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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. When I read this, I interpret it as "I wish I was a girl." Shame, young grasshopper, you shame us all.
  2. People love the freedom to hate freedom, its a universal fact
  3. that's really interesting; not an outcome i'd expect. cool info, regardless.
  4. You know, actions like this aren't too far off from the Patriot Act... It all is part of the bureaucratic policy shift...from 1900-1939, it was "Speak softly and carry a big stick", an extension of Monroe's "International Police" policy. Then from 1945-91 it was containment. Now it's moved to preemptive strike. Don't expect things like this to change for a while, even with a new administration.
  5. Out of curiousity, what would you say the major demographic of the audience was? Was it college students?
  6. I like NWS. A lot of times i'll be scrolling the Pics & Vids section and not be in the mood to yank my crank, and just to check out something funny someone posted. That way, the NWS thing lets me know whats going on. And seriously, is it that much of a fucking hassle for you to take 2/3 of a second out of your post to type "NWS"? This is a lame rant.
  7. Honda clearly wins that for being the most off-target with their demographic aim with the Element. It was supposed to be for the SoCal surfer/hipster/Hollister-loving teenagers, and the only people I ever see driving it are economically-minded fortysomethings that favor utility over all else.
  8. I have a feeling the Super V is just the current name of the project. Super V would look pretty fucking stupid in badge form right next to CTS...it'd break up the continuity of a letter name, and it'd also break up the continuity of Cadillac's nameless (except for Escalade) line...STS, DTS, CTS (V), XLR (V), even the Escalade has ESV and EXT versions. It's something that hasn't really hit the marketing department quite yet.
  9. Does your employer do a direct deposit for paychecks? That way, it'd go straight to the bank and you'd never have the chance to get your hands on it to cash it. Do you eat out a lot? That always adds up really quickly. Do you pay cash or credit for gas? What do you do for entertainment? Movies, bars, etc add up.
  10. You're kidding, right? I had the privilege of riding along with a guy who had his at Mid-Ohio. The only modification he had were new callipers/rotors/brake lines. That thing hugged the track as well as the 993 Carrera 2 I got to ride in. All that, and I was still sitting in A/C with power seats. I can't wait to start seeing that around.
  11. hahaha my roommate found that hilarious, he just choked on the piece pineapple he was eating.
  12. i'm sure it'll be cool, but it can't live up to the hype you just put it up to. edit: oh and by the way, Full Metal Jacket is the best movie ever made...sorry
  13. this is the ultimate geek thread...not nerd, but geek.
  14. he wasn't the man show boy...IMDB ftw
  15. nowhere in my rant of philosophical assfuckery did i say that i drink and drive, nor did i say it is okay to. What i'm saying is that shit fucking happens. It is our responsibility to do as much as we can to stop drunk drivers, but AFTER THE FACT, there's no point in getting militant towards people that are normally your friends. I don't think drunk driving is right, if thats what you interpreted that to be, I'm just saying that I'm not callous towards other's feelings about drunk driving. However, I do get really annoyed when, to make a point, people use false information. I want the whole story to be heard. I want people to know the whole truth. That's why groups like Truth piss me off. They basically fill youth's heads with half-truths and generalizations and manipulated statistics just as much as the big tobacco companies do. They encroach on people's freedom to do as they please, and the principle that America's economy was founded on that people can run a business as long as there is demand for it. I know I seemed very insensitive, but believe me I feel very strongly against drunk driving. I do, however, feel that more than simply drunk driving needs to be attacked, driving standards as a whole need to be addressed. Just look at those rollover stats. Look at the speeding stats. Look at the shit I researched. Drunk drivers are a small part of a huge problem; that drivers aren't good enough. While I agree that we need to do all we can to stop drunk drivers, (i.e. call 1800 GRAB DUI) I think the more important issue is how to educate drivers before getting them on the road. Now that I've reread my post, I can see where you though I was coming off as defending drunk drivers. I apologize for that, and I think I've clarified my point sufficiently.
  16. I was about to write "took the words right outta my mouth". Then I realized the folly of that statement. You stole the text right off my screen;). I bet they're only going to arrest you if you're alone and outta control, aka getting grabby, belligerent, or just being a total reckless idiot. If you're with a group with a DD or seem rational, they won't pay much attention. You don't have to be completely sober, you just have to be soberer than the drunkest idiot at the bar:D.
  17. hahaha where's that website when you need it edit: here it is
  18. gotcha. hope you work out your issues, the CR community is always here to help in that kind of situation.
  19. i'm not okay with the idea that News corp and Viacom own everything in the universe. Who else heard about Viacom yanking the Scientology episode of South Park because Tom Cruise threatened not to promote M:I 3 if it aired again...
  20. this guy is the fucking ashlee simpson of street racing
  21. his sheer stupidity may be sufficient to produce a few halfhearted guffaws from people of the same intellectual level, but no...you're wrong. It is one thing to laugh at Jackass because you're laughing at other people having a good time by kicking each others' asses. Its one thing to laugh at "The Ministry of Silly Walks" because Monty Pyton's Flying Circus is goofy and outrageously silly. Andy Milonakis is, as Carlos Mencia would likely say, a complete and utter "Dee Dee Dee." His brand of "humor" is basically just retarded. I flipped through it today to see him finding some fake pieces of treasure while vacuuming, and the skit basically went nowhere from there. Stupid? yes. Boring? yes. Funny? no.
  22. why does princess delete every single damn post < 2 days after posting it and replace it with an elipsis wtf?
  23. As hard as I try, I can't understand what you're trying to say...
  24. I don't believe in God because I don't like the idea that there is an unattainable perfection greater than I can potentially achieve. You work with drug abusers? That is an admirable line of work and I have a lot of respect for you, as I do for rational police officers (which I know many of) and other public servants. I also have a ton of respect for those who run the pennitentiary system, and both my aunt and uncle have been involved in this for almost 40 years. My uncle is now retired, but has seen almost every level of employment in prison facilities, including warden of several prisons of varying levels of security. You want to tell me some of those fuckups I saw there deserve a second chance? Fuck no. Don't even start. Rehabilitation is the goal of incarceration, along with punishment, but there are some people in there you know got an easy break with a great lawyer and are gonna get out and commit the same crime again. Don't tell me everyone deserves a second chance because God himself thinks it so; we the people of this earth are the judge, jury and executioner. God isn't going to come down and make rapists stop raping, or serial killers stop killing: it is up to us to fucking protect ourselves against the evil of the world, and the only thing I regret is that natural selection is so easily curbed by intellect. I'm sure as hell not perfect, and I've made my share of mistakes; some very serious. However, the difference between me and other fuckups is that I fixed myself.
  25. Another thing I was thinking is that if there is enough expansion of the water, it'd turn into steam which = H and O2. Both of which are infinitely more volatile than gasoline. Even if it didn't ignite, steam itself is incredibly hot, and probably wouldn't do well to cool the engine. Is it possible that this type of decompression could exist in a cylinder? In a 10:1 compression application, this means that while the motor is on a down cycle, the water would be injected and expand until the peak when presure is at 1atm (bar). Then, if the engine was at anymore than 100 degrees C the water would turn to Hydrogen and Oxygen. upon being recompressed, instead of being forced out of the cylinder at 10atm, the water would remain in the cylinder; or if it was released out of the cylinder through the valve (the idea) would be in steam form and probably just a hot as normal exhaust. I don't see where physically this could work.
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