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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. if you're just going to cast people that can't act, why not http://tophatal.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/bar-refaeli.jpg
  2. whatever limo companies you consider, forget Xtreme limo. Their drivers are nuts.
  3. kroger brand body wash that looks/smells identical to old spice, but not as strong. Chanel no. 5 por homme or Bulgari Aqua cologne also, i occasionally dab fresh deer blood behind my ears. lets the ladies know i'm a good hunter/provider.
  4. its my daily reminder that things could be way, way worse.
  5. http://legendary-warriors.com/images/demz/brool_story_co.jpg
  6. QFT. This group of mouth-breating retards made me 45 minutes late to work today because not a single goddamn one of them knows how to drive, and more specifically, not block an intersection. Had to wait while the cops tried to sort everything out. I'M ABOUT TO BREAK. /rant edit: it was, however, fun to watch Juggalos walk around Polaris wondering how magnets work.
  7. Wells Banana Bread Beer:) Shit is awesome. If you're into trying new/different things, get one of those and a Young's Double Chocolate Stout. Fill a pint glass halfway with the Banana Bread beer and then use a spoon to float the Young's on top of it. Its called a Banana Split and you will love it.
  8. this game was awesome. "YOU KILLED RUDEBAUGH!!!" haha i laughed so hard when the game started yelling that at me
  9. for pretty much the entire month of april there were at least 2 moto cops and 2 freeway patrol cars stationed near the 270/71 interchange on the north side just catching speeders all day. despite seeing probably a dozen cars pulled over with people either looking under the hood or trying to change a tire, not once did i see a cop step aside from his assigned duty to help a single person, even when they were in plain view. whether or not i was constantly harassed by cops in Boston, at least they understood the meaning of "protect and serve"
  10. i went and tried them on when Putty was selling his pair. they didn't fit on my bigass noggin'
  11. came back to this thread to post this
  12. Wow. Pure genius. I'm blown away by the thoughtfulness of this statement. You know, now that I think about it, a lot of those people who attack this country also believe that it is important to not shave their beards. I'm thinking we should start being suspicious of everyone with beards because if everyone who attacks our country has a beard, people with beards must be more likely to attack our country. V8Beast, clearly your initial point in this thread is correct.
  13. wow thanks for the headsup. that looks like a solid deal
  14. Let me go down the list of suggested cars: -2000+ Celica: My first car was a 97 ST, uber underpowered but a great car. I'm not the hugest fan of the styling on the 2000+ and I haven't seen many with low miles because they've all been driven by pissed off teenagers. Still, I'd consider it. Transmission doesn't bother me. - Sentra: I've read bad things about 2001-2003 Nissans, but that one you linked looks decent. I can't remember how I fit into a Sentra but it might be a little cramped (6'3", 260) - SVT Contour: Not big on the styling, and I don't fit into older Fords very well for the reason mentioned above - Civic SI: I auto-X'd one at Mid-Ohio a few years back and was thoroughly unimpressed. Something about that car made me feel like it was always trying to go a different direction then I told it to. I'd consider it, but only if I can find one in the mileage range and these tend to get up there. Like I said, I'm not committed to the SVT Focus, I'm just weighing my options. I'd already seen Turborust's contour on CL, I've looked around at Sentra SE-Rs (all the ones I've seen are higher mileage and riced to hell), hadn't really considered the Celica or the Si but I'm going to look into those as well.
  15. has this RRoD'd and been replaced?
  16. Nope, just a reworked version of the 2.0 Zetec.
  17. That's a pretty good deal. Still, I'd like something that needs minimal/absolutely zero work done on it. Even with 40k on the chassis that car seems like it's been beat to shit already.
  18. I'm surprised this hasn't come up yet, or if it has I'm surprised my reading skills suck. Since when did it not count as "personal defense" if someone is firing a gun in public? IMO it doesn't matter if those bullets are fired at you, if someone's shooting in public they're endangering your personal safety. That said, this kind of logic could get a CCW-legal shooter shot by another CCW-legal shooter.
  19. Why am I looking at this car? Because I want an NA standard transmission 4 banger coupe with decent gas mileage under $7000, preferrably under $6000. And I want a bit more than 150 hp. Not looking to track this thing (yet), just something reliable while I build some savings. Must haves: Clean carfax under 100k miles, fewer than 80k would be nice reliable for daily use will I find this in an SVT focus? If not, where else should I look?
  20. passed this along to a friend. he's going to think on it for a little while.
  21. not at polaris sears today if thats even where he works.
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