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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. I'm not sure but I'm guessing the program he's in is probably a non-medical detox, as it they just go cold turkey. Which I think is good for my buddy, because he's kicked his addictions before (although I personally believe that once an addict always an addict) he just reforms his bad habits. As stubborn as he is, he's also had great success in just dropping drugs because he wants to. its really bizarre. This treatment is more to help him stay off drugs permanently than it is to teach him how to get off them in the first place.
  2. my neighbor had his house on the market for 2 years (no, not kidding) never got a single bite. the day after he finds someone to rent it, he gets an offer very close to his asking price. so i dunno, try renting.
  3. Yeah actually I forgot to mention he also used to get fucked up on methadone when he was at Butler in Indy. His oxy supply there dried up so he made weekly trips to Kokomo to get methadone. I dunno if suboxone is any better for treating addicts but I hope its not like methadone for his sake. The program he's in is a 12-step deal, which I think could be bad because this kid has wholeheartedly rejected any kind of supernatural authority due to attending catholic high school. He's definitely going to come to some realizations but yeah, we'll see where that gets him.
  4. my friend started with percs. turned into oxycontin. turned into heroin. i hope she gets help man. whether or not she wants to hear it, my best advice would be to constantly remind her she needs help. its not worth having a sister who only likes you when you're not trying to help her.
  5. emergency room then. do whatever you need to get some antibiotics. tell the doctor you think you have staph and if they still won't see you then go to the emergency room.
  6. Yeah my uncle's friend does the same thing. I called him up for advice in the early stages of this disaster and he basically told me the same exact thing; that it doesn't matter what we do, he's got to want to exact the change in his life. Fortunately, his parents and family have gone through this before. His twin brother was doing the exact same thing 6 months ago. What's weird is my friend LOATHES his brother and hates how he treated his family when he was going through withdrawal/rehab, so I can only hope he takes that into consideration when trying to find his solution.
  7. My buddy was lucky that his parents love him and that he's gonna get help overcoming his demons, but a lot of people aren't as fortunate. What's important is that if you think someone is hurting themselves with drugs, never EVER hesitate to call them out on it and inform everyone who loves them about it. I have no regrets about my actions, I only regret that I tried to help him on my own and not getting his parents involved.
  8. tsrh get to a doctor immediately, shit can travel through your bloodstream and stop anywhere, but especially places you've injured before (knees are a big one) or even heart.
  9. :nws: http://www.demotivatorblog.com/wp-content/uploads/yapb_cache/largehardoncolliderme5.6hksfsniwm80o4kc84gogc8ss.ap2qhjyqp08cgc0c80ss4cco4.th.jpeg Why do people on this site think they dont have to link pics of dicks
  10. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1239148/ welcome to 2 years ago
  11. i have no time for mspaint but lets just say it involves jambalaya and food poisoning.
  12. Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man
  13. i'm gonna pretend to not be the guy who's fucking your mom for once
  14. yeah i saw that! and it wasn't cheap either, like $16.
  15. yeah this woot off has been terrible
  16. All numbers are assigned according to inaugural season 19 - Krzysztov Oliwa (no, I didn't just mash the keyboard), also Mathieu Darche 61 - Rick Nash 23 - Kevin Dahl, also Alex Selivanov 37? could be 33 hard to tell - Petteri Nummelin (if 33), Mattias Timander (if 37) 14 - Ray Whitney 12 - Ted Drury 25 - Bruce Gardiner 8 - Geoff Sanderson 48? could be 45 - Jody Shelley (if 45) 7 - Deron Quint 16 - Blake Sloan 24 - Lyle Odelein, also Mike Gaul 22 - Chris Nielsen 78? could be 70 hard to tell - only one person in the league played in a 78 or 70 sweater in 2000/2001, but if it was 28 or 20 it could be either Tyler Wright (28) or Martin Spanhel (20) hope this helps in your sale.
  17. definitely. i would guess this was an inaugural season stick judging by numbers. could be worth around what you're asking
  18. haha my friend's brother tried to do this after the man vs food outing. he failed. he got all the way thru the sandwich but couldn't do fries. on the way to the car, he started stumblin and losing his equilibrium. then he puked like an open fire hydrant and all was well in the world. they're probably used to that by now.
  19. get ps3. Blu-ray + free, non-subscription online play
  20. A4 S-Line or IS250 would be my choices. I like the Lexus/Toyota reliability but the A4 is so goddamn fun to drive.
  21. and what's the deal with airline food!?
  22. I've definitely smiled widely a couple times, and I lost to one of the ones i'm bout to post not this one http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/alzheimers.jpg but this one http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/caxide/gifbinsquirrelcatapult.gif
  23. This response was carefully planned. Its a dupe thread in every sense, doesn't mean it can't be funny.
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