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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. If I could have Cane's fingers made spicy style like Popeyes, sides of red beans & cajun rice, texas toast, and a bucket of cane's sauce, all ordered from one drive thru, I'd die happy.
  2. You missed the free blowjob giveaway presented by unionized supermodels of america.
  3. Popeye's bruh :gabe: Although canes sauce = http://d37nnnqwv9amwr.cloudfront.net/photos/images/original/000/119/924/sweetjesus.jpg?1304464078
  4. For the car enthusiast in you, Tommy Byrne's autobiography. Its the story of a guy who could compete with the likes of Ayrton Senna yet fizzled out because of his own admitted shitheadness. And he's an instructor at Mid-Ohio now. http://www.crashorbyrne.com/ Great book, great guy. I've heard him tell a couple of the stories from the book in person and he's a riot to talk to.
  5. posting so i can stay subscribed to this clusterfuck
  6. PSA: If you're driving merrily in the center lane legally following all rules of the road and posted signs, the SHP can still ticket you. Speed limits should be called "Speed Limits for Ideal Road Conditions". They could claim that given the weather, road conditions, angle of the sun, whatever, you were driving unsafely.
  7. E) Engage troll mode; turn on right blinker, slam on brakes, turn off right blinker, wait 1.5 seconds, move over to the right just as car behind you does same thing.
  8. I think you'd like this: http://www.amazon.com/River-Gods-Ian-McDonald/dp/1591025958 River Of Gods This ambitious portrait of a future India from British author McDonald (Desolation Road) offers multitudes: gods, castes, protagonists, cultures. Nine disparate characters, including a cop, a scientist and a stand-up comic, act out their related dramas—be they personal, political or of the mystery-thriller variety—in successive chapters within each of the book's five sections. In the India of 2047, genetically engineered children comprise a new caste, adults can be surgically transformed into a neutral gender, a water war has broken out as the Ganges threatens to run dry, AIs are violently destroyed if they approach levels akin to human intelligence, and something strange has just appeared in the solar system. The deliberate pace and lack of explanation require patience at the outset, but readers will become increasingly hooked as the pieces of McDonald's richly detailed world fall into place. Already nominated for both Hugo and Arthur C. Clarke awards, this is sure to one of the more talked-about SF novels of the year.
  9. I guess what I'm suggesting is that we need to do our part to make sure those crap dealers get squeezed out of the market. I work very hard at my job to not come across as a greasy car salesman. Yes, I offer people less than they'd like on their trades, and yes, I ask them to pay more than invoice on our cars. That's just part of the negotiation. What I ask of you then, is to help us out in getting rid of scumbag dealers. If you do blanket emails and just give your business to the lowest bidder, you're indirectly feeding the system of greasy dealers taking advantage of consumers. You won't be sure if you're giving your business to a dealer that makes their living screwing people if you never walk in the showroom and deal with a salesperson. I've got no problem calling out shitty dealers on their practices, but how are you sure which dealers are shitty because they simply cant afford to accept your deal, and which are shitty because they're legitimately trying to screw you? Spend half an hour to an hour in a dealership and the answer presents itself immediately. Make us EARN your business through good service and you'll not only get the best price but you'll also get a dedicated service team. You may get the best price a different way, which is good for you, but it may end up being bad for an ethical dealer.
  10. Again, I agree with what you're saying in regards to dirty dealers, but we all have to operate in the same world whether we're ethical or unethical about our business. You say you refuse to deal with someone who low-balls you on trade and asks for full value for their car; do you see the hypocrisy in that? You shop around a car and DEMAND that a dealer accept less that they want to on it, yet when a dealer asks you to consider doing the same for your trade in it becomes robbery or bad business? I'm not saying you're wrong for doing what you do. I get paid to work with people who are educated and uneducated about the auto finance world, to inform them of their options and to help them reach the most financially viable solution to their transport needs. Its every person's right to ask for a better deal. Its also your right to badmouth us for not accepting a deal, but I ask you to keep this in mind too: Its my job to make money for the company and myself, not an easy task when I get a customer who sees every dollar that goes out of his pocket and into mine as robbery. I only ask you, for manager's and salespeople's sake, to not treat dealership employees like scum. You'll find that a lot of your vehicular problems can be solved simply by having a dealer that you can connect with. People will go to great lengths to help someone they really WANT to help.
  11. I can't fault you for pointing out what in many cases is true, but don't talk about a dealership making profit as a dirty thing. Would you do your job for free? Profit is not a dirty word, and a car dealers as a business trying to make money shouldn't be frowned upon as something unethical.
  12. agree. but saab was managed for shit, unfortunately. my mom's old 9000CSE was one of her favorite ever cars.
  13. I'd rather buy a car from a bankrupt shitbox company than go bankrupt trying to fix a shitbox audi. Thats not to say that there aren't great Audis out there, but the ones you can get inexpensively are shitboxes.
  14. bad cars, bad salesmen, bad managers? give us the dirt.
  15. how's the camera? i was disappointed to see 5.1MP versus 8MP on Bionic but I figure you might have some insight on how they stack up. If they put 5.1MP on Nexus its probably because it does the job well enough.
  16. I'm telling ya man, I probably make the same number of errors with my old Ally as I do with Bionic. Screen size is such that the keys are hard to screw up. Also, try typing with your fingers, not your dick. The mushroom stamps on the screen are probably hard to clean off.
  17. Soave's ouster was wonderful. The new guy, Tim Kuniskis, knows the U.S. market. I can't say anything specific, but expect to see an aggresively adjusted offering lineup very soon. I don't know where they got that sub-12k number. To date FIAT has sold roughly 20,000 units since March 11. Take into account vehicles such as the Nissan Cube, a similarly quirky car, sold 21k in their first calendar year. That 50,000 was not an expectation, it was a goal. I don't know about you, but I always set my goals way higher than my expectations. EDIT: Just went to Dailytech's website. I don't know why anyone is quoting them for auto statistics. Look to Autonews for your auto statistics.
  18. Its not hard to find invoices. I'm pretty sure cars.com, truecar, edmunds, etc all have ways to find it. ask to see invoice sheet. they don't need to show you, but if you ask to see it and say you'll offer X% over invoice that's a reasonable deal (depending on the car and the market) for the salesman, the dealership, and you.
  19. for inexpensive headphones, i agree with you that skullcandy are the way to go. i've got a cheap pair of earbuds at home that are way better than any sony,apple,etc earbud i've used that cost < $30. and FYI my opinions are facts, supported by unflinching confidence
  20. Don't get me wrong, I fuckin hated that phone. In going from the Ally to the Bionic I went from a do-nothing bare minimum Android phone to a near top of the line (with the exception of Nexus) do-anything phone. Go to a store and fool around with nexus or bionic. i use the speech-to-text function all the time and barely type.
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