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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. I shall certainly try to make it out. I lost a hockey team once (grew up just outside Hartford til 2000), I don't want to lose another.
  2. love it. hardcore white people product placement though.
  3. Lady was driving a Civic, its not like he couldn't see over her. We all get distracted from time to time, but it takes exceptional circumstances for someone to die as a consequence.
  4. I'll bet anything he's back behind the wheel in less than a month. Pathetic.
  5. NORMALLY I'm not very pro-union despite having family members in teacher's unions, but IMO the biggest thing allowing the RIAA to get away with all this insanity is the lack of a musicians union. And to directly answer your query, all innovation is stifled by corruption. Hell, the head of the MPAA (and former shithead politician) Chris Dodd came out and admitted that if you get checks from the MPAA YOU BETTER FUCKING BE IN THEIR POCKET. "Candidly, those who count on quote ‘Hollywood’ for support need to understand that this industry is watching very carefully who’s going to stand up for them when their job is at stake. Don’t ask me to write a check for you when you think your job is at risk and then don’t pay any attention to me when my job is at stake." - Chris Dodd
  6. comparing US prices to EU prices is tough. EU uses VAT system to tax which drives prices up, whereas we advertise without tax. More often than not, prices in the U.S. are dramatically lower than Euro counterparts. However, it is a huge cost to manufacturers to certify cars for U.S. safety standards. The first problem is the amount of lobbying (back to government) that needs to be done to omit certain results. Ford Fiesta gets a 5-star NHTSA rating for rear passengers when they observed that spinal forces up to 87 g's were measured on test dummies, yet that metric was not included in the evaluation of the car's crashworthiness. Many Euro cars have a much harder time getting that coveted rating, unless they build their vehicles on U.S. soil. Jones mentioned Euro NCAP standards being accepted here, but its frankly not possible. Their standards are way too weak for the number of big trucks we have in this country. Another issue is that the gas engines in Euro cars are meant to run on 91 at the very least. Our gas here is toxic runoff compared to the Pellegrino they're putting in Euro cars. All that said, I'd love to see Skoda, Seat, Renault, Citroen, and to appease the James May fans, Dacia all in the U.S. Competition breeds excellence.
  7. Great progress has been made in the fight vs. SOPA and PIPA but we can't let down our resolve. Watch, in the next few months and years, the wording of SOPA and PIPA will be attached, very quietly, to other bills that are not as easy to shoot down. For example, a similar bill is working its way through the House right now (sponsored by who else but Lamar Smith). This one is not aimed at Piracy. This one is aimed at Child Pornographers. Just try getting your House and Senate reps to vote against something that allegedly "protects our children". They could amend this bill to say "provisions in this bill allow for certain constitutional rights to be circumvented in the interest of locking up citizens for a good ole fashioned asspounding" and no one would vote against it. We must remain vigilant against this kind of bullshit politics. It will only get harder to fight, but we have to learn to use the kind of power the internet harnessed in defeating SOPA and PIPA to prevent this kinda shit.
  8. How would the CR community feel if you weren't allowed to conceal your weapon, but were required to show it on your hip? And if that were the case, you were allowed to wear it in bars, etc? It'd definitely solve the issue of knowing what's going on around you but it'd raise a whole slew of other issues of course.
  9. No this wasn't directed at you. I agree, situational awareness is your best tool in combating such an occurrence. However, I think its foolhardy to NOT assume that others are not as situationally aware as you or I may be, just as we treat all other drivers in the snow as idiots in OH, assuming that at any moment they may decide that the space you occupy is where they'd like to be. Given that, both the OP and I are curious as to how such a situation would be avoided. The response seems to be education, education, education, training, education, and training. Given a perfect world and predictable probabilities, I too would like to be armed rather than not be armed. In our imperfect and unpredictable world, I think arming one's self invites...I hesitate to say "problems", I think "unintended responsibilities" would be the best way to describe it. And avoidance to the best of your abilities is the best solution.
  10. As was said earlier in this thread, the CCW people seem to have a plan for every situation. Hell, there's even a thread on here about a winter carry holster wherein the OP says he doesn't want to have to draw a weapon across his body, potentially endangering any bystanders. So far what I'm seeing is a CCW crowd dismissing this entirely realistic situation (as was quoted in the Tuscon shooting post) as being unworthy of having a clear-cut plan of action for.
  11. Questioning =/= harassment. Two of the best questions an LEO can use to assess your intentions: "Where are you coming from? Where are you going?" Spending time conversing with an LEO in public while you have free use of your hands =/= being detained. Just because you're not detained doesn't mean you have free reign to disobey authority figures. And the right to bear arms is protected, not the right to bear arms in such a way as it endangers others. I choose not to get a CCW for the sole fact that if I were ever forced to use a gun to defend myself, I never know who else around has a CCW will misunderstand my emergency as a threat to them and in turn try to hurt me. Openness and knowledge IMO make everyone safer. EDIT: To answer your first question, its not a search. It doesn't need to be called anything other than what it is; which is passively scanning for disruptions in energy fields that indicate someone is holding a gun. There's no law preventing you from wearing silver underpants to fool it.
  12. this whole thread is gay http://imgbit.com/images/17bc8cd04a1266725747.png
  13. ITT animal control officers learn whose house to dump all their catches at edit: sorry to hear about your loss..that coon must've been very meaningful to you for you to make a thread about him
  14. I entirely approve of Bryan Cranston though
  15. I imagined you clicking that and having the reaction of Clarkson in your avatar
  16. If you don't piss people off from time to time, you're doing it wrong
  17. A whole lot more people are about to remember it http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1386703/
  18. thats the place. i once saw a homeless dude scrap a shopping cart there.
  19. I disagree that it should be considered an unlawful seach. If you're a legal gun owner, are in compliance with all laws, you have nothing to worry about. If you are an illegal gun owner, or are not in compliance with laws, then you have no right not to be searched. Its not like drugs or contraband which can in no way hurt those around you (directly) when they are on your person. An improperly carried gun can kill people. What I fear is that they will use this passive scanning to conduct unlawful searches. Lets look at a couple examples; Scenario 1) Lawful gun owner, not doing anything illegal -LEO Uses passive scan to determine he is carrying a concealed weapon -LEA aproaches subject, asks for identification and proof of legal ownership and right to carry weapon -Subject provides information, is sent along his merry way Scenario 2) Unlawful gun owner, otherwise not doing anything illegal -LEO identifies subject using passive scan -LEO approaches subject, finds he has no proof of gun ownership or right to carry -LEO arrests subject, one less gun-toting idiot on the street Scenario 3) Lawful gun owner, happens to have a small bag of crack in his pocket -LEO identifies subject using passive scan -LEO approaches subject, demands he place his hands against the wall and spread his feet without giving subject a chance to prove gun ownership -LEO finds crack, arrests subject -Weeks/months go by, subject is tried and acquitted due to violation of 4th amendment rights, LEO loses his job and department is sued for violation of rights. Everyone is afraid of scenario 3, but thats only because someone is improperly abusing the system. My guess is that LEO in scenario 3 would find a way to violate 4th amendment rights with or without such a device. I think scenarios 1 and 2 would be more common and that's what they're trying to accomplish with this. EDIT: I can think of no better real-world example for the use of this than Plaxico Burress. Here is someone who was legally allowed to concealed carry firearms in FL (and therefore many other states), yet managed to shoot himself in a club in NY because he: -Didn't know proper gun safety (seriously, tucking it in sweatpants waistband???) -Didn't know local gun laws -If he did know them, he willfully disregarded them and deserved to be arrested.
  20. one of them is gay, if i was on that side of the fence it would've probably already happened. gay people just have random sex with one another regardless of attraction right? edit: thats what the gay crystal meth addict on Intervention taught me at least
  21. bro, i just got this off a dude who was parting out his plane at Don Scott. he said it was ok, i even got this bill of sale!
  22. I had a dream where I was sitting in an auditorium with a large crowd, unsure why, when the curtain comes up and my roommate and 2 of my best friends are on stage. The lights dim to almost black and then they start singing "Crossroads" by Bone Thugz. As soon as they got to the "bone bone bone bone" part at the beginning, I woke up laughing hysterically. edit: everyone in the above dream is white and of Irish descent
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