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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Yeah this is what I'm talking about. I think everyone felt pretty good about the tax situation in the Bush era; I think the idea was not that the moderate tax cuts would just put money in people's pockets, but that people would save and invest, and companies would be able to hire more people and pay current employees more. Definitely sound reasoning, since no one saw the housing bubble bursting. However, we look back and see the causes of the economic collapse; lenders were loaning people's money irresponsibly, and people were spending money irresponsibly. Those noble ideals that were the pillars of the Bush era economic growth have come crashing down and no one really has an answer. Everyone talks about how we need to be more fiscally responsible and save more and dig ourselves out of this pit of entitlement, but even a short time after this debacle I still see the same symptoms of irresponsible spending, both in public and private sectors, but less so in the public. I always had a problem with big government spending, but I think what everyone still fails to see is what happened when we allowed big corporate spending to get out of hand. I think people will always be more likely to trust a company because they CHOOSE to let that company have their money, whereas it feels like the government TAKES our money without us having a choice. At this point, however, it's become obvious that the corporations are looking out for the corporations, and until recently I think the government was looking out for the corporations too (too big to fail BS). That leads me to my main point; WHY AM I HAVING TROUBLE TRUSTING OUR GOVERNMENT??? I know I can no longer trust corporations, but it seems like the government is doing quite a bit, at least superficially, to help people more than corporations right now. Is it the fact that we now are in the era of outrage, where pundits from both sides scream bloody murder at the first sign of a disagreement? Or is it that we might be entering a new era where our government is trying to lead the way for corporations to feel responsible to consumers instead of shareholders? I hope its the latter. WTF IT MAKES NO SENSE WHY CAN'T I UNDERSTAND WHY HE'S DOING THIS. Either he's too much of a genius for all of us to understand or we're fucked in the next 15 years. http://www.cnn.com/2010/POLITICS/01/25/obama.spending.freeze/index.html?hpt=T2
  2. I only has $.67, Obama taxed all the rest away.
  3. Okay so the big thing that everyone loses their shit about every election is that the Demoncrats are going to bump taxes sky-high. Everything I've seen so far about the Obama administration has involved tons of "federal tax credits" aimed at helping people in certain demographics avoid unusually high taxes. When I tried to find where the losses are being recouped, I couldn't really find anything definite. So what's the deal? Everyone is crapping their pants about the impending doom that we'll be feeling when the taxes blow through the roof but I haven't heard anything about how/when its going to happen? Anyone more knowledgeable on this topic than I am? edit: LOL I SPELLED TAX WITH AN E CUZ I FORGOT TO DELETE ALL OF "TAXES" some mod fix for me?
  4. I know that feeling. When I was sparring I took a right hook directly to my left eye. While I couldn't see, I caught another right to "the button" and went down like a sack of potatoes. Its weird when your brain says "stand" and your body says "fuck off".
  5. nope, he perfectly executed it. it looks like he blindly swings cuz he lets his arm fall after he makes contact, which is what you're supposed to do.
  6. THANK YOU i couldn't remember what it was called. I only remembered that there was a great video of a pimp getting hit with one. i learned how to do that and a few similar things when i was working the door at some boston bars.
  7. I always find it funny when inexperienced fighters wind up a punch like they're about to throw a 100mph fastball or something. This is one of the most awesome knockouts I've seen. Just pure technical genius. The "karate master" just sends a forearm to the guy's jugular and completely stuns him.
  8. Aside from the weekly sparring I used to do, about 8 months ago we had a party and this skinny drunk douchenozzle was hitting on my roommate's girlfriend. He was down the street so she came up to me and told me that the guy needed to be escorted out of the party since he wasn't taking a hint. He was too drunk to really fight, but he refused to leave so I threw him down a flight of stairs. After that he tried to get back upstairs, so I got him in an armlock and brought him outside. He grabbed onto a fence for dear life, so I got behind him, got him in a rear choke and pulled. Well, he let go a bit easier than I'd anticipated so I ended up tossing him over my shoulder headfirst into my roommate's pass side quarterpanel, doing $700 worth of damage. I was so fucking pissed off that I'd busted my friend's car that I dragged him down the street in a headlock, slammed his head against the railing of his front porch, and left him knocked out in the front yard. I saw him several weeks later and he had no idea who I was lol. edit: I guess this doesn't really count as a fistfight since I never actually threw a punch
  9. Comic Cond. Notes Volume Issue Alpha Flight n/a 1 59 Avengers Spotlight n/a 1 39 Avengers West Coast bent 1 3 n/a 2 16,19,20,22,34,42,44,55,71,72,75,82,87,89,91,92,97 The Avengers n/a 1 231,232,244,247,256,257,259-262,265,266,270,271,274-276,278, 282,284,287,290-298,300-304,318,327,331,333,339,351,353-357,359 Captain Marvel n/a 1 43,54 Captain America n/a 1 387 King Conan/Conan the King iss. 2 beat 1 2-4,7,8,13-16,18,20,23(folded edge),24,38 Conan Annual n/a 1 7 Conan the Barbarian n/a 1 90,107,108,111,112(2 copies),114,116,118,120,123,124,126,138,140,141,143,144 146,152,204,205 Crystar Crystal Warrior folded 1 8-10 Daredevil n/a 1 252 The New Defenders n/a 1 146 Doctor Strange some worn 1 27,42,52,53,55,59,60,68,71,76,79-81 The Eternals n/a 2 2,4-6,8,9,11,12 Fantastic Four n/a 1 243,288,290,291,295-299,311-314,318,320,321,323,325,360,361,363-365,367,373,376 Guardians of the Galazy n/a 1 41 The Infinity War n/a 1 3,6 Warlock and the Infinity War iss. 12 poor 1 7,12 Iron Man Annual n/a 1 6 Invincible Iron Man n/a 1 162(2 copies, 1 has rusty staples),233 (edge ripped),280, 282 (War Machine) Kobra poor 1 4 Kull the Destroyer n/a 1 17-21 Micronauts n/a 1 28,29 n/a 2 6,8-12,14,15,17,20 The New Mutants Annual n/a 1 6(Days of Future Part 3) The New Mutants n/a 1 51(Double Cover),53,54,62,64-70,72,74,76-78,82 Power Pack n/a 1 36,37,40 The Punisher n/a 2 34 Red Sonja n/a 1 3,4,7-10,15 n/a 3 3,6 ROM Spaceknight most are poor 1 12,33-35,37,40,42,45,46,51,54,56,58,66 Secret Wars II n/a 1 2-9 Silver Surfer Annual n/a 1 2(Atlantis Attacks Chap. 1),3(Lifeform part 4/4),4(The Korvac Quest part 3) Silver Surfer n/a 3 3,4,7-14,21-33,39-41,49,50(Anniv. Issue),54-57,60,62,65,69 Saga of the Sub-Mariner n/a 1 2 Namor the Sub-Mariner n/a 1 13 The Thing n/a 1 4,12,13,15-17,19,20,25 Thor Annual n/a 1 11 Thor n/a 1 326,341,342,353,356,359-362,367,368,388,392,441 The New Warriors n/a 1 12 X-Terminators n/a 1 3 X Factor n/a 1 32 X-Men Collector's Ed (Pizza Hut)n/a 1 2 X-Men Adventures n/a 1 4,5 The X-Men's Havoc n/a 1 26 Classic X-Men n/a 1 35 The Uncanny X-men n/a 1 187,225,230,235 damn, that doesn't format as well as i'd hoped it would...i can send you the .txt file if you want but thats all of them. took me a few hours to organize them. also they are NOT boarded or bagged, just kinda loose. some are in piss-poor condition but most just have the kind of wear + tear you'd expect something to have from the 70's and 80's thats just been sitting in a box for the last 13 years. edit: also note that the first # in every list is an indication of volume, i don't have any issue #1s
  10. Nope they're all Marvel except for one beat up copy of "Kobra" which is DC. I have a few #2-#5 issues that could fetch a couple bucks, the only one I think is of any value is a #51 The New Mutants which is a misprint; it has 2 cover pages. Not like its a sought-after issue but misprints are always rare right?
  11. I have a rather large pile of comic books that I need to be rid of. I got these as a gift from my uncle when I was like 9 and they stayed in crates until a couple weeks ago when I decided to see if I had anything valuable. I wanna get rid of them but I don't want to get cheated by some creeper at a store. Anyone know anything about comics?
  12. without reading the thread at all except for the OP, i can firmly say engineering, specifically civil or manufacturing. there will ALWAYS be a need for engineers in the civil sector and lately they have steadily retained one of the highest starting salaries of all careers.
  13. everyone should see The Messenger. it was amazing. Not only will Woody Harrelson probably win an Oscar (not even joking, he already won the Golden Globe for best supporting actor), but you get to see Jena Malone's sweet sweet ass nekkid. Although it was a really slow movie, I found myself totally into the story the whole time. Harrelson's character is incredibly complex for a supporting role, and Ben Foster does an amazing job leading the movie. Quick synopsis: Ben Foster (SSGT Will Montgomery) is an Iraqi/Enduring Freedom hero who's back in the states to finish out his term and gets assigned to casualty notification duty. Woody Harrelson plays his commanding officer.
  14. Boxing and MMA each have their own set of challenges. The hardest part of MMA is the grappling. When it looks like there's no action going in is actually when the fighters are working the hardest. I don't know about boxing but I imagine keeping your hands high and ready for a lightning-quick punch is pretty draining. Also, as you said the 5+ rounds really kills as opposed to MMA's average of 3. edit: how much is a membership for your gym/ring? I've got a membership at the Concourse but they don't have any boxing equipment which is disappointing. The guy I know of is at bigtenboxing.com
  15. This bill isn't just about making healthcare available to those who cannot otherwise afford it, its about lowering the ridiculous costs imposed by the insurance companies. I went to the doctor for a physical recently. All the bloodwork they did would've cost an uninsured person over $300 but because I have insurance, they company was only billed $120. One of the objectives of this bill was to eliminate that retardedness. I understand the logic behind it; they charge the insurance co. less because they know they'll get paid. Well if they know everyone's going to pay all the time, it decreases costs across the board.
  16. http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/minoritywomen.jpg
  17. I know a guy with a ring down on 3rd st. he's in the old elementary school that got turned into art studios. i've been tryin to find the money to join, he's a BJJ black belt and I want to get actual formal training. Apparently he's gonna host some amateur fights soon, some of his fighters vs. another ring's. Maybe I'll see if he'd do a CR discount if a bunch of us sign up to do some lessons/memberships.
  18. Standup Boxing? kickboxing? MMA style? and what about gloves? Bareknuckle, 4oz or 16oz? its been a while since i've sparred, this would be a great reason to get back into it.
  19. you win the most misinformed post of the day award. the people in MA don't care about healthcare because their state system has already progressed waaaay beyond where the federal healthcare bill aims to be.
  20. she was definitely in the passenger seat when he cut me off. or at least some girl was. wish i knew who this kid was. i'd give him a "stern talking-to"
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