCKxTgSrI Great ad. Saw it during football games tonight.
  17. There comes a point where they need to realize you're not typical customer. As in, service writer tells manager "Listen, this guy knows his shit, he's not going to accept shitty quality work. We can either continue throwing good money after bad on crappy repairs trying to get him to just take his car home, or we can spend more money, do it right, and wash our hands of it"
  18. If you haven't kept up with OP's other thread, it seems like it's been one cheap fix after another for his car. Carmax is absolutely trying to do right by him, but youd think that 2 months down the road they would've gotten his car to him in one piece.
  19. i dont know why i knew that eukaryote was the right answer, but i did. Woulda been useful on my AP Bio exam that I failed spectacularly my freshman year of HS
  20. There is a special place in hell reserved for what I call the Yellow Light Racers. As you approach the stoplight following the Prius in front of you going 30mph in a 45 zone, you're trying to keep your hands on the wheel instead of tearing your hair out. You, the attentive driver, notice the crosswalk counter. ...9 ...8 ...7 The driver in front of you slows down inexplicably. Maybe they're thinking about turning right at the light. Who knows. ...6 ...5 You're still 75 yards away, the crosswalk counter taunting you... ...4 ...3 Oh look, the driver in front of you seems to have gotten a call on their phone. Better slow it down another MPH or two ...2 ...1 As the crosswalk counter stops, the light turns yellow, and you're 25 yards away. Suddenly, the car in front of you lurches forward with the power of a thousand dying suns, and in the blink of an eye they have somehow accelerated to 1 meter per second slower than the speed of light. Precisely one millisecond before the light turns red, they blast into the intersection, probably telling the person on their phone "OH YEAH I REMEMBER WHERE I WAS GOING ITS JUST PAST THIS LIGHT I'LL BE THERE IN 2 SECONDS", leaving you in a cloud of their exhaust. As you see them turn into the driveway 20 feet past the intersection, you stroke the blade of your hunting knife, look in your rearview mirror at your own reflection bathed in the red glow of the stoplight and think to yourself, "soon..."
  21. Question 10: How old is the earth? [answers correctly] [sees "Christian Science Monitor"] [head explodes] 32 Correct, almost all biology questions wrong and a couple chem wrong. don't fuck with me on physics though.
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