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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. I've got a 1998 Explorer Sport 2dr 4x4 auto, problem is a bit of rust under the doors. I live in Blacklick if you're even a little interested we could meet up easily. Oh and I'd definitely take less than $3k. PM me if you're interested.
  2. oh you mean you've never had minced bull scrotom either? tastes like cotton candy.
  3. Depends if you know how to prepare it. Alligator andouille sausage piquant = teh win. I've had it a couple times, once was at a restaurant in cbus that closed a while ago. I think it was called Tapatia? Tapatio? I don't know for sure but it was damn good. I see your point though. Still, if I'm hunting gators I'm not going out with anything less than 3 large caliber firearms so I've got respect for someone who does it with anything less.
  4. lol my friends just moved into their new apt and found an almost new set of paramax (read: parking lot brand) speakers in the dumpster, still working just the prev owners couldn't sell them for nothing.
  5. i bet that chick has killed more alligators than all of CR combined, who are you to say that's not impressive?
  6. http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/fuuuck.gif
  7. Nietzsche observed "The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently. " also, who remembers where Fmr President Bush was at 0830 on Sept. 11, 2001? http://im.rediff.com/news/2009/jan/07nlook1.jpg
  8. no backwards compatibility, no care
  9. Cliffs 1) You got upset by the POSSIBILITY that your car would get wet 2) You decided to rectify this injustice by stopping and asking a guy to do as you see fit 3) He threatens you, so instead of just driving away (because he obviously only threatened you when you were in your car, where he figured you wouldn't respond to the challenge) you call the cops. 4) Then you come home and post about it on CR so people will say "wow wat a tard lol normal people will never understand our car machismo" 5) Profit???
  10. you should keep the TV and on his 18th birthday, give it to him. After he turns it on and discovers what he did, just yell "ITS YOUR PROBLEM NOW YOU FUCKER"
  11. its a tough market, ive got friends with 4 year degrees in the field not getting jobs. also, presentation counts for a lot. do you have a professional resume?
  12. Just drove back today from upstate NY, 12.5 hours solo. Most annoying thing was truckers in the left lane (3 lane hwy) on an uphill going 50 in a 65. far worse, however, was the trucker who was so close to my bumper i couldn't tell what kind of truck it was b/c the marque was above my window.
  13. there are so many extremist idiotic diatribes in this thread
  14. yeah dude they'll give you the EnV Touch. its what I got and its basically the same thing as the voyager with more aesthetic choices and a better camera.
  15. would you want your taxpayer dollars going towards useful programs or paying work crews to scrape someone's bloody mess off the asphalt because they weren't wearing a seatbelt. i agree that many peoples lives have been saved by not wearing seatbelts, but it shouldnt be an issue of choice, just like bikers should HAVE to wear helmets cuz, hell, why not?
  16. i'm haulin some shit back to ohio i may have room in my car for a 4' round metal Miller Lite sign. id probably ask like $20 for the trouble of getting in back if i actually do bring it, but let me know.
  17. my buddy has 11 toes. its very strange
  18. actually there is. subpoena cellular companies for records of x driver's text messages in the time leading up to an accident. i agree with cop dude. if drinking is legal and texting is legal, then why is one more illegal to do while driving if they're both shown to be bad? i think our justice system is reaching a critical mass of retardation and needs to be purged. so much law could be rewritten to be so much clearer.
  19. I don't quite see it this way. I feel like police action these days is less for the direct "public good" and more towards the "optimal results". There's a ton of pressure on police precincts to put away criminals (the more notable the better!) and raise capital through ticketing, etc. If they can't meet certain expectations, their state and federal funding may dry up, or may not be substantial enough to keep pay at a reasonable rate. Now, that's not to say there aren't some retardedly well funded police outfits out there (looking your way, Gahanna) whose reason for doing their job with maximum results is so they can afford pay raises every year with a new fleet of vehicles to match. But especially in a place like Columbus where city PD is having a well publicized funding crisis, I can see the reason for having a very determined approach to bringing in criminals. edit: This is also the reason I think the war on drugs is so huge. Its a self-perpetuating investigation where each cycle is ended through a nearly identical mechanism. DEA or local PDs arrest drug users, get someone to turn on a dealer. Arrest dealer(s) and use information to sting supplier. Arrest supplier and use information to sting trafficker. And repeat and repeat and repeat and you see why the DEA always gets results and gets a shit ton of federal funding.
  20. anyone remember the flame war between me and kenny about cellular use while driving? yea, i haven't changed my mind. should be outlawed in all 50 states.
  21. My mom is currently in her personal battle with breast cancer, I'm disappointed I didn't see this thread sooner. She was fortunate enough to avoid a mastectomy but had a lumpectomy and is going to have to have more surgery and most likely some radiation treatments, though no chemo. I wish your wife the best and, if she hasn't found it already, I hope she finds a good support group to help her through this time. I think CR would benefit from some sort of Fuck Cancer Crew. Maybe even set up a fund for families/friends of the forum who are going through similar situations but without the financial means to do so as comfortably as others. EDIT: my mom's best friend also fought back cancer back in 2001 and accidentally (seriously) created a non-profit foundation after her cookbook-sales-for-cancer-fundraising got waaaaay more popular than she could've imagined. ""I've finished my treatments and now I'm waiting, holding my breath for that 5 year anniversary. Like Ed McMahon is really going to drive up that day and present me with some kind of certificate. Somebody asked me if, during this period I was considered 'cured' or in 'remission.' Neither one is accurate. I describe myself as 'Waiting to exhale.' My docs have me down as NED, or 'No Evidence of Disease.' So now, whenever I get that jumpy, anxious feeling when I feel an ache or a pain, I attribute it to 'NED-Head' and just keep going." — Judith Melchreit" teamtowanda.org is the site if your wife needs anything. its a great resource.
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