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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Rules: You laugh, you lose. If you don't laugh, post a funny picture in an attempt to make others lose. http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/farnsworthvoiceinhead.jpg http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/cornbush.jpg http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/kfc_peta401.jpg
  2. Federal prosecutors have been instructed to curb efforts against state-sanctioned dispensaries and medical users. The only way to keep the pot traffickers out of our national parks with heavy weaponry (major problem in the western states, not so many armed guys in the midwest or east coast) is to make it not profitable for them to do so.
  3. thats a pretty cool build. also + rep for being a good poster and including lots of pics. however, that flame job is utterly terrible (i know you didnt do it). and is that in an HHR? why would you block your entire rear view for 1 sub. edit: i just realized, that guy is one of those people who rolls up to you at a stoplight rattling the fuck out of his license plate and thinks you're impressed cuz you're laughing at him.
  4. trying to understand you is giving me a headache. i'm not tryin to be a grammar nazi but for pete's sake type ENGLISH
  5. The past 2 years I lived in Boston in an old as hell 4br apt with HUGE windows. In the winter our heating bill was $800 a month. Anyways, yea plastic on windows helps if they're older and fireplaces feel and look nice but they're very costly. If you live in a house and want to consider a winter heating alternative, look into pellet stoves. They're very costly up front but they're extremely efficient and effective. I've got a architect friend in Vermont who is now being paid $270 every 6 months from the government because his solar panel/pellet furnace setup is producing 300% extra energy on top of what his home uses.
  6. Love the concept, especially the things you know they'll get rid of, headlights etc. What's with the brushed metal piece on the back? Not sure how I feel about it.
  7. jesus i read the title and thought yuengling had gone under. nearly had a heart attack.
  8. Just make some friends in Indonesia or something.
  9. These things are a tactic to get kids hooked. As much as I disagree with the government's meddling in personal freedoms, its just flavored cigarettes. Fight the Man when they take something away that affects people other than hipsters and underage smokers.
  10. It'd be an interesting fight. Machida's such a well rounded fighter I feel like he'd be able to keep Lesnar less aggressive with his submission ability.
  11. I know the Big East is BCS but Miami and Va Tech are the only teams that have enjoyed much success on a national scale from the conference and they're not even still in the Big East. WV is a solid team but they're streaky, Louisville and Cincy both have relatively easy schedules compared to many of the other conferences (not necessarily vs. OSU, since Tressel loves to be the King of Ohio) and they've been the ones to fill the gap Miami and VaTech left. Still, people don't look at the teams like UConn, Pitt, USF as serious contenders as much as they are. Put these kinds of teams in the playoffs, and it'd be just as exciting basketball where you have teams perceived to be nobodies taking down the perceived powerhouses like USC, OSU, Texas, etc.
  12. craigslist link is dead, how exciting edit: ok i lied, that was pretty funny
  13. College FB without a playoff = no care. I think everyone wants to know how teams like Cincy, BYU, Utah, Hawaii, these teams that come from weak conferences, will do against the big schools. They'll never get the chance to play a nat'l championship unless there's a playoff.
  14. yet we're treated to the steelers raping the clowns
  15. Even the worst kickers on the worst teams in the NFL are making league-minimum $350k a year. That's a pretty real salary, so I'd say he's a real football player. Then you've got guys like Jeff Feagles, who used to wear #10 until the G-men drafted Elisha Manning. Elisha paid him $10k so he could have the number. So Feagles took #17. Then they get Plaxi-shootyourselfintheleg Burress and he put an addition on Feagles' house to get #17. Not a bad life if you ask me.
  16. Pryor is doomed to have the same pro career as his predecessors; Smith, Krenzel, Belisarius. None has done shit in the NFL. And I know its not Smith's fault Flacco got the nod, but Flacco is a way better QB. At OSU the only thing you'll find under center is a big steaming pile of shit.
  17. qft i was downtown last night and I saw at least half a dozen people in the process of getting pulled over throughout the night for no real reason as far as i could tell. maybe they forgot to send in their proof of insurance to the random bureau
  18. i know jack shit about capacitors but is this what you're looking for? http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0002ZP92M/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_1?pf_rd_p=486539851&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B0002ZP49A&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=1MNWZ4ASF9RVE8N9BC93
  19. I'll have you raped and murdered for even insinuating.... Nah it's all good. Probably my sister cuz she'd put up more of a fight and make sure the bastard that did it got his nuts ripped off in the process. But she'd be kind enough to leave me some shred of aliveness so I could join in the murdering of a rapist.
  20. haha great point, I hadn't even thought of that. now a budweiser dunkelweizen might be interesting. or maybe a kellerweiss.
  21. read the fucking thread. I already said I don't mind doing it to prove that I'm insured, but my gripe is that the program solves an invisible problem and is a complete waste of taxpayer money. Would you want government funds keeping an entire office in Richfield OH to process this crap? Cuz that's what's going on. There are a LOT of things this state needs more than a random screening process. If you fail to understand that, how considering what the program actually is intended to do. Okay, its intended to verify that Ohio drivers have insurance on their cars registered in Ohio. A noble cause indeed, because many people fail to maintain insurance or illegally register their cars. So if they do mail a letter to someone who is in violation of this, what exactly do they think they're doing about it? Oh no, they suspended their license and registration now too!? So this means that an innocent person whose proof of insurance was mishandled is now assumed to be guilty (a situation which has already presented itself in this thread). Conversely, someone who is actually violating the law and driving without insurance will pay a greater penalty........IF CAUGHT. It's not like they actually do anything after suspending your license and reg. The program just ends there. They don't send SWAT teams to go find the uninsured. They don't even hit you up again to say "hey, um, do you mind getting insured because if you don't, you run the risk of getting arrested?" They just add you to the list of people who are gonna be completely fucked over next time they get pulled over. Cliffs because I know your reading comprehension is probably as developed as your typing. -I don't care about proving my insurance. I've lived in MA where you MUST surrender identification to a cop if commanded to. I'm used to the Man trying to keep me down. -I just don't like useless government programs when there are good, hardworking people on hard times in this world. -The program, in the end, only ends up fucking people over. It benefits nobody. Show me someone it benefits and I'll consider changing my mind. Another thought; I wonder what costs more. This program, or the potential cost of providing insurance to all uninsured drivers in Ohio? Hmmmm.
  22. lol i'm gonna remember that one
  23. if its anything like a normal weissbier, it'll have a slightly sweet aftertaste that gets cleaned up with the carbonation. nothing like the pisswater they normally crank out.
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