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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. http://www.schlotman.com/art/avatars/force_dude.gif
  2. Yeah, I went to Toronto last year with a friend and had no trouble getting back over the border. I have a passport, and he had his ID/Birth certificate, and they didn't even ask to see either. Toronto was cool, underage drinking was a cinch except for nightclubs; they carded hardcore. Windsor is a possibility; thanks for all the great suggestions, guys.
  3. i'm interested about this windsor place, being that we're all underage. We'll have no problem procuring alcohol in C-bus to bring along with us in baggage, but yeah, bars would be fun. Where is it, how much is it to stay around there, and is it a bitch to park/have a car there?
  4. So me and my friend (possibly a couple other guys too) are looking for a trip that might be fun for a bunch of 18-20 year old guys. As of now, we're thinking about taking a road trip to Virginia Beach or something like that, but I've never been there and don't know what its like. Given that kind of break idea, anyone have any suggestions of places that might be the tits for a bunch of booze-crazy dudes to spend a few days and not a shit ton of money?
  5. after watching that i've realized something....i'm definitely not gonna ever be gay
  6. I didn't want to give any personal anecdotes because I didn't want to start a flame war, but since you posted something that might start it, I might as well. I've posted it about 20 trillion times, but my family is wealthy now because all throughout my childhood my parents saved and scrounged. We were a middle class family when I was born, and now because of all that my dad has done for us we're pretty well off. When I turned 16 my parents gave me $1000 in a checking account, then bought a car for me to use (not a car for me...its used by my sis now). Now I'm in college, with them paying tuition, but I'm still pretty much broke. I've got a lot of money from work etc. in a Vanguard portfolio, but my checking account is down to about $60 bucks right now because no employers in Boston will hire me w/o prior retail experience, and anywhere else I can get a job is too far to commute given my class schedule. I'll be working over the summer at two jobs, but like Kuruma said, I feel good; like I've been actually earning something by working here at school, whether its just their respect or earning all the money I ever spent of theirs.
  7. I've had Crystal and Dom Perignon at new years parties, and I can honestly say they are delicious. Imagine the difference between Kamchatka and Belvedere or Ketel One. They both fuck you up, but one tastes better than the other. However, as far as champagne goes, the cheap ones are far more palatable than the cheap vodka, etc. So therefore, I'd say that having had them is more of a status symbol than anything.
  8. quoted for motherfuckin' truf.
  9. Yeah, I'm totally with you on that. I know several kids who are mega uber rich but whose parents make them work, and thus they have a very good sense of the value of a dollar.
  10. well aren't you little-mister-important these days...
  11. If you wanna borrow my paintball gun, its hellafun. Semi-auto e-trigger...its a fucking hair trigger. Bought it off Ben (Ich Bin der Teufel) a little over a year ago. Snipe those bitches.
  12. Its a good thing I don't believe in hell, because I'd be going there. "He's going to hell in two religions...he's practically sprinting there" -Jim Gaffigan
  13. relativity has nothing to do with this. Talking while driving is much less dangerous than eating while driving which is less dangerous than reading the newspaper while driving which is less dangerous than drinking scalding hot coffee while driving which is less dangerous than any combination of the above, which I've seen every possible combination of actions. All these actions are less dangerous than sticking a hot poker up a rabid wolf's ass. So what if it's less dangerous, its still not a good idea. Spaceghost, I'm not saying your a bad driver, I'm just saying that irony pwns everything, even if you were doing 2mph. The dumb bitch will get what's coming to her:).
  14. or if you wanted to pull a totally high school prank you could sneak up to her car at night and pee on her doorhandle, so she'd touch it without even knowing!!!kekekekekelame seriously, though, how are you bitching about her talking on her cell phone when you're TAKING FUCKING PICTURES. I understand your point (and very much agree with it...i hate bitches like that) about her being a dumb slut, but does anyone else see the irony?
  15. I found it. NWS for vehement racial slurring. This is with regard to the leak of Tool's new album. People are bitching, and in the fourth post you will read possibly the most incomprehensible jargon the internet can provide. I read this and was crying laughing, not because I am a racist, but because the complete ignorance of the statement is hilarious. Please don't banhammer me. If you don't want to look, you don't have to. Here's the link. EDIT: Decided to remove the link. I want responses So I'm posing the question. Is anyone gonna be offended, and more importantly am I gonna get banhammered if I post some ignorant, funny-ass, completely incomprehensible jargon that makes literally no sense to any English-speaker?
  16. subliminal message mentality tells me that spaceghost is on his period
  17. Michelle Malkin is a dumb slut, but I fucking hate this shit. Carlos Mencia pointed this out: you're not going to prove that Mexicans should be allowed to come to America by showing how much better Mexico is than America. If you want the legal voting community to allow your cultural bretheren in, show the people that you support our cause, not only your own. Don't show hatred towards the people you want to help you. If this was a white Nordic group of kids that pulled this stunt, you know they'd all be on trial right now.
  18. Estoril is the fucking pimp. my Portuguese heritage demands that I say it is the best track evar. It was used as an F1 track in the late 80s and maybe a bit of the 90s. They've tried to get F1 to come back (to boost economy) but they won't do anything but test there as of now.
  19. http://www.hjo3.net/hay_guys_mouth.gif
  20. You think we have paraboli problems? We've been trying to solve the Mobius Strip problem indefinitely! http://www.cecm.sfu.ca/~kghare/VRML/gif/mobius.gif
  21. I agree with you to a point. I think, and I think most grammaticists (is that even a word?) would agree, that simply adding a comma is just as grammatically incorrect as using an ellipsis in the wrong context. Commas are used to separate appositives, connect parallel lists, connect independent clauses to other clauses, and indicate quotations. Simply adding a comma does not, I repeat, does not indicate pause. Look at the previous sentence; the correct grammatical way to write it would be, "Simply adding a comma does not -- I repeat -- does not indicate pause."
  22. The ellipsis is used, in most cases, to indicate a pause in what would normally be conversation. With the lack of personal interaction, the forum often allows grammatical errors to slide in order to preserve a more personal feel. Also, the double-hyphen function that word processors incorporate to indicate a pause for an appositive phrase is not present in the forum database. Therefore, we are forced to use our own devices to indicate a pause that would otherwise be obvious in normal conversation. /thread
  23. you know, a line from "40 year old virgin" comes to mind... "That bitch is hurtin' for a squirtin'"
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