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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. atdhe.net watched silva v sonnen last night
  2. Anyone in the Hudson/Summit north of campus area. Fuckers in the area saw it fit to break into my friend's apartment. Busted in back window, took an xbox and laptop and took off. He's resigned to the fact that he won't get his shit back but he's hoping this asswipe gets busted. So keep an eye out for people looking in windows during daylight hours.
  3. But we aren't engaging in any combat. We are engaging in peacekeeping operations against people who threaten our way of life. Which is to say that we are fighting an idea. We are fighting a war on terror, not a war against terrorists. Big difference. Also the main reason we will never win this absurd war.
  4. i'd like to see them try to boot a quarter million dollar ferrari
  5. i'm with you there. i'm a huge guy, so it takes forever for me to get to the point of actually legally inebriated, but when i'm passing that marker i'm usually going way beyond reasonable pace and have no understanding of the pain i'm about to be in. back on topic though, what you said about that being outdated may be true; the guy whose car/gun it was is 65-70 years old.
  6. let me start this by saying i do not have my CCW. However, I valeted one of my regular's cars recently and he warned me that his gun was locked in the glove box and his mag was in the door pocket b/c he was eating at a liquor establishment. what he told me is as follows: that to store a CCW weapon in a vehicle, you MUST keep the ammo/mag and weapon separate, but that ONLY THE WEAPON needs to be in a SEALABLE CONTAINER. a glove box does not count as a sealable container because it is attached to the car, but legally a ziploc bag counts as a sealable container. so just have an empty ziploc in your glove box and you're golden. that said, these statements have not been approved by a law enforcement officer, but I'm sure one will chime in soon.
  7. they got a gov't grant; their pockets are already nicely lined. they're not worried about taking our money, just about slowing us down.
  8. breed? mutt? also, awesome username. I would've gone with Angelo Pappas though.
  9. i cant imagine anything faster than 150 would be safe with the size sidewalls they have on those tires. not to mention the suspension is meant to survive jumping curbs, not to be stable at LUDICROUS SPEEED
  10. this was something i was trying to avoid as well, but it wasn't a dealbreaker so i didn't include it. thanks for the responses everyone, i've got some homework to do. its really difficult to find places here if you're not connected to people who have experience.
  11. I'm so fucking sick of looking around at apartments, finding a decent looking complex only to go online and read reviews of 'DON'T LIVE HERE SOMEONE GOT SHOT ON MY FRONT DOORSTEP' or "Pet infestation stole my virginity and my tv!" My requirements are not that complicated; -2br -safe parking for 2 cars -[small-med] dog friendly -close-ish to polaris -less than $800/mo and preferrably less than $500 security deposit -SAFE, CONSIDERATE NEIGHBORHOOD. I know there are inconsiderate people and criminals everywhere, but somewhere with people who take their safety seriously would be nice. My roommate and I are smokers but we are good neighbors; we don't set fires, we don't bring over friends that trash apartment complexes, and we don't have super late parties. It shouldn't really be this difficult to find a place, should it?
  12. tomorrow between 11 and whenever you can meet, the earlier the better. I work with the valets so you won't have a hard time finding me. Sale Pending to Tim.
  13. surprisingly, no responses yet. maybe the HDMI market dried up. these are still available, but I know 2 of my employees will probably be all over these come wednesday.
  14. if you haven't found a suitable home by september and she's still around, i'd probably be able to take her in. my friend and I both grew up with dogs, always rescued from pound never bought from a breeder, and we're currently looking at apartments that are pet/pit friendly and have enough space both indoor and outdoor for a med size dog. we've been thinking about getting a bulldog or boxer, but we have no prejudices against pits.
  15. I ordered 2 sets of 2 off 1saleaday.com, priced literally for free, and paid $10 shipping. So I'm selling 2 so I get 2 free HDMI cables. First 2 people to PM me get dibs, and I REALLY prefer cash today or monday. I am located around 17th and Summit and for this price, you come to me. I also work at Polaris and can meet there almost any time. You can get 6footers on monoprice for $3.04 and shipping is minimum $2.64 to Columbus, so you do the math. Both cables are in their original plastic but the one I opened has a mesh outer cover and appears to have gold plated connectors. P.S. 1saleaday is the new woot. Way better prices on way cooler shit.
  16. HAHA the classic Explorer console elbow-rest cracking. never seen one without it. This is a great price. Has the car been in for the brake recall service?
  17. 18-1 are the 2 most painful numbers for me.
  18. like him or not, T.O. is still the 3rd best receiver in terms of the two most important categories (yds and TDs) and holds a number of notable records, including 9 1000yd receiving seasons. with him and OC on the outside, you're going to see Antonio Bryant getting a lot of open looks through the middle; remember when everyone said Randy Moss was washed up, then he teamed up with Donte Stallworth and Wes Welkaaahhhhh and...wait, I forget what he did...OH RIGHT 23 TD season.
  19. 2nd amendment protects the right to bear arms, not the right to buy ammunition with no caveats.
  20. couldnt get within 100 ft? thats an insane amount of heat. i can't imagine what that felt like as an onlooker, not being able to even get within spitting distance.
  21. i know i have a 100ft cat 5 around my apt somewhere, if i find it by tomorrow morning i'll PM you.
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