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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. I'm not letting this nougat of hilarious truth fall thru the cracks. That was fucking hilarious.
  2. y'all shoulda done what I did and just flipped the USC/Oregon State game one...that shit was RIDICULOUS!!!
  3. they should have a special category for the Chipotle-induced dump. Usually large and in charge, about 14 inches long, and speckled with corn and black beans.
  4. i always thought of dingleberries as being bigger than just little pebbles...i always referred to what you get as "mulchy-butt"
  5. yeah for real...its probably cuz Benz Guy hasn't come marching in yet:D
  6. omfg i'm nominating this for best post of 2006. it had me and my roommate laughing our asses off, and people are coming in from the hall to read this and just fucking dying.
  7. jesus i could get the back end out wider and more under control in the fucking apache. wow they even have the obligatory retarded engine revs...and they're alone!! i know i've seen the bright red/primer one, and the darker one looks slightly more generic but i might've seen it too...
  8. i guess my butt and i are on the same wavelength or something, cuz i poop when its convenient and its usually predictable
  9. http://www.funnyville.com/funny-pictures/scared.jpg 50 bucks says the FBI is keeping track of every person that accesses that site.
  10. I believe you're referring to "Acein' It" or a "Clean Sweep" as I like to call them. Those are fabulous. I always shit before I take a shower, cuz you're about to get clean anyways and nothing makes the wake-up shower feel better than dropping a basketball sized chocolate mud baby in the porcelain tomb. And you can never deuce during a shower, because then you might slip off the seat, and the stank from your shit will get soaked in the walls with the steam. In conclusion, I hate droppin a deuce after a shower as well, but thats why I squeeze out my fudgesicles beforehand. And that, my friends, is Pooping 101.
  11. i love the one where his ex wife throws cereal in his face and hes just like "bitch!!!!! i love you."
  12. tourettesguy.com has all the vids...the Bob Saget vid is the best
  13. it would make sense if it somehow was more convenient when it was collapsed.
  14. NWS for gratuitous language. I'm seriously crying laughing at this, and there's a bunch of them on youtube. http://youtube.com/watch?v=CRp6mMPI3hk
  15. you want used or new? american or foreign? stick or auto? NA or FI? Something as simple as a recent Accord could be nice.
  16. i'm so glad this is in the parking lot still because this is one of the better political debates we've had that hasn't turned into name-calling....yet. I know this country has an immense problem with illegals, but its a problem that is not worth diverting millions of dollars and man hours all at once to solving. Its not feasable. It would harm the country's GDP more than it would help, and in the end the jobs and money that we save probable isn't going to go straight back into welfare. As for killing an ideal? There is a serious difference between the Japanese kamikaze pilots and Muslim suicide bombers. Japanese bushido (warrior code) very clearly states that it is more honorable to die in the line of fire killing as many enemies as possible or to commit suicide than to let your enemy conquer you. Also, the kamikaze pilots were given crystal meth before missions. The Muslim suicide bombers are killing themselves because they believe they are doing Allah's work. It is not personal. In their mind, it is selfless. By killing 150k people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we saved what conservative estimates said would be 500k American soldiers lives and countless other Japanese lives. The Japanese would have had a rifle in the hands of every man woman and child if it had come down to a land invasion instead of the A-bomb. We're killing a lot of radical muslims, including potential suicide bombers, but it also seems like a lot of civilians are getting in the crossfire. Its the nature of this particular battlefield. What its doing, however, is turning a lot more people into radicals. Instead of showing them that they have nothing to gain by fighting us, we're showing them that they have nothing to lose by dying against us because they might die anyways. Not only that, but I don't want America to be that country that polices the world. I do believe we have a responsibility to exercise our power in a way that benefits the community, and of course we have to take care of our own, but there is always a point to cut your losses. I think those that died on 9/11 should be avenged, and personally I think if we know some Iraqi fucker knows where Osama is and he's clearly clamming up, torture the ever loving piss out of that asshole. He should feel the pain of thousands of deaths surging through his body for the next 20 years, but while its great to get that fucker back, how many people is it worth pissing off? When is the risk not worth it? I guess what I'm pissed off about from the original point is that the first guy, A VIETNAMESE IMMIGRANT NONETHELESS, has the guillones to try and intimidate other immigrants, legal or not. I'm just fuckin sick of negative campaigning especially directed shit like this.
  17. oh yeah, i forgot to mention some of my geneology. My father was born and raised in Portugal and his family tree originates there, but my mom's side has a lot more history in the U.S. My 5xgreat grandfather Ben Wood and his wife Rose came to the U.S. in the mid 1800s and had children that fought for the Union in the civil war. I've traced the name "Ranney" which is my middle name, to William Tylee Ranney. I believe he is my 4xgreat grandfather, and he's got a painting hanging in the White House. The Ranney family also helped found Middletown and Cromwell, CT. The Ranney name has been traced back to the first half of the 17th century, I think to the voyage of the Mayflower II. Anyways, thats some crazy genealogy.
  18. Before anyone gets carried away with the whole black Americans thing, I was be facetious and satirical. Sorry if it was seen as being in bad taste, but sometimes you just have to laugh the shit off. I know illegal immigration is a problem, but compared to a lot of the other shit goin on with this country, its fairly minor. Jobs are being outsourced, there's an everlasting war against an ideal, and we've got a president that couldn't tell a map of Iraq from Dick Cheney's back hair. We've also got levels of unparalleled levels of corruption and indecency in the government. Foley is preying on kids, both Ohioan gubernatorial candidates are complete fucks, and 74% of Americans think that Congress has lost touch with the needs of those that voted for them. We're fucked, people, and its not just because our borders are holier than the pope's dumb hat.
  19. Yeah, only naturalized citizens can vote, I should have clarified that when I said "legal immigrants". What's so wrong with allowing immigrants in this country. Why aren't you an equal opportunity offender. Instead of just saying "fuck the Mexicans that are in this country, deport all the motherfuckers" why not deport anyone that lives or works in any Little Italy or Chinatown across the nation. Lets deport all those good-for-nothing Native Americans, because we're white and we RIGHTFULLY CONQUERED THIS NATION AND ITS FUCKING OURS. If everyone should turn a blind eye to things that didn't immediately effect them (such as you suggest the naturalized immigrants should), then why don't you shut up about this whole issue. Unless, of course, you feel your liberties have been cramped and your wages curbed by the illegals in this country. Then again, if you were concerned about wages it wouldn't be about the avocado-picking Mexicans making $1.50 an hour, it'd be about the everything-making Chinese that can do whatever you do 40 times faster for $.03 an hour. Besides, sooner or later the Mexican government will realize they have no one left to govern, they'll all move to Aruba, and we'll just annex Mexico and turn it into a giant GM plant and employ all the former illegal immigrants. Then we'll outsource all the production to China, and all the white people will just invade Canada and leave the U.S. for the Mexicans and the blacks to fight over. If anyone is offended by this and thinks its racist, sorry, because I don't think any less of the races this concerns, I'm just using examples (avocado picking Mexicans...cuz thats one of the possible low wage jobs).
  20. that has to be fake...needles in the butthole = doom
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