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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. whoa shit. Dude helped me out with some car repair, seemed like a nice guy. Probably because I'm not Jewish, I guess.
  2. Drive your car into the fires of Mount Doom.
  3. Its a good deal, but bet on that drive being dead in 6 months. I bought a 32GB Centon drive from Woot and it performed quite well until one day when it just decided "fuck this" and fried itself. I would buy a cheap data stick made by them just because Woot sells them for dirt, but regardless of XXGB storage, I wouldn't drop $50 on that brand.
  4. Consider what you want in a TV, especially since your 5y/o DLP just shit the bed. Plasma sucks for longevity and power consumption. Plasma will have the best color IMO. Don't get sold on package deals. Buy the tv you want because its the TV you want, not because of the shit they throw in with it. 3D gives you a headache. You can get just as great a picture from a high-end regular TV as you can with a dual-engine 3D tv. I don't work in a TV store or anything, but the best picture I've ever seen on a TV was on a 2D Samsung 46". The difference between "superb" picture quality and "very good" picture quality is not worth buying something twice as expensive, at least to me. Vizio. Vizio. Vizio. You at least owe it to yourself to look at Vizio. Everyone I know has had theirs for years and swears by the brand, including me with my 37" LCD.
  5. Since I moved out of my last apartment (the one I was robbed in by armed assholes) I feel less of a need to have a loaded handgun with 19+1 rounds by my bed. My friend is thinking about buying this off me but I want to see what kind of interest there is. I've probably put 250 rounds through it, cleaned after every use. It's been sitting lately so I'm going to clean it when I have a day off. Comes with that basic kit incl. holster and basic cleaning supplies, has all interchangeable grips and a generic rubber grip cover. Comes with 3 Springfield mags, and a cheap flashlight (with 2 123A batteries that you don't have to buy...fuckers are expensive). I have $585 in it, I'd like to get $500 out. Not going to sell it until my buddy gives me an affirmative yay or nay, but if you're interested let me know so I can get on his ass about making a decision. Oh and it has typical light wear from being a used gun, but it is in very good condition. EDIT: Priced at $475 now, forgot to edit OP.
  6. I'm trading my upgrade to a friend for his lightly used Thunderbolt. Since I'm getting it free I'm happy with that deal, but I think the Bionic is what I'd buy if I were dropping cash on a phone. Only dual-core on verizon.
  7. We have one at the dealership that gets used a LOT. Its nice because we don't have to constantly fill a pot for ourselves/customers but it sucks to keep clean and the coffee tastes like its full of extra chemicals. Fresh ground + french press + electric kettle is the best way to go IMO. edit: this one http://www.keurig.com/brewers/b3000se
  8. At what point can we expect the OSU homer bitching to stop? At least I don't have to hear week upon week of national title talk anymore.
  9. I had a young customer get her car financed through them. We couldn't even come close. They can offer ridiculous rates because they know EXACTLY where to go to find your employer and your finances.
  10. We get a lot of Navy Federal and USAA customers. They are usually competitive. OP, what kind of car is that 3.4-3.9% loan on? As was said earlier, thats a great rate for any used car but I'm assuming its something low miles in the 2008-10 range?
  11. I used that the last time I sold off a load of comics and it was an epic waste of time. I don't so much care about finding prices on each as opposed to knowing whether or not they're cool. If there's an odd valuable one here or there, great, but I don't care to go through and value each one.
  12. I'd be careful with this. When I lived in Boston I usually had 2-3 knives on me at any given time. I'd been attacked or threatened with knives, bricks, mace, batons, etc and knives with blades under 4" (i think that was the limit) were the only legal form of protection that didn't require a license (yes, even mace requiers a permit...its freakin MA). When I moved back to Ohio I did a bit of research on knife carry and found a VERY vague code. What I gleaned from it was that knife carry in Ohio is permitted only if it is not to be used as a deadly weapon. Also illegal are switchblades, butterfly knives, and springblades. So if you are concealing a knife, it is considered a utility knife and that is legal. The minute you use it, even in self defense, against another person, you are considered to have been in unlawful possession of a concealed deadly weapon.
  13. Any of you guys out there? I'm at work but my roommate just informed me 4 boxes of comic books just arrived on our doorstep from my crazy uncle in California. I imagine most of them are from the early/mid 80's but when he called he said there's a chance some of them are from the 60s or 70s but he didnt have the time or energy to look. So, anyone out there who knows shit about these? I've got a lot of work ahead of me figuring these bitches out.
  14. My dad's not a scotch drinker but he's always got a bottle of this in case he's entertaining someone who is.
  15. He probably has to slouch for maximum grease-funnelling efficiency. Its his civil right to not chew and instead just swallow his sliders whole, and he needs a wider booth to do that.
  16. We've still got plenty of this planet to destroy, lets follow through on that task before we set about destroying a brand new planet.
  17. I'm 6'3" 280 and if there's somewhere I can't sit, I walk somewhere else. Sounds to me this guy isn't upset about his civil rights being violated, he just doesn't ever want to have to walk anywhere other than the nearest seat. I say this based on the fact that he A) is so bothered by small seats that he has forgotten the step where he walks somewhere to look for a bigger seat and B) sent his wife to get his burgers for him because the place that has his burgers has no nearby fat seats. What part about that says we should pander to his demands?
  18. To me the best part of that whole article is how offended he was about White Castle's insulting offer....THAT HE THEN HAD HIS WIFE GO USE FOR HIS FAT ASS.
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