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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. So your company dumped you because you used the uninsured motorist coverage that you'd been paying for as part of your policy? Sounds like a totally reasonable way to conduct business. Fuckheads.
  2. Hence the suggestion to mod it. I don't know if Bob is trying to get a complete classic already assembled for prestige, or if this is just gonna be a muscle car for the sake of muscle car and it doesn't really matter if it's all original. For that price, you could probably drop a big block in it, do a disc brake conversion, and add power steering (if that's not all on there) within budget.
  3. http://dayton.craigslist.org/cto/5730269327.html Cheap as shit, mod it.
  4. Attempting not to support the IOC corruption and third world human rights violators. Yeah yeah, typical bleeding heart librul stuff, but between IOC and FIFA there's a lot of shady backroom shit that goes on. Not sure if anyone has paid attention to the AIBA controversy, and how it's dragged up comparisons to Olympics in 88 when the corrupt judges gave the hometown Korean guy victories over 2 guys that out punched him, including Roy Jones Jr. in the gold medal bout. I think all games that require judges are basically rigged. EDIT: I'm not just annoyed that old white guys are getting rich off this stuff. What bothers me is stuff like the covered-up deaths of dozens/hundreds/however many immigrant workers in Qatar for the 2022 World Cup for instance.
  5. The right 6-cyl truck will be cheap enough for a 454 to fit in the budget
  6. Out of budget but I'll always be a sucker for the '55-'59 styles. http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/5678512664.html Goddamn I miss my '59 :no: EDIT: Well shit, this looks solid and is well within budget so you can spend the remaining $5k on tacical mods http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/5709534025.html
  7. My proclivity for wagons has always been obvious, but a muscle wagon offers both style and utility if you need to haul shit. http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/5730187875.html
  8. I'm guessing you're not too picky about size/quality if they're going in the garage? I have a couple small speakers you can have for free if you pick 'em up. Not sure what they sound like or if they work, they were in a giant box of stereo equipment my uncle sent me because he upgraded his amps/gear. PM me.
  9. As Kerry above me said, my immediate thought for a slightly cheaper option was an Olds Cutlass. 442s can be steep for what you get since it's not the pedigree of a GTO, but if its more for the business than what you would want to own long term, just find a Cutlass Supreme 442 clone. Well within budget, same look you're going for. http://dayton.craigslist.org/cto/5720664165.html
  10. http://watercraft.ohiodnr.gov/courseoptions#edtab2 I'm guessing you'll have to pay to circumvent it.
  11. I pay $15/mo for half a mil in coverage I think. The house we rent is worth half that. edit: Mine's through Progressive. Whoever their underwriting company is.
  12. 8 years old sounds ridiculously young for orthodontic work. I may be a different case but I had braces in my early teens, then my wisdom teeth started fucking everything up. Had to have those surgically removed. as much as I know it sucks having braces later rather than earlier in life, just be patient. there's no point in realigning her teeth and putting her through years of pain if she's just gonna need it again in a few years.
  13. All I'm seeing is that it was sudden; undiagnosed illness, suicide, or some traumatic event like heart attack/stroke/etc are usually what that points to. Here's hoping it wasn't his family that found him; one of my parents' good friends just died of a heart attack at 53, but the guy was in great health. Retired U.S. Army Ranger, sportsman, racer, etc, guy was very active so it was a shock. His wife found him and she's still having a very tough time coming to grips with the man she knew vs the man she found dead in their kitchen.
  14. 2nd time Hannah Storm has had to announce the death of a colleague on TV.
  15. So far my experiences at NAPA have been the only consistently good ones. Anywhere else I go, I make sure I know the exact part number I need before I show up; anything less results in complete chaos. 5 min of online research or calling a dealer to get the right part number is worth it.
  16. Looking for something a little different but I'll keep ya in mind.
  17. One of my best friends from college works for Shawn Levy (producer/director) and he's been saying for a while that there was a project coming that would blow us all away. I thought what could the guy who did Real Steel possibly do to blow us all away? This. This is what he could do.
  18. I think the nosy bitch was the old neighborhood. But I do love The Homeowner Chronicles: CR Edition. It makes me glad I live around literally crazy 80+ year olds who don't give a shit about anything.
  19. Your wife or his wife? Also congrats on the impending kid.
  20. If the HOA decided it's a city matter, then what exactly does the HOA exist to do??? The entire point of the HOA is to resolve the neighbor issues that the city can't be bothered with. Also, maybe you should suggest the other neighbor be neighborly and help pay for fence upkeep since they're so insistent on involving themselves in a matter that has nothing to fucking do with them.
  21. Bump, interested in trading for a Ruger 10/22 plus cash on your end.
  22. Thanks for posting that. One question: is the GMO thing even a debate? If you're gonna label GMO products, literally everything is going to have a GMO label on it. It's one of the most asinine "controversies" in the world. Like that organically grown vegetable you're eating? Chances are the strongest, most stout examples of that vegetable have been selected over the course of centuries to result in the most nutritious, most resilient against climate change, and most able to take advantage of the fewest growing resources available plant possible. That's GMO in a nutshell; you don't have to do it in a lab to artificially, rather than naturally, select the most appropriate plant for agriculture. If anyone thinks the "organic" corn they're eating today is coming out of the ground exactly how it looked before Europeans arrived in North America, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell ya.
  23. Vermin Supreme 2016. Mandatory toothbrushing and ponies for all.
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