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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. this thread approved for: http://www.clifburns.us/photos/hillbillies.jpg seriously, spend your money on something that isn't obnoxious to everyone nearby. you're no better than a ricer with strobe headlights and hydraulics. unless your primary mode of transportation is something that's measured more in tons than feet save your money. or do whatever the hell you want, its your life.
  2. cliffs for those too lazy? or is it just 5 pages of buffoonery?
  3. a mod would do well to move this to pics & vids and make this about said friend. just my .02
  4. triple post and i'm done breaking rules. someone adopt the kittah
  5. wow, that's harsh. i must be on par with most mosses and lichens
  6. LOL I'm glad someone had the forethought to save that picture for when I opened my big mouth. Well played. edit: shitty chop tho, what's that supposed to be, a squash?
  7. She should've kept jogging instead of stopping for the kittah. I bet she doesn't miss any meals either now that the zingers you set me up for are past, MORE PICS. srsly tho, i'm just bored. bumpity
  8. just make all the necessary changes (i.e. use a bolt and some washers to attach a front plate temporarily) so your car's legal by the time you get to court. thats really the only way to help your case.
  9. you nailed it. nothing more can come from this thread. lock it up
  10. whatever you do, SEE THIS FUCKING MOVIE IN IMAX. Several of the scenes, including beginning and end, were shot using IMAX cameras. there's nothing as awesome as seeing a 40 foot tall Batman fucking up a 39 foot tall Joker. also, I along with everyone else am predicting a posthumous nomination and Oscar win for Heath Ledger
  11. qft, just get a normal HU so you dont deal with the shitty feeling of loss
  12. check out the most ridiculous sports one
  13. You tryin to say somethin about people who buy fruit rollups motherfucker? The deliciousness is far cooler than you. Seriously though, emokids are on the way out. Hipster kids are the new shitheels. http://www.blaker.de/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/Brick%20Lane%20hipsters.jpg
  14. one just wonders why you'd join a racing site if you don't even like cars...here try this one: www.ohiotrainforums.com
  15. Fucking hate lowlife shitstains that have nothing better to do than steal shit and make other people's lives miserable.
  16. find someone who has season tix, they can exchange ones for games they didn't go to for day-of-game tix
  17. alright i admit it was me who snitched. my bad guys, i'll buy the next round of drinks?
  18. Not sure, probably because they're double-polarized glasses. Important thing to know about polarized glasses: DO NOT SPEND MONEY ON POLARIZED GLASSES!!!!! Polarization is good, but when you're spending top dollar on Oakleys or Smith polarized glasses, its not the polarization you're paying for. You're paying for distortionless lenses. Its important, more often in sports, that you are able to see what's actually there. I.e. when I play tennis I put down my usual shitty driving sunglasses (which are polarized) and pick up my Wiley Xs, which have no vision distortion whatsoever. I don't want to be swinging at a ball that is somewhere other than where I see it. My Wiley X XL-1s The military guys here may be familiar with Wiley X, as they make most of the ballistic protective lenses given to the military today. Its great knowing that I can take a 12 gauge to the face at 15 feet and at least I'll be able to see after that.
  19. I've been drinkin that shit since I was 4. Seriously, my mom loves the stuff and up in New England the Brazilians run everything, so its easy to find. Black beer is awesome.
  20. anyone here drink black and tans? can't fuckin beat 'em.
  21. http://www.angelzfunnyz.com/Portals/0/Gallery/Album/2/forgot-chicken-nuggets.jpg
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