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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. I think you vastly underestimate Trumps willingness to do things that don't make sense.
  2. I'm sure there are security implications surrounding whatever platform he uses to tweet, though. IIRC Obama was the first ever POTUS to carry a cell phone while in office. I wonder if it's just a non issue at this point in time or if secret service has to take precautions with whatever devices Trump wants to keep on him and use for social media.
  3. I remember there was a lot of shit Obama went through with his blackberry and the secret service, I wonder what will happen with Trump as well.
  4. The first time I did the mid ohio driving school when I was 16 there was a guy who drive down from Ontario in his Cooper S. Never pushed his car too hard, never the fastest on the track, but I think he had more fun than anyone else just tossing that little car around the track and then driving it back home.
  5. There is a 0% chance that someone other than Trump himself was going on early morning tirades during the campaign. I'm sure he has a team that manages SOME parts of his social media, but his twitter account is almost assuredly entirely his. In fact it's a bit of an interesting sticking point within his transition team as he prepares for his role as POTUS, some are very much for him staying on twitter while others favor him dropping off.
  6. I use twitter exclusively for following AP News (the only news source that actually VERIFIES info before publishing it) and following NHL beat writers. It's pretty great if you just use it as a source for info and vet those sources you follow. EDIT: Oh and Nate Silver.
  7. There's your deal! That car ain't too bad, I would put money on it being a manager's demo to start (2500 miles at sale date) and then going into loaner service for the remaining 4000 miles. FIAT's service loaner program makes it very easy to dump the pricing on those, and with the ~6500-7k rebates those had on them at the end of the model year, that pricing is rock solid. Honestly I would consider buying that exact car if I was in the market for something right now. You will not find a more fun car for $12k with that kind of mileage on it, and still under warranty.
  8. Well I can give you some advice but unfortunately my time as an insider came to an end at the beginning of the month, I'm no longer in the car business. You're correct, though, FIAT has completely restructured the 500 hatchback line pricing and models. They now ONLY have the Pop, Lounge, and Abarth trim lines as opposed to Pop, Easy, Sport, Lounge, Turbo, Abarth, Pop Cabrio, Easy Cabrio, Lounge Cabrio, Abarth Cabrio, and 2-3 "special" editions per year. However, the Cabrio is now an option that can be added on, I believe the price is between $1700-1900 as opposed to the previous $4k markup for the 500C equivalent of any particular version. They also completely restructured pricing; essentially the previous MSRPs started between $16995-$27995 between Pop and Abarth Cabrio, with a widely varying degree of rebates assigned to each individual trim line. Now they're starting the Pop at $16k, and the Abarth starts at $20k, but they're dramatically reducing the amount of rebate they offer. If you're looking for a fun droptop Abarth, you'll probably laugh at this but one of the bizarre special editions is the best deal out there; the GQ edition. It was essentially an Abarth Cabrio with Sport wheels, Sport badges, Abarth bumpers, and unique Sport seats and steering wheel. It completely missed whatever mark they set for it in showrooms in 2014, and you can still probably find new ones rotting on dealer lots. Do not buy those. Look at ones with some miles on them because you can practically steal them. The buyers of Abarth Cabrios tend to keep them a while longer than the GQs, the GQs are easily found if you search for Convertible Abarths on Autotrader/Cars.com, and you can easily find a nice one with probably 10-20k miles on it for <$14k. I would bet with some determination you could find a sub-30k mile example that's been well treated for $11-12k. And they're all 2014 models because that's the only year they made the GQ, but they overproduced them like mad.
  9. You can get Abarths for stupid low money if they're somewhat abused but there are key issues to look out for. the aftermarket is decent and handling can be improved with some pretty cheap chassis braces. You won't break even for sure, but it's a similar vein to the Mini. Less of an "on rails" feel and more of a "holy shit this car wants me to drive it like a Ferrari but it can't do any of that shit" feel
  10. Your primary concern: making sure what you're going to fork over cash for is legally owned/sold by the person you're in touch with, that it's in acceptable condition as described, and that it will make it to you and become your property in a timely manner. Seller's primary concern: getting your money before he even considers parting with the title or vehicle, all other things be damned. If it's a pretty rare car, the seller has the upper hand because you're obviously contacting him for his car for a reason. IMO when it comes to a private seller, there is absolutely no recourse if shit goes sideways, and I would never buy/pay for a car sold by a private seller without actually seeing it in person and having a trusted mechanic give it a once over in person. Too much risk IMO, take the time to go see it or wait til one closer pops up. They're just pieces of metal.
  11. Is this a wide profile board? I wear a size 13 boot and think it might be a little narrow..
  12. Solid advice, especially the part I bolded. Anywhere that cares about the brand you wear is not somewhere you should aspire to work.
  13. Dress to match the culture of the place. Is it pristine white walls and a very modern look with techs/writers wearing pressed uniforms? Suit. Is it a normal service dept with polished concrete and crap strewn everywhere? oxford/slacks/tie would be fine.
  14. did the idiot stop and give you info or take off?
  15. In the U.S.: Portland, ME or Portsmouth, NH. Love New England, love mountains, love the coast. Outside the U.S.: Lisbon, Portugal or Caracas, Venezuela if they ever get their shit together. My family is from Lisbon and I spent a couple weeks in Caracas before Chavez went full cuckoobananas and it was one of the most amazing cities I've ever visited.
  16. My buddy who was anti-Tinder/Bumble due to his hatred of facebook finally caved in and got on both. Instant regret on Tinder, instant success on Bumble. got matched with his ex's sister on Bumble :lolguy:
  17. I hate .gov intervention into our daily lives, but I often wonder what Ohio's traffic situation would look like if people needed annual vehicle safety inspections like many other states have. The amount of literally bald tires I see on cars is terrifying. It's also why I think we see more accidents in the rain than in the snow. In the snow, people with shit tires can't even get out of their driveway so they stay home. In the rain, they don't realize how fucked they are until they're upside down in a ditch.
  18. :lolguy: Nope nowhere in the vicinity, but I see it happen ALL the damn time. I also have discovered this strange mentality of driving here in Columbus; a lot of people use the left lane as the "get out of the way" lane. As in, they want to be as far away from merging traffic as possible (like someone else said, because no one here knows how to do it and they're clearly all terrified of it.) I actually have friends that I've had to argue that the left lane is ONLY for passing and higher speed traffic, they say "no, I just want to be as far from onramps as possible so I'm going to just cruise the speed limit in the left lane." I don't talk to them any more.
  19. I am happy with either team winning since I lived through the best recent BoSox years (Lived in Boston from 05-09) and really respect both Tito and Theo for what they've done with each of their teams.
  20. I would swap DC and Boston just because while Boston traffic is undeniably horrible, the drivers are all predictable. You KNOW they're going to cut in, you KNOW they're going to blow the red light, you KNOW they're going to do the thing that doesn't make sense. DC drivers are from all over the country and there is absolutely no indication whether the person in front of you will go sailing through a red 2 seconds late or if they'll slam on their brakes the moment the light turns yellow. The traffic itself isn't as bad as Boston, but the drivers make it worse to deal with. LA is probably a close 3rd, just because it is all-consuming traffic and completely inescapable. Took 3 hours to get from Santa Monica to Anaheim last year when I went for a wedding. 40 miles in 3 hours, and I'm told that's "good" because there were no accidents.
  21. There are so many people who I didn't realize were baseball fans until this past couple weeks. I usually say "shame about 1997" and all I get are blank stares. I actually said it's funny that Manny Ramirez seems to keep popping up in Indians postseason situations and a self-described life long fan actually said "What the hell does Manny Ramirez have to do with the Indians?" Fuck all the fair weather fans. EDIT: Oh and FWIW I don't give a shit about baseball unless someone is beating the Yankees. Usually I find myself aligned with BoSox in that regard, but I'll root for anyone that fucks with the Yanks.
  22. "Oh yeah sure I'll drop $1500 on an axle on a 12 year old car brb I just need to go get the money from the same horse's ass you pulled that quote from"
  23. It's a vicious cycle; our traffic is REALLY not that bad, but when it gets slightly bad people overreact and drive like meth-addled apes. Which causes accidents, which makes traffic worse, which makes people act like meth-addled apes. It's not that traffic is particularly bad. It's that drivers are exceptionally bad at handling traffic. Nowhere is it more evident than when I have to slow down to 35 in the left lane because there's an accident on the other side of the highway but a bunch of retards just HAVE to see what happened. Also, people here have psychotic reactions to being honked at. It's a form of communication, a way to say "wake up, pay attention to the road" but you'd think from people's reactions that I was saying "FUCK YOUR MOTHER I'M GOING TO RAPE YOUR SISTER AND HARAMBE WAS AN INSIDE JOB" people take it so fucking personally.
  24. http://i.imgur.com/l3n9iAK.png
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