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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. He's referring to the Israelis. They have a much more profiling-based system (a big no-no in the U.S.). Its impossible to tell if someone's going to attack based on the color of their skin in Israel, as you have many Arab Jews and Christians as well as Arab Muslims. The point of the questions is not to get answers, its to implant doubt and fear into terrorists. If they have to go through many layers of security, having answers to many questions, all while knowing their answers, actions, and appearances are being monitored, its enough to make someone nervous. That nervousness breeds mistakes, which is just what their security is based on. I largely agree with you that the TSA is retarded. It assumes that terrorists are going to use water bottles hidden in elderly folks' wheelchairs and shoe bombs on 4 year olds. Their method is to spread the fear around so everyone is on edge, waiting to react. The Israeli method is to make innocent people not think about security and suspicious people terrified of it. You give me a room of 100 people, 5 of whom feel extremely uncomfortable and it shouldn't be too hard to identify those 5. But if you give me a room of 100 people where everyone's on edge and 5 people are on edge and suspicious, its much harder to identify them.
  2. Without getting into too much detail, I think to some degree the U.S. need to examine and adopt parts of Israeli airport security. It all starts the same way as traffic stops in the U.S. do: Officer: "Good morning, where are you coming from and where are you going?" Basic first level of security not even remotely observed by the TSA.
  3. Edwards is the doctor for the Columbus Crew, I think he probably knows a thing or two about sports knee injuries. I went to him numerous times when I played HS soccer. I was just at Ohio Center for Orthopaedic Excellence for shoulder/elbow issues, they're very professional, had my xrays taken, analyzed, and had me out the door for a really bad elbow bruise/bursitis in less than an hour. edit: apparently he's also a team physician for the US national soccer teams.
  4. Protip: Don't join Sports Monster. they're cheap but you get what you pay for. I'm trying to get my very very casual beer league team to join at berliner for a bit more competition.
  5. -rich daddies have daughters reaching driving age -purchase base auto AWD BMW for 16th birthday present -months later, 16 year old daughter has had 4 crashes in said car -your insurance rates spike because insurer assumes everyone who drives 328xi is a moron due to higher-than-average incident rates
  6. "HAY GUYS DID YOU KNOW THAT 100% OF PEOPLE WHO ARE BORN DIE? LIVING HAS BEEN PROVEN TO BE THE WORLD'S LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH!!!!!!!!" OH KNOW WHAT SHOULD WE DOOOOOOOO? "Why, you should visit my website and buy my product or service that allegedly solves this issue good sir!" This has been a presentation of "the basis for every scientific study ever" foundation. Please continue whipping yourself into hysterics over nothing, our jobs rely on it.
  7. Can we change the name of the kitchen to troll.livejournal.com
  8. Linsanity is a fad, he will be terrible soon.
  9. tell me about it. 24 going on 25 here and I can't fucking wait to stop paying $1k a year on a shitty old Hyundai.
  10. oh that is perfect for some 6' tall shrubs. from his side it'll just be a slab of concrete in front of some shrubs in no way connected to his property
  11. $100/mo for those three!? Thats insane. Is your deductible $2000 or something?
  12. That is amazing. OP, get with Sam to figure out how much roughly it costs for a 3'x20' section of concrete and bill your neighbor for it, since you kinda paid for it (when you bought the house). Tell him he can either buy it from you or you'll let the city know you're not pleased at the unsightly slab of concrete in his yard.
  13. The city was perfectly happy to deal with your neighbor's complaint. If they can be pleasant with you, they will surely be happy to be pleasant with him. Hell, if I were them I'd probably be laughing on my way to your neighbors door to give them notice of your complaint. Or, alternately, look to see if there's code preventing something really bizarre...like making a fence on your property line of plastic lawn chairs. Paint rage faces. Enjoy the rage that ensues.
  14. Not enough data compiled on the $100k+ models to affect rates. Relatively inexpensive to fix (compared to the German cars on that list) There's probably more retirees driving Corvettes than any other age range. I'd bet a majority of Corvettes are driven a maximum of 66 mph and never see any adverse weather. edit: regarding the GMC Sierra K1500, werent those the trucks whose gas tank(s) were mounted outside the frame rails? Woulda thought that'd send up some insurance red flags.
  15. truth on the pricing. a quick search turns up an M3 Cabrio for $2500 more. more miles but 2 years newer and definitely better resale value http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/2783255238.html That dude is either insane and/or thinks he's gods gift to internet car sellers
  16. So with the exception of a Jag XKR and Nissan GTR, insurance companies assume that all German car owners are morons with too much money and not enough wisdom to use it on a car control/defensive driving course.
  17. I drive ~ 10mi going against traffic from downtown-Rburg for work every morning. Traffic usually stems from lots of idiot drivers. Today it was one lady in a nasty old Escort doing about 30mph in the middle lane with her hazards on that everyone was trying to get around.
  18. This, To make a long story short, they do not make extender tubes for standard barrels of the Moss 500. When I had mine I did a ton of research into it.
  19. Glock compacts or Springfield XD compacts are the way to go IMO.
  20. its usually just cheaper to buy a new printer that comes with ink edit: this method applies with crappy printers only.
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