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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. i checked the availability.... get an Ohio State plate and do this: http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/orgasm.jpg
  2. ^^^hahaha hey man, i'm not singling your out, i'm just saying i know there's gotta be a few guys who are realistic enough to agree that their momma is fat and ugly and who are willing to share for some fun shens
  3. will someone provide link? i dont feel like putting on my hazmat suit and diving in that thread
  4. I'm gettin really fuckin bored, so I'm gonna pull some Craigslist shens. And this is warning for you guys, in case any of you sick fuckers peruse the craigslist personals, don't get caught in my little joke. So a while ago, a friend and I decided it'd be hilarious to pull some pranks on craigslist, and I think I saw this done in another incarnation somewhere else, so I decided I'll do it here. Step 1: fake email that sounds like something real. I need to come up with one thats not like "sexiangel31xx222" cuz who is going to believe that? No, I'll have to think harder than that. Well, "craigslist prank" can be rearranged to say "girl kiss can trap", so i'm going to see if that's taken on hotmail, cuz no one uses that anymore anyways. Step 2: fake name. I think a good name for what I'm looking to do would be "Maureen". So, CR, lets get to know Maureen. Step 3: this is where I need your help, CR. I want a picture of a fat chick. Not someone ridiculously fat, and not just some google search that turned up "fat chick" I want your mothers, your friends, whatever pictures of fat chicks you know so I can use a legit fat chick in this picture. The plan: post a personal ad with a fat, ugly, whorish looking chick that says "I'm really into married college professors, if you're looking for a good time, contact...." and seeing who contacts. There would be no blackmail, I probably wouldn't contact anyone much, but it'd just be fuckin hilarious to see the responses. so help me CR.
  5. Remember when Lowered_93_sbc_s10 tried to pull shens that was hilarious to him and no one else? Like when he revived all those threads in the Kitchen? Yeah, it was funny but now he's gonna get the b7hammer. So the real topic is how would you go about getting banned on CR? Like if the admins or CR itself had decided to gang up on you, how would you go about leaving your mark for members to tell the tale of. I would probably pull some shenanigans where I called some people out, showed up, picked a fight, I don't know. Something where I got to actually earn my bannage in real life, not over some stupid faggy internet e-thugging. edit: or I could've made a shit thread, like this one.
  6. http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/117849829870.jpg http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w147/caxidea/1178066385284.jpg
  7. Looks like you've got a couple clean neons. I remember seeing some crazy slowmo neons when I was tearing apart the blue slug, and I also remember racing (in a completely sanctioned, closed course race of course) an R/T that had an SRT-4 swap that kept up with a BMW 540i Sport. Welcome to the boards...keep your head low and your sense of humor about you.
  8. He said the reason for selling was because he didn't want to see it sitting outside in a parking lot for a year in Chicago while he waits for his house to get built. Also, I dunno if it shows in the pictures, but it was JUST Zaino'd, and he did a fuckin awesome job. I don't have any pictures of that, but I'll say it looked bomb with a cleaning job.
  9. Thats right, folks. My good friend EAT V8S has decided to sell his STi pending his move to Chicago. He's got well over $12,000 invested in the car, not to mention the fact that he's kept it in great condition. At least have a look at the custom work done, Anthony I think he mentioned something about meeting you in Jeg's at some point. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Subaru-Impreza_W0QQitemZ280120058818QQihZ018QQcategoryZ31868QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem $26,000 OBO. Contact me if you're interested, as he has several potential buyers.
  10. i'm going back to area 51 for...uh....dinner
  11. be VERY careful with the Zune. They have a really bad problem where the screen spontaneously will crack with very little pressure and MICROSOFT REFUSES TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE DESIGN FLAW AND WILL NOT REPLACE YOUR ZUNE, EVEN IF YOU HAVE PURCHASED EXTENDED WARRANTIES. If you can, return it right away. If you can't just be careful dude.
  12. lol lookin to turn a profit on your mod powers? sellout!
  13. wow that seems pretty fucked up, rick. still, i have to commend you for not taking the hardline conservative approach for once.
  14. shit yeah dude, PM me whenever you have some free time and i'll come out and chill. hotcarl: you'd think so, but the only people that are truly turned on by this truck are A) men and B) not usually in possession of all their teeth
  15. okay here's how i see it. 1) she's your ex-gf. you are in no way obligated to lend her your car, as you would be with a current gf. therefore, she is taking your car at her own risk. argument over 2) for argument's sake, lets say you want to be nice and not treat her like that. okay, well she was driving, not you. you won't get a ticket for leaving your car sitting in a driveway with too much tint or no front plate, so therefore the only time its fair game is when its driving. she was the driver, so she's fair game, not you. argument over 3) say you want to take this farther. just put a front plate on it, bring it in, show them you've fixed it, and they won't charge you the ticket.
  16. Thanks, man, I appreciate all the comments I get on it. something kinda awful happened the other day; I filled up the tank with 93 and left it out at Bob-Boyd (I drive for them, my neighbor is one of the owners). Well, it was in the sun and the gas expanded and leaked out of the oldass gas cap, and since the paint isn't clearcoated it basically peeled a huge stripe directly down from the gas cap to the bottom and it looks like complete shit. I was so pissed off I was about to kill someone, and as I'm driving home a guy in an F-350 passes me, honks, and gives a thumbsup. Its fucking amazing how much that compliment helped my day cuz even though the truck was completely fucked from my point of view, that guy still saw it for the monstrous piece of history it is. Man, maybe I'll wash it and post pics soon.
  17. you guys have to check your facts, it actually ends up costing more to put someone to death; between appeals, stays, lawyers, etc, the costs for putting someone to death are astronomical compared to jailing them for life. that said, I think the system needs to become more streamlined so that capital punishment IS a cheaper, easier system. you rarely hear of someone taking 2 hours to die with a .22 bullet ricocheting around their brain.
  18. It sounds pretty good, I'm actually astonished that an iPod could even power these speakers at all, even though its not THAT loud.
  19. Yeah, its kinda both. I'm not gonna drive it around until I have something alittle more.......solid to keep that left speaker in. Fortunately, there's a step inside the door where EVERYTHING in this truck falls, and its big enough that if the speaker came loose it'd just fall in there. Still, I'm gonna use a lot more tape, maybe use some L-braces to keep it over there. I was just going for that pre-Pimp My Ride look with this thing.
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