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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. you realize there are many Arab Christians, don't you?
  2. is your gf the laziest human being ever? and so I can't be accused of adding nothing to thread: http://www.truckcustomizers.com/products/directed-electronics-autostart-as-3472-remote-starter.html "User-programmable time start" not sure if that means you can program start time or running time
  3. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_kXnVoQ9ZFkQ/SdRGByGjy8I/AAAAAAAAIvg/Oe0OJSLGKzA/farnsworth.jpg also, I thought all three would be shot for wearing Niqabs while driving; women are legally prohibited from doing so in Syria (though many do). I though Stigesus was brilliant.
  4. a guy i was trying to sell a milan hybrid to was having a tough time with the notion of getting rid of his ms3. he gets around 24 mpg, but its definitely not a 1/4 mile car. definitely more of an auto-x or road race car.
  5. if only it were a manual. still wish I hadn't sold my '98. Greatest road trip car known to man
  6. glad i got quoted whatever, its not the romper room, its not like anyone else has contributed anything useful whatsoever to this thread, might as well lock the whole thing
  7. and i'm sure P90X could've waited til later this evening.
  8. You will get a discount. As a result of you not having any power, you will *gasp* NOT be charged for any electricity use during the time you didn't have power. IMAGINE THAT
  9. what do you plan to do with it? for mid-ohio type racing, I can't see a better option than a 951. I saw a couple of those up there when I did lapping days and i think "shit eating grin" is probably a standard feature on those cars. edit: also S50B30 swap into e30 M3 ftw.
  10. lol joneslogic trumps all. you know, most people who remove front plates and tint their front windows kinda accept the tickets as a luxury tax on having what you want. they realize the issue is pointless to argue about and go about their merry way.
  11. http://goteaminternet.com/img/docs/3591.jpg
  12. whats the big deal about bangin sisters? some douchey new englander is probably fucking my sister right now but its not the end of the goddamn world.
  13. the iphone is better because it has apps and the 3g. and facetime. and its an apple. its just better. see? iPhanboy trolled
  14. how can you have a troll flowchart without a single pixel dedicated to iphone vs android fanboyism?
  15. I got the Southern Teir Krampus and Sierra Nevada's Wet Hop harvest ale. My buddy also brought over a St Bernardus Abt 12
  16. this is correct. from what I saw the soul was launched into a buick SUV
  17. chlamydia actually she got me an I <3 NY t-shirt (she lives in the bronx) and I got her a Buckeyes shirt. nice and simple.
  18. i'd hazard a guess that the HP car had someone pulled over when dingus decided he'd stop paying attention and rammed into the back of it...hope all officers/passengers are ok http://www.10tv.com/live/content/local/stories/2010/12/26/story-columbus-polaris-parkway-crash-closure.html?sid=102
  19. did you listen to Jeremy at the end when he was saying that on Boxing Day they'll be doing the christmas special where they drive from Iraq to Bethlehem?
  20. http://images.dr3vil.com/files/6/I%20Can
  21. http://i.imgur.com/N3UFe.jpg
  22. I'm sure the Jew in Jesus would be proud to be depicted by a sausage wrapped in bacon. mmmmmmm savior
  23. fuck 'em both get a CTS-V Sport Wagon
  24. my santa fe will trash your POS blazer, it runs 5's in reverse bring it bitch
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