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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. http://thedarktower.net/forums/uploads/post-4-1098757852.jpg
  2. the officials were told to be strict this year, and it didnt work out. luckily, by the end of the tournament everything had returned to normal.
  3. haha I know I'm just throwing you shit. But while there is a lot of acting, I can say from experience that a LOT of times you get really fucking hurt for something seemingly non-violent. I've seen a goalie play 4 minutes and make several saves with a torn ACL, and the same for another goalie except with a broken leg. For every 3 embellishments there is one guy who actually gets seriously fucked over. Another thing I like about soccer is that, despite a lot of accusations of game fixing (something that travels across all sports), one thing that is much more rare in soccer is substance abuse. Where baseball has become a joke because of steroid use and a completely idiotic players union, soccer has remained somewhat innocent.
  4. there is no way that car is still warrantee'd if there's a TT on it.
  5. Why does Ohio State need the best damn band in the land? Because they have small penises!!!!!! HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR wait, relating two completely unrelated things isn't funny? fuck
  6. If you watched the US v Italy game in which Brian McBride got elbowed in the face and was bleeding everywhere, you might know what I mean by brutal and violent.
  7. looking to trade anything? maybe paintball stuff? a computer game or two or three +cash? i've got to run to work, but if you're interested PM me and I'll send you a list of some stuff i'm willing to trade
  8. last I checked, driving w/o a seat belt was a primary offense, meaning they could pull you over for it. You're right about the bikers though. Then again, riding a bike is dangerous enough itself. Wearing a helmet is like reducing the height of a parachute jump from 20,000 feet to 2,000 feet. Its a huge difference but if something goes wrong, you're basically still fucked.
  9. My dad is from Portugal, so believe me when I say that I know a thing or two about the number of cards thrown about this tournament. For you non-viewers, there were 16 yellow cards and 4 red cards handed out in the Portugal v Netherlands match, which broke a world record and ensured that one man would never referee another soccer game as long as he lived; or so vowed the current FIFA president (and when the president of all soccer as we know it says you're out of a reffing job, you're probably out of a job). It was a really sloppy tournament; Argentina and Italy dominated by being the best at diving and flopping, which I might add has always been part of the game. Soccer is very much about skill, but it is also about getting away with whatever you can; just do a video.google.com search for Diego Maradona's "Hand of God" play, in which he scored a goal in the World Cup semis (I think) with his left hand. The refs this year were instructed to call extremely tight games and hand out cards with less warning in order to discourage flagrant fouls; however, when players got frustrated with this, the game turned ugly. By the last couple rounds, soccer had returned to its old status as an extremely physical game because with all the cards, people were getting fed up with it.
  10. What do normally non-viewers of soccer think about this past World Cup? I know a lot of people who don't ever give a shit about soccer, but because of the attention given to the World Cup by ESPN and ABC, a lot of people who would normally be otherwise oblivious tuned in to watch soccer. So if you're one of those people, what'd you think about possibly the most brutal, violent, and controversial World Cup tournaments in history?
  11. the moral of the story is don't eat burgers that belong to white trash, or you'll get your jersey fucked up. also, the headbutt is the pussiest form of violence ever
  12. 1: thread revival = lame 2: notice that the original poster is now banned for retardation
  13. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/videos/the-hamburglar.html If anyone ever eats my burger, I will SO fuck them up. this is probably old, whatever.
  14. apparently he's been lurking for over a year
  15. whoa, satan is back (as opposed to krautsatan)
  16. this is the umpteenth "teh mods on CR are teh l0se, i will pwn them in HALO!!1" this is funny
  17. i dunno man, the 3rd vid, i'd say the tall guy is the pussy. the fat dude was just fucking smart; he knew that if the tall bitch was gonna throw down, he already would have. the tall guy just kept running his mouth over nothing, and the fat dude just maced his ass and busted out. the tall guy had some big words but never threw a damn punch. if, after getting maced, you're okay enough to keep bitching, and you don't kick the ass of the person that maced you, you're a pussy.
  18. i dig both those other wing options...the first one flows with the car's lines better, but i have a special affinity for lip spoilers
  19. http://pages.sbcglobal.net/greg.hughes/_images/rkelly2.jpg
  20. Rage is fun to listen to when you're fucked up. thats about it. Tool is okay, but if you know a goddamn thing about music you'd know they are fucking geniuses, working with the most insane time signatures. Beck is just fucking fun. Who gives a shit about profound lyrics when songs like Sexx Laws just make you want to get drunk and fuck bitches. Audioslave is just good. The vox are some of the best i've ever heard, and Cornell's style is just amazing. I'm surprised Korn didn't make the list.
  21. looks like you'll be wankin' it southpaw for a while
  22. JDM YO!!11 Seriously though, did you steal that wing of a Tiburon? Welcome to the boards; prepared to be grilled about the riceyness of your car, regardless of that pretty nice list of performance mods.
  23. thats why the day is for sleeping and the night is for going out
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