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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. linn will benchrace anyone for $20, or so i hear
  2. the race is on...first snow of 3+ inches and your ass is mine
  3. this is what the original CR "shred sleds" looked like http://www.selecthomedecor.com/adminpics/pnb.jpg
  4. Last year the only person that came close to Rob was that douchebag from columbusstreetracing.com who tried to disguise a toboggan as a bench. He got disqualified though. Surf wax is okay, but I use a special blend of Meguiars and Sex Wax...you have to wax a bit more often, but taking the trophy from all of you fuckers is going to be cake. This year, i'm bringing in my little friend Ikea to dominate. http://www.action-hero.net/images/ottenby_bench01.jpg you guys are toast
  5. in the video, it shows a timeslip and at the top it says "Ranger 06 Z06" or something like that...you guys are right.
  6. Are you thinking of J. Gilberts? I know there's one up there on 23 and there's one in my old town in Connecticut, and you're right; fucking amazing food. As for the Texas de Brazil, churruscerias are fucking amazing. There's one out here in Boston a mile from my dorm that is easily the best you can get outside of Brazil, mostly cuz Boston has a huge Portuguese/Brazilian population.
  7. Its where people take a picnic bench, turn it upside down, wax the bottom (or top....whatever) and "surf" down the side of a mountain. The loser is beaten with his bench, and the winner keeps the title of "top dawg" until the spring when the snow melts and the auto racing begins again.
  8. Chinese: Joy Food One, New Albany (or Gahanna, I cant remember where they're technically located) near Stoneridge. Sushi: Asian Gourmet, stoneridge...I know their sushi chef, he's a good guy and despite being a little pricey, their sushi is always good. The only place I like more is that little sushi joint in the North Market, but thats not excactly a "restaurant" Italian: Buca di Beppo. Steak: Smith and Wollensky...call me crazy but I kinda like the atmosphere. Other: Barcelona, German Village. Go for the entrees, stay for the desserts...sooooo good, but easy to drop $100 for you and your lady. Honorable Mention: M (Miranova). Way expensive, but if you have the opportunity to have their Steak-in-a-Bowl, don't pass it up.
  9. that is definitely one of the coolest satellite radio mount jobs i've ever seen. mad props on having it somewhere relatively unique, so the center console isn't one gigantic clusterfuck lightshow all the time, with shit sticking out everywhere.
  10. politically correct freaks get the fuck out I like my women how I like my metal: black and heavy ...how I like my GPA: constantly going down on me. ...how I like my Scotch: aged 12 years. ...how I like my Saddam Hussein: convicted of crimes against humanity and sentenced to death by hanging. ...how I like my beer: dark and double fisted. ...how I like my summers: hot and no class. ...how I like my DRZ06: fast and rich. ...how I like my coltboostin: crashed into a wall at 200mph. ...how I like my nitrous: wet and ready to take a big shot. ...how I like my CR admins: fucking crazy. ...how I like my exhaust: loud and pungent. (ew) ...how I like my racetracks: tight and curvy. now you try.
  11. I've driven a few of their cars, a yellow LS1 GTO that was beat to shit. They sell either A) rice or B) power cars beat to shit under the hood.
  12. "Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has not heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains." -Falsely attributed to Churchill, still a great quote.
  13. you know Blackwell is struggling in the races when he plays the NAMBLA card...funniest part is that my ex girlfriend worked on his campaign and had to make all the calls to NAMBLA to get the slander that he used...i loled
  14. ever think about the fact that raising minimum wage might motivate people to fucking DO something about the illegal immigration problem? while for the time being we'll be paying them more, maybe it'll get the fucking politicians to get off their asses and do something about it
  15. somebody has too much money
  16. in other news, strickland is kicking blackwells ass right now.
  17. They have one of those, but the manufacturers of buttons are all dyslexic and spelled "n-e-i-t-h-e-r" as "i-n-d-e-p-e-n-d-e-n-t"
  18. Hahahaha man, I couldn't help but laugh at that last sentence. You can't honestly expect to say a bunch of inflammatory things like that and then say you're not trying to step on any toes. While I definitely agree with a lot of what you say (I was raised a fiscal conservative, social liberal like many people in my generation), sometimes change for the sake of change is a good thing. This administration has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is A) incapable of handling social issues with any grace whatsoever and B) fucking HORRIBLE at limiting corruption and inappropriate behavoir, and I'm not just talking about Republicans. According to sources I've seen (referenced from both cnn.com and bbc.co.uk) about 3/4 of Americans, regardless of political affiliation, believe that Congress has lost touch with the public that voted them into office. We need a limit of the number of terms a Senator or State Representative can be elected. With a ridiculous incumbency re-election rate, Congresspeople have grown used to the idea that they can do pretty much whatever the fuck they want, and then run a scare campaign 2 or 6 years later saying "if you vote ______ into office, the foreigners will invade, the Dollar will drop to the value of the Yen, and Ted Kennedy will come rape your children." That's all I've seen in Massachusetts...I made a conscious decision not to vote because all the fuckers here are corrupt and full of shit. Not a single candidate here has earned my vote. I understand Ohio is much different because it carries so much weight in terms of what goes on in the U.S. (in all but 2 of the presidential elections in the 20th century, Ohio has voted in favor of the winning candidate). That said, I think people need not look at what a candidate promises, because we all know that promises made during a campaign for election are about as reliable as a "I swear, I'll pull out!" I think we really need to look at the character of the candidate. Did you vote for a guy because he says things you want to hear, even though he's just been indicted on grand larceny charges? Or did you vote for the guy that may not stand for everything you do, but you voted for him because you think he is a man of the people, who is in touch with his community?
  19. http://x006.uploaderx.net/x/742158493.jpghttp://x006.uploaderx.net/x/moose.jpghttp://x006.uploaderx.net/x/865026972.jpghttp://x006.uploaderx.net/x/boozt.jpg harharhar more to come
  20. geo storm http://home.milkmandan.org/dev/null/archives/geo_storm.jpg
  21. where to begin: 1) I don't know if thats common, but the location of that tach is just fucking insane. I'd slam my head on it every time I got in and out of the car (6'3") 2) Not like every fucking cop in town wouldn't be all over your ass for the obstructed view of the rear license plate...by a fucking parachute. 3) Air ride....on a Cobra...are you fucking kidding? 3a) seriously, what the fuck was he thinking. 4) that cowl has to reduce visibility by at least 40%, even if you're like 7 feet tall...just stupid. 5) Whats with the Saleen shit...unless it is actually a Saleen (and thus already riced the fuck out) wtf?
  22. well i was gonna, but after i read that, i've been dissuaded
  23. http://www.ballade.no/nmi.nsf/pic/dirtyharrystor/$file/dirtyharrystor.jpg /thread
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