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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. does it matter? bitch is gonna lose anyways. no republican* wants to face the grim possibility of this skank being president when mccain keels over *fake edit: no competent republican real edit: related story: http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/09/04/Biden.Palin/index.html?iref=mpstoryview
  2. this is not serios thread. take your serios reply elsewhere
  3. diggity damn nice collection for a 20 year old. welcome
  4. The only fallacy in your otherwise solid logic. Well done for a drunk post, I must say.
  5. http://www.google.com/chrome who's using it, what are your thoughts? posting from it right now, its nice and fast like FF, simplistic like IE8. So far I hate the color scheme but once some skins come out it'll be a lot more awesome. open source ftmfw
  6. he even thought ahead. gettin a can in there in case he loses the opener
  7. holy fuck THATS WHAT I'VE BEEN MISSING OUT ON?? edit: http://www.webace.com.au/~clarke/photos/adahslitter05f.jpg so delicious
  8. i dunno, they showed Thompson's ear popping a whooooooole mess of times on instant replay.
  9. does "eight delight mean" Ok so this is obviously for the chinese food veterans. Google images has returned results from a bowl of what looks like shrimp, veggies, pork, etc. to fried shrimp on a bed of beef strips and nothing else. Web search provides lots of chinese delivery restaurants but no comment on the contents. I'll probably just end up ordering it.
  10. http://www.unitedbeerfront.com/images/1_23_083105_looters2.jpg
  11. upgrading cpus is a bitch in laptops. just get a new one. this is a no content response
  12. n00bs don't get their five back. unless you mean five -rep points, which i'm sure you'll earn by posting in this thread that everyone was done with a week ago.
  13. oh i know, kimbo would lose both those fights. he'd make a couple million dollars doing it though, and could just work for that porn company for the rest of his life.
  14. http://amuse.hamsterpaj.net/distribute/image/do_it_faggot_2.jpg woo hoo triple spam
  15. http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w89/_ATG_/DoItFaggot.jpg
  16. http://www.tate.org.uk/britain/turnerprize/2006/images/marktitchner_ifyoucandreamit.jpg edit: http://www.wh0rd.biz/dog-teeth-do-it.jpg
  17. i've used LMC for a few things on the apache, was very happy with everything I got from them. great looking truck
  18. kimbo need to fight 2 more people and then quit: http://www.mmatko.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/fedor-choi2-sm.jpg for those that don't know, thats Fedor and Hong Man Choi
  19. the only thing closer to nowhere is death valley.
  20. El Karacho1647545492


    no one cares, he's just leaving his legacy as a shit thread that everyone got to post whatever they wanted in
  21. i'd rather have harmless antics of a slightly troubled man than an attention whoring, suicide failing T.O.
  22. i guess its somehow better that this dispute is less about money, more about sentimental things but still....they're just things. i miss the days when extended family was just as important as the nuclear family
  23. RS6 is the classiest audi, bar none. even the R8 takes a second seat to the combo of performance and luxury.
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