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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. TT Quattros feel like a smaller, underpowered version of the 350Z IMO. The weight makes them understeer a bit too much, and they don't have enough power to compensate for it. Still, I'm 6'3" and I found myself enjoying the ride quite a bit. Despite the piggish handling, the suspension stiffness and closeness to the ground makes it a very fun car to drive. Just don't have any aspirations of going fast. EDIT: Also, despite what I said about the understeer, it is a very predictable car. I do remember being very impressed when I took an onramp at about 80 mph and just used my right foot to steer; it actually felt like a sports car the way you organically felt the rear end of the car slipping under trailing throttle, instead of feeling numb until the back end has broken loose.
  2. tvshack.cc if you don't care about quality
  3. its a good thing you do, since mercury is about to be kaput. i'd never trust a nissan; they let the French produce (some of) their engines. Jones, I've been saying that CR needs a payban system where users can ban other users by contributing money to keep CR. maybe like a dollar a day? and to the OP, get the damn TL. its the nicest car that anyone has mentioned yet.
  4. For some reason I thought it opened today. At least thats what mall management told me. edit: nevermind, just for the mall owners today.
  5. Fixed. Foxwoods is a bit too geriatric for me. Mohegan sun rocks though. Best way to have a good time there; sit at the bar and play video poker all night, they comp your drinks so even if you lose $50 you'll be plastered. Last time I went, I ended up $80 ahead after 3 hours and about 2 dozen (small) captain and cokes.
  6. I find this situation interesting. Its bizarre that we have police on our forces that admittedly are harsher on some law violators than others; that seems as though its profiling, doesn't it? Also what bothers me is that this kind of attitude is accepted only one place; in our police forces. In any other situation in life when someone treats me like that there are going to be consequences. Although I've met some extremely professional and polite officers, I've met just as many who were simply furious to be bothered by the fact that they must deal with citizens, and can't seem to see the middle ground between their lives and those of the criminals they deal with.
  7. Before Lucas was ever born, people had been talking about Androids. They were popularized in fiction mostly by P.K. Dick with "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" in 1968. When he came out with Star Wars, Lucas shortened it to just "droid" and copyrighted the term. So every time Motorola advertises a new Driod, they pay a metric fuckton to Lucasfilms LTD.
  8. How about using more relevant comparisons? You can't compare the security needed at airports and stadiums to that needed at movie theathers, malls, and workplaces. In workplaces/malls, they have complex security systems that monitor pretty much everything at all times of day, as well as security staff and occasionally police, even at movie theaters. The resources needed to secure those places are much less than those required to maintain order in an airport or stadium, where you have large numbers of people attempting to reach a small area at the same time.
  9. This is correct. I remember way back learning that in the U.S. the max recommended radiation that people should be exposed to is 5 rems/year (REM = rontgen equivalent in man) and I say that just because I don't know the conversion to the SI. As far as I know, one x-ray is 5 millirems, so you see that there is nothing to fear in terms of sickness. In terms of constitutionality, you are all off your rockers. "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." Unreasonable searches/seizures is a personal right that entitles you to be free to carry what you wish around your everyday life. Do you complain when you go to a sporting event and they pat you down? Or how about when they tell you "No outside food or drink?" Is it your Constitutionally protected right to take what you want inside a stadium/arena, even if it is publicly funded (like, for instance, the 'Shoe)? Absolutely not. In the interest of public safety, we have to give up some rights. No one has forced you to attend games at the Shoe where you have to be patted down and leave food/drink outside. Just like no one is forcing you to fly out of CMH. Its not your Constitutionally guaranteed right to have the most convenient avenues of travel available to you, is it? If you disagree with CMH's policy of asking you to leave your shampoo at home or bring it in a 1qt bag, or if you don't want to be xrayed, then it IS your Constitutionally guaranteed right to peacefully gather to protest it, and you can instead choose a different airport that doesn't do body scanning. But because its inconvenient for you to do those things, obviously someone else needs to change their way of doing things, right?
  10. http://cdn.holytaco.com/www/sites/default/files/images/2009/12/Pedo_bear_trap.jpg
  11. http://us.playstation.com/support/compatiblestatus/ is it this one? 80GB Playstation®3 Model CECHE01
  12. so, because you saw him driving like an ass, you figured the most logical step with others' safety in mind was to ignore driving for "several minutes" to make sure you had video evidence of his bad driving. before you do anything in the name of public safety, think to yourself "would dying during this act put me in the running for a Darwin award?"
  13. PM me if you're willing to part out. I'm interested in the hard drive and nba live. how large is the HD?
  14. best. avatar. ever. also. this is proper course of action.
  15. new one isn't good enough to warrant getting. until it has bluray, i don't care.
  16. Its this deal, but better: http://www.target.com/Xbox-Arcade-Spring-2010-Bundle/dp/B002I0JCOU/ref=br_1_3?ie=UTF8&frombrowse=1&qid=1276793858&searchView=list&sr=1-3&node=352271011&searchRank=pmrank&searchPage=1&rh=&searchSize=90&id=Xbox%20Arcade%20Spring%202010%20Bundle&searchBinNameList=purchasing_channel,target_com_category-bin,price I just got back from Reynoldsburg Target. Got myself a brand new Xbox 360 Arcade bundle, paid $135 and they included a $50 gift card after the purchase. Get them before they're gone.
  17. not a day goes by that i don't see someone pulled over on 71. there are plenty of days when i see flat tires. this was the first time i'd seen a cop doing anything about it.
  18. Yes, they do exist!! As much 5-0 hate as this board spews, I feel the need to balance it out after what I saw yesterday. Driving south on 71 near Polaris, a cop was pulled in median-side shoulder, lights flashing and cones put out. He was helping a dude change his tire. I have definitely said I don't see this at all in Columbus, so I'll eat my words and commend whatever officer it was that did that. And I'll also hope that he gets a job training other officers. Flamesuit on.
  19. does she have a clean driving record? can she run? can she drive stick? parkingsolutionsinc.com. we have more girls working for us than you'd imagine as a valet company.
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