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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. sadly, just as you and i are free to express our opinions on this matter and free to adopt our pets and treat them humanely and lovingly, so too are the morons of america free to repeat the same mistakes throughout their lives. they are also just as free to blame their problems on someone else and constantly (and i really do mean constantly...its a never-changing situation) shuffle the burden of responsibility to someone else.
  2. goddamn those wheels look stupid on that car edit: solid find though
  3. this is at OSU right? if its a public school you'll probably be ok since they abide by public oversight laws. if its a private school you're fucked because they can make up whatever rules they want.
  4. they'll only do that when people figure out how to easily hack the ps3
  5. looks like 1 million people aren't gonna be playing anything online... http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/11/12/cnet.xbox.live.ban/index.html
  6. DAMN http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/11/12/cnet.xbox.live.ban/index.html
  7. I recently read a series of reviews of PS3 vs XBOX 360 starting around the PS3s launch date, then another a year later, and the most recent in January of 09 (so pre-120GB PS3 Slim). I think the conclusion it draws is excellent: if you want to read the whole article, its very in-depth in terms of looking from all angles (netflix, etc) http://www.hardcoreware.net/playstation-3-vs-xbox-360-two-years-later/ edit: the fact that you can actually store a majority of video formats (such as AVI) on your PS3 hard drive is the main selling point for me. The "media extender" funcion on the XBOX 360 never really worked well enough for me and you can't store anything that isn't WMV, which is retahhhded.
  8. there's one I think on 70W that says "Jesus Is Real" and has commandments on the back. I think its funny because there are very very few people who deny the existence of Jesus, they just question his place as the son of God.
  9. probably cuz you pay for the xbox live subscription amirite?
  10. the thing about compulsive liars is they NEVER back down. like that whole ep of South Park where Cartman convinces himself that he wrote the Gayfish joke. That's pretty much what they do. They just believe their own lies so much because they have a compulsive need to be superior to everyone else that it becomes their reality, albeit a skewed and empty one.
  11. maroon death row inmates on an island filled with ravenous cannibal rapists? its a tough thing to call...i'm pro-capital punishment but only when there is irrefutable DNA evidence combined with multiple non-conflicting witness statements. its also more expensive to kill someone than to incarcerate them for life (in most cases).
  12. I may be interested in punching bag. I'll PM you soon.
  13. just thinking about it makes me wanna poop. im totally gonna get one
  14. Tough to say. I've always said there's no car that looks better than the Cobra, even replicas are fuckin nice.
  15. Because Steve Jobs can mysteriously reappear with a new liver despite a ridiculously long waiting list for such transplants. They're just better at making money by making people feel smarter than any other company.
  16. Get PS3, you'll feel like a retard paying to play online if you get a 360. And, yes microsoft does everything it can to fuck you off their servers when playing with illegally downloaded content. NHL10 on PS3 + free online gaming + blu-ray = win. Also, the 120GB PS3 is $299, the Xbox 360 Elite is the same price. The COD:MW2 edition is $399 and you get an extra controller, the game, and for some reason a 250GB HDD. In my apartment for the past 2 years we've had a: PS3 Xbox 360 N64 SNES NES Wii Sega Dreamcast Of all those, the Xbox simply gathered dust because no one wanted to pay for an online subscription. We had 4 controllers for that and only 2 for the PS3 but we played that about twice as much as any other console, with the exception of N64 (Mario Kart). edit: OH YEAH and of all those consoles, the ONLY one that ever malfunctioned on us was the Xbox RRoD, which happened after a year for no reason because no one ever played it.
  17. as far as I can tell, Kobalt is the in-house brand for Lowe's tools. They are made by Snap-on under contract and it would appear they are made in China. I'm sure this is how Lowe's gets away with undercutting Snap-on prices.
  18. fyi my buddy just sold a pair in C deck for $200 total.
  19. everyone's ignoring the fact that the dog didn't have tags...i can see why people would be worried about a possible stray, especially in gahanna where we always ask WHO WILL PROTECT OUR CHILDREN FROM THE EVILS OF THE WORLD!?!?!
  20. i made a similar thread a while ago with hilarious results: http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/reppoints.jpg my favorite is from duff
  21. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxymorphone Yeah, according to the site it is "6-8 times more potent than morphine" So I'd say get this kid some help.
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