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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Sausage & Onions: Get as much as you want of any of these: Chorizo (Spicy>mild) Buffalo chicken sausage Sweet italian sausage I've found that combinations of those 3 are the best. In a frying pan, use a teaspoon of olive oil to brown some garlic, then add onions and mushrooms chopped into large pieces. Cook until onions are losing their color and mushrooms are gaining some. Then add the sausage, sliced into about 1/4 inch thick slices. Cover and let cook over med-low heat, turning until all sausage is cooked through. Serve on a toasted bun, preferably open faced.
  2. where are you gonna mount a 19" tv?? in the shitter?
  3. you should probably just punch yourself in the face repeatedly and the place it on a hot stove. same effect without the hassle of afterburner poops.
  4. if you're feeling crappy, listen to this. 12 minutes but worth every second. http://blogs.riverfronttimes.com/atoz/2010/02/point_morning_show_woody_rizzuto_guy_dumps_girlfriend_point_st_louis_1057.php cliffs: guy found out his gf of 5 yrs cheated on him, makes her think he's proposing on the radio and then dumps her on air.
  5. this. girls that want to be engaged want EVERYONE to know they're engaged.
  6. it entirely depends on the deductible. an aftermarket stereo, no matter the retail value, is almost worthless once its in the car.
  7. copy/paste the number in case the thing gets flagged...
  8. http://www.jamphat.com/rap/jamphat_files/image026.jpg
  9. this is a GREAT deal for the price, especially including the monitor.
  10. did you use this situation to PIIHB yet?
  11. or what they could've done instead of selling the SAME EXACT CAR with different brands on them, would've been to create some variety within the brands instead of sharing every single part among every car. Ford has done an excellent job separating Lincoln from Ford, for instance, by making sure that even though they are very similar, their image is completely different. When people look at an Escalade, a Yukon, and a Tahoe, they see the same car. When people look at a Navigator and an Expedition, they see 2 different things.
  12. no but I would have smiled and been super polite when I sold them their super-expensive bottles of wine.
  13. they sold fewer than 7k units in 2008. They will not be missed. Also, the U.S. is really the only place in the world that is interested in 3 ton SUVs. Most roads elsewhere in the world simply aren't made for such large passenger vehicles. Not to mention that everywhere else in the world has super-expensive gas.
  14. there was definitely a BOC but it was gone instantly...you can check the list under community, it was there
  15. Thats what the law is in MA, but its not enforced. And as someone who was making minimum wage in MA, I can tell you it was pretty nice to have $2 copay and free medication, even though I was never forced to take advantage of that.
  16. So I've been discussing all this with a friend while watching, and we found a couple very VERY interesting polls/graphs: http://sas-origin.onstreammedia.com/origin/gallupinc/GallupSpaces/Production/Cms/POLL/ddxm_xz4aeqhcb7ruwqyha.gif source: http://www.gallup.com/poll/4708/healthcare-system.aspx http://blogs.ngm.com/.a/6a00e0098226918833012876a6070f970c-800wi
  17. why is it political suicide? it sounds like there are a number of republicans who want something similar to what the democrats are proposing, just that they want to know that some main issues get addressed.
  18. http://www.c-span.org Watch it, you won't be disappointed. A few thoughts; -Its amazing how much Reps and Dems agree on healthcare when they're not allowed to grandstand with outraged speeches. -In my lifetime, having studied a lot about the American Presidency, I can confidently say that after the Bush and Nixon presidencies reinforced the power of the Office of the President, I never EVER would've imagined I'd see a president sitting down and speaking rationally with Senators. I think we're all used to Presidents standing at podia (podiums?) making passionate speeches to Congress followed by cheap applause and several passionate rebuttals, followed by more cheap applause and then nothing happening. I think we might be seeing a shift in the role of the President if they reach any kind of consensus her and get something done. -I think Obama is doing a pretty good job of moderating this. The Dems need to stop talking like assholes though.
  19. damn jonas hiller is the man. plus he has the classiest helmet in this entire olympics. still, USA rocks!
  20. the bag of crap usually sells out instantaneously i want one of the screaming monkeys
  21. yea, woot off. just a headsup http://www.woot.com
  22. this was the only pic i could find to guess what he was using...its a bar but its on 2 guides and when you twist it, it has hooks that grab posts next to the guides... makes it easier to do without a spot, i can see why he wouldn't think he needed a spot if he was using this at an easy (for him) weight. http://personaltrainerlpc.com/images/a_kathy_smith_machine_bench_press.jpg
  23. this is usually the case. most weightlifting accidents happen when you're goofing around not taking it seriously b/c you think you can handle the weights easily
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