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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Disclaimer: I in no way believe that the solution to the illegal immigration problem is to simply change their title from "illegal" to "legal", a lot of the illegal immigrants bring problems with them that we cannot solve by affording them luxuries of freedom. That said, taxpayer money in New Haven is not exactly scarce. With people like Oprah and Mel Gibson owning houses there, their tax revenue is through the roof. Another thing to understand is that a lot of the illegals in CT are not running across a border to get in the country. They have gotten in elsewhere and have come to CT because there's a lot of economic opportunity there. New Haven faces different challenges with immigrants. They're not running across the border with cocaine shoved up their asses, nor are they shuttling dozens of other illegals in minivans on weekends. They're not (at least not in my opinion having lived in CT for a majority of my life) dangerous, nor are they significant enough in number there to make much of a difference. It is, however, an alarming event if its a trend (which I'm sure it wont be)
  2. arsenic, motherfucker, do you use it? [/samuel jackson] seriously, though, poison the fuck out of them
  3. As MA gun laws are a little ridiculous (read: goddamn hippies) I cant get this, but I have a friend who is interested for the right price. I'll let you know what he offers when I talk to him later after work.
  4. Interested...do you know much about guns/know what condition the gun is in?
  5. All Drew Carey's own shows have been God-awful, but the show he inherited from Clive Anderson (Who's Line Is It Anyway?) was a smashing hit, despite the fact it had a lot of the same cast members as Drew Carey's other shows. I'm thinking his inheritance of The Price is Right could go pretty well; he's a regular dude with relatively clean humor and I think that'll go a long way with the Price is Right crowd.
  6. If I didn't already have a 48 year old headache in my possession, I would so buy this. Bump for a beautiful classic.
  7. by misplaced the charger you mean it doesnt come with the wallcharger... right? does it come with any other accessories, like carcharger, etc?
  8. Hellz yea on the CR bachelor party, and congrats mofucker.
  9. do you know a guy named George Matchneer?
  10. how i wish they were 6-lug. free bump for astronomically priced rims lol
  11. still have either of the monitors?
  12. nah, he's just advising her on her finances
  13. The astute reader would have noticed that he put $20 on this being a single shenanigan, not multiple shenanigans. There is still a possibility for a shenanigan to emerge.
  14. I forgot to mention Int'l Relations major + History minor at Boston University.
  15. and here i thought i'd be opening this thread to a pic of a big black dildo. jk man, good acquisition
  16. MILF Hunter. Also, Local Marketing Coordinator at Bravo Development Inc (Brio and Bravo restaurants).
  17. i think i can do this....i'm a fatty mcfucksticks but i've got good hands, who else is coming?
  18. I have that. Its called iTunes play count.
  19. What happened Sam, did he steal your girl or something? Da cat's out da bag o snap!!!!!!! I'm on page one, bitches. I'll sell this post space to anyone.
  20. I'll buy it from you this weekend. For asking price.
  21. Its not the best album ever, but I like it.
  22. Interested...is it iPod compadible? or do you have the model # so I can just look up specs myself?
  23. You need a new name...how about 5 Speed Quattro
  24. Zeitgeist is a good listen, but its up and down for me. I'm at work so I'm listening to Beethoven's 6th, but in the car I've been listening to Physical Graffiti (one of the best albums ever written), Led Zeppelin I (the best album ever written), and Abbey Road (a great complement to the Zeppelins). All on a data CD on random, its amazing.
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