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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Does it occur to you that maybe a single persons experience with a free gun might not be the most unbiased review? And maybe all these people who work in law enforcement and in the firearms business who deal with hi-point users on a weekly or daily basis might be onto something? Nah, probably not, because YOUR experience has been great, that means that your investment was sound and you'll never have a problem.
  2. I'd love to hear these reasons. When I was growing up there was a pair of Golden Retrievers that lived next door to me, both male, that humped each other almost non-stop. I don't think it was an issue of dominance, since they split time being "bottom". edit: also L-O-FUCKING-L at family morality. There is no such thing in the world anymore. Just like your health, there is no way to be certain one way of doing things (i.e. the religious, moral, nuclear family) will yield a desired result.
  3. I have an Uzi Defender non-serrated, 3 1/8" blade. 440 high-carbon steel, 6061 aluminum handle with black rubber grips. I've owned this blade for 4 years, always been my utility blade. I always thought it was of decent quality, I kinda expected it to break since I didn't spend $100 or anything, but its been a solid knife. No major blemishes with the blade or anything. I'd part with it for $30, its not the cleanest looking knife but what do you expect for a utility blade.
  4. I don't know if you're looking for just a blade or something with some other features, but the Spyderco I pictured above has an EXTREMELY thin design. Unlike a lot of other knives that are really wide and waste space with grips, this thing (with the clip) is probably only 1/2" wide. Very comfortable to wear around everyday, you barely notice its there and, at least with the jeans I wear, I can fit it comfortably in the coin pocket.
  5. the shit i take after a night of drinking makes me happy
  6. My questionably legal knives: Ka-Bar TDI LDK (Last-Ditch Knife) Spyderco Delica 4 VG-10 Stainless (normal carry knife) http://spyderco.com/pix/products/large/C11_L.jpg Uzi Defender ZF-11 http://www.warriorsandwonders.com/images/ZF11BSl.gif M Tech Stiletto Wood grip (cheap stabby knife) http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41aMJBVYOwL._SL500_AA280_.jpg
  7. Its easy to point out others who will go to hell, its difficult to live a life that will not lead you to hell. One of the most mind-blowing conundrums I've seen recently is the guy in Wichita who killed the abortion doctor IN CHURCH. The murderer is one of those Pat Robertson-700-Club-born-again psychos who was against abortions in all situations except where it would pose danger to the mother. Regarding abortions in cases of rape or incest, he said "two wrongs don't make a right." That's about where my head exploded, and as I lay in a pool of my own blood and drool, I realized that this is why organized religion doesn't work. People get so wrapped up in what someone else tells them is right or wrong, they forget to apply the rhetoric to their own actions. The Bible says murder is wrong, yet this man thinks he's done right by killing another man, and being a judge of good and evil. The Bible says homosexuality is detestable (note; SLEEPING WITH ANOTHER MAN'S WIFE IS FORBIDDEN IN THE COMMANDMENTS, BUT SLEEPING WITH OTHER MEN IS NOT), yet the Bible also says "judge not, lest ye be judged (Matthew 7:1)."
  8. this post is full of win. some things i might add to those who look to the Bible as a way to persecute others: Ephesians 4:32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Galatians 3:26-29 You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise. James 2:4 have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?
  9. this is in the corral because........
  10. never heard about this...im interested to see if it happened
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQnT0zp8Ya4 "Hitler responds to the iPad"
  12. Alright folks for sale is a simple pair of sunglasses. I got these a long time ago and haven't worn them in a while. They're what the title says, a medium to small-frame wrap around style pair of Wiley-X AirRage sunglasses, black frame with tinted (no color) lenses. Nothing fancy. They don't come with the lanyard or gaskets but they still fit snugly if you're looking to use them for motorcycle riding or something. The reason for the price is that these are not just shatter resistant lenses, Wiley-X claims that they're tested to take a shotgun blast at 10 yards and protect your eyes. So, you know, in case you're rolling around Parsons Ave or something while trying to keep the sun out of your eyes. I bought them for $90, you can find them online for $80, throw me $40 and they're yours. I'm on the eastside, PM me if you want to meet up. edit: like these, but no light-adjusting lenses...just regular tinted lenses http://www.gogglesandglasses.com/catalog/item/3594993/4552725.htm
  13. its okay, the internet is bored with you too...maybe its time to go your separate ways
  14. I'm not sure how they overlooked the fact that the tablet market has already been tested and failed. Seriously who wants to use something that lays flat on a table or that you have to hold in one hand while you use it. It just doesn;t make any sense.
  15. political apathy was all the rage between 2000 to 2008, now we're in the era of political outrage. HOW DARE THEY ______________ THATS NOT PRECISELY WHAT I WANT THEY AREN'T ALLOWED TO DO THAT!
  16. Run 1/2 mile on treadmill 3x8reps regular bench 3x8 fly (or some similar chest machine) 3x10 row 3x10 tri pulldown 3x10 lat pulldown 3x8 overhead press 3x8 hammer curls 3x10 shrugs Run 1/2 mile Sauna + hot tub for 20 minutes to sweat out everything bad that goes into my body
  17. we can only hope. the greatest chance for America not to fail in the future is the downfall of the 2-party system
  18. AT&T's coverage map claims that all of Columbus gets 3G coverage but my ex couldn't get it in her entire neighborhood in Dublin. AT&T has gone beyond spinning facts to try and compete with Verizon a la "Our network covers over 230million people!"...yeah, your voice network's geographic area encompasses 230nil people. Verizon's network since the acquisition of Alltel geographically covers 290mil people and their network is about 8mil people larger than AT&T (86mil versus 78mil). Beyond that, AT&T has made it pretty clear that their priority right now is just expanding their San Francisco and NYC 3G capabilities as that is where they are having the most complaints from iPhone users. If you get it and have a problem, you're SOL.
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