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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. the answer is 42. its sad that most people on this board won't understand that reference
  2. this is now a "lets laugh at antonio henton" thread. BWAAAAAHAHAHA HENTON IS SUCH A FUCK. seriously, kid takes off to somewhere he'll do jack shit rather than where he could learn from Boeckman and Tressel. Good thing Boeckman's the shit.
  3. i hope he shot himself in the foot after that photo was taken. i can't even begin to explain everything that is offensive to common sense in that fucking picture from being so fucking stupid as to slap stickers on his windshield to looking like he just got raped by a Gotti.
  4. QFT you didn't give him a chance to hit his powerband, if you'd stayed in he would have TOTALLY gotten you man. cue FnF quotes. i'll start "i almost had you man!"
  5. i'm sorry to see you're from new jersey. other than that you seem like a decent human.
  6. like has been said before, the Monte Carlo is great. its older, but it was one of the best back in the day and its still a great hotel and casino.
  7. soccer is awesome, but this statement is true.
  8. more like the shut the fuck up and stop posting crew
  9. I call Pope of the Not-In-Columbus Crew
  10. if he hasn't gotten the idea now he never will besides its just the internet
  11. twitter is a faggy thing where people constantly update their status via cell phone and it sends out to their faggy friends. its just another way your incredibly attention deprived faggy friends can feel somehow connected someone even though its via virtual electronic leash. *by fag i clearly mean "bundle of sticks"
  12. posting without reading any responses: being a member of CR is a privilege, not a right. its a free forum that asks nothing of you other than to follow some pretty simple rules that don't affect your life negatively in any way. if you don't like the way this place is run even though a few thousand other people do, get the fuck out.
  13. here's the validation you wanted for being a herohttp://images.lamer.net/thumbs/tard-smiley-gif-indexicon.jpg edit: good everyone's ok though
  14. hidden behind a faux-Picasso painting in the wall. it was 100% destroyed, the whole stairway and walls adjacent had to be completely torn out and redone
  15. 1TB for $170 shipped http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822216041 750GB for $140 shipped http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822216046 500GB for $83 shipped http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822101031 newegg is your friend. Fuck microcenter
  16. my buddy's dad had a wall safe that some people broke into, threw down his stairs to open, and took ~$1m in various forms from. if people want something, they'll get it.
  17. sucks to hear man, keep an eye on Craigslist if not checking local pawn shops.
  18. fat chicks are like mopeds, fun to ride til your friends catch you on one. you got caught, face the music.
  19. in phil's defense: http://www.myfreegraphics.com/images/fulls/fat-girls-give-the-best-head.0.jpg
  20. shots of jaeger on me if you're ever in beantown. http://somuchdamage.com/stuff/burfdaye.jpg
  21. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA pwned. first page ftw
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