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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. actually I have an old PSU that was making funny noises. i'd give it to you free, something to get the machine going while you find something else 450W, it would just occasionally buzz until i whacked the case of my machine, then it'd stop for a while lol.
  2. mods remove this post if its inappropriate, but I have a graphics card that would compliment this machine. HIS Hightech Radeon HD2400PRO, DVI/S-Video/VGA output, 256MB/64bit, PCI-express x16. $30 Again, OP if this infringes on your thread have this post removed, but I figure an easily accessable graphics card might speed up your sale
  3. Sweden's definitely a 2nd favorite IMO, no doubt, but Canada is stacked. As for competing egos, I think they have a solid balance of age to offset that. With Niedermayer and Pronger leading the D (I hope they have Weber and Pronger on the same line...they would destroy) and Jumbo Joe and Iginla up front I think they have solid leadership, but you're right there definitely is a lot of young talent to manage. The Swedes, on the other hand, is all experience. Some reports I've seen have the Sedins on the 3rd line with Johan Franzen, which would be baffling if they plan on using Sundin as their 2nd line Center with Huse' and Forsberg on the wings. Then again, the Euro teams love to play experience ahead of pure skill so we'll see. I think the biggest factor they have working for them is the fact that 80% of their team already plays together in either Vancouver or Detroit
  4. Henrik has been looking pretty sloppy in net lately. Then again, so has Ryan Miller (only in February though...the rest of the year he's been a brick wall). I think Canada's gonna take home ice advantage and tear everyone a new puckhole. When in doubt, always bet on Marty Brodeur. edit: Hockey's pretty much the only thing I watch during the winter olympics
  5. http://columbus.craigslist.org/vgm/1595493552.html http://columbus.craigslist.org/vgm/1595260958.html lol $350 for the first one, thats NUTS. tho i suppose it does come with 73 games.
  6. There's no race shorter than 100m in the Olympics, I think Johnson's got the edge in a 40yd dash. They still have yet to establish a distance to run.
  7. transporting across state lines? thats a whole other issue.
  8. oh man i've been wanting to make some rabbit stew for a while. definitely gonna keep an eye on this thread
  9. Damn, sucks to see the job take someone's life like that. You know he'd rather die freezing in the Bering than in a hospital bed. Best of luck to his family.
  10. going 65 in the unplowed left lane on 670 was worth it to see the looks on the yahoos doing 30 in the plowed middle and right lanes.
  11. no, i read a while ago about all the lawsuits and rehab and such, with vin leaving i figured they wouldn't go on with the show. i really can't believe people forsake family for tv.
  12. i'll be honest, i thought that show had been cancelled a while ago. its too bad the family situation had to get this bad before they decided to scrap the show. i hope with their time apart and away from cameras they all have time to realize what's important in life....
  13. http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=2034940032%204020&bop=And&ActiveSearchResult=True&Order=RATING That's what they have on Newegg, I got my ex something similar to the Lenovo at the top of the list. She's more or less retarded when it comes to not cluttering up computers so it runs kinda slow now after a couple years, but its a solid computer nonetheless.
  14. This. Abe Vigoda gets an honorable mention "Thats not what your girlfriend said" LMAO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3rsaneyeXY
  15. how was it horrible? it was amazing http://farm1.static.flickr.com/139/380000899_18ecbd2587.jpg
  16. i'm pretty sure all that is man is one who has evolved enough mentally to use better, stronger tools (tools such as the truck, and the snowplow) to get a job done.
  17. he increased the Jackets win % every year he coached here except for this year. got the jackets to their first postseason. jackets are going to have another decade of mediocrity before they get to the playoffs again, if they wanted to do better they should start by firing most of the front office, not hitchcock.
  18. I can't believe I'm the first to call BS on this auction. There's no way this is legit. Anyone who has the means to buy the actual car from that movie would not be dumb enough to PLACE AN AD ON EBAY IN ALL CAPS. If indeed its a real collector's car, it would probably be sold somewhere less retarded than ebay.
  19. AGREED. Especially in California, where the penal system budget is already stretched razor thin. I say provide them with basic lessons on how to read and a library full of religious texts of all faiths. If they want to express religious beliefs, they can do so while Bubba tattoos the inside of their colon with his meat needle.
  20. Old School Rap: Listen to Pharcyde and you will know what old school rap is Metal: You need to listen to some Mastodon Ska: Sublime is not ska...if you hadn't said Bosstones I'd highly doubt you even know what ska is.
  21. front plates must be mounted on the front bumper, and putting it in the window violates the "securely fastened" part.
  22. Have you heard Fix Your Face? DJ AM mashing up bunch of hip-hop with Travis Barker drumming over it all.
  23. Thats interesting, most tanto's I've fooled around with have a much thicker blade close to the tip. my buddy has this Bud Nealy as his boot knife, thing is fucking razor sharp. http://www.sysadminblog.com/sysadmin/uploads/boker_bud_nealy.jpg
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