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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. and independent voters outnumber democrats and republicans combined. this wasn't a referendum on the obama administration, this is a referendum on how legislation is being pushed through. maybe now we'll get a healthcare bill thats only 40 pages long and makes a little sense. also, this wasn't a democrat vs. republican thing as much as it was a "brown is a good guy who seems to be connecting with his voters" vs "who the fuck does coakley think she is?"
  2. but its not MY fault i had kids. if i'd known they wouldn't be cool i wouldn't have had them. goddamn. people are stupid.
  3. i dont watch manswers b/c i don't like facts being yelled at me for 30 minutes. still, interesting...
  4. these 2 demographics are responsible for 90% of accidents 12% of statistics are made up
  5. i'd just make up a location/direction so the next time the 5-0 is behind him running plates, they see that 1800GRABDUI has been called like 13 times on him. Even if thats not how it works, its better than being a jackass and getting my road rage on.
  6. http://blissfullycaffeinated.files.wordpress.com/2009/02/cupcakedog.jpg
  7. coulda been. It was late so I couldn't see the actual color but it could've been a really dark primer. it was a 2dr with some black/chrome lip wheels I think and a reasonable exhaust...not a huge fart can but it was louder than stock when he kicked it into gear after cutting me off a 2nd time when I tried to pass him after the first time he cut me off. why do you know him? :ninja:
  8. Hey buddy. Cute move you pulled there, almost hitting me when you merged into my lane 3 lanes over. Then when I flashed my hi beams you brake checked me, then kicked it up to 90 so I couldnt get your license plate. Sorry buddy, I got it. And I'm going to periodically call 1-800-GRAB-DUI and alert them to an erratic driver. I figure I'll get lucky once. Hugs & Kisses, El Borracho
  9. this has been the postseason of the anti-clutch kicker. Suisham, Kaeding, Graham, Rackers. Its been hilarious.
  10. I use the Mario 1-up sound
  11. I can see the headline now: "Mixed Martial Artist Asphyxiated Under 265 LBS of Flab"
  12. I have a few ringtones assigned to different people: Parents: beginning riff from "I Want My MTV" Dire Straits Close friends: the fight song from that weird Pacific Life commercial (now ex) GF: Dexter opening theme generic: Sportscenter theme
  13. Honestly, I would love to watch Lesnar beat up on Big Country. Like "Welcome to the UFC you IFL bitch"
  14. Its probably more insulting to be so thoroughly shit on by an asshat like Olbermann
  16. just get another new macbook and never live with the regret of buying a stupid fucking PC notebook. edit: this coming from a person who's owned several PC laptops
  17. i thought this was going to be a coming-out-of-the-closet thread. oh well
  18. i've got a massive desire to do some raping
  19. i love farewell posts. such desperate cries for attention
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