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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Whee, I'm gonna take a comment and make it a new topic of discussion...its mah thread, I do whut ah waaaaant. You say everyone deserves a second chance? That is not always such a good policy. What about someone who has a history of alcoholism and substance-related spousal abuse that gets their first DUI...I don't think that guy deserves another chance; he's obviously not averse to driving drunk, nor is he too careful about how he acts when he's drunk. That guy doesn't deserve to drive again.
  2. fixed. So where did you get that info? Because according to NHTSA statistics from 2004, all your stats are wrong. I also fucking hate that statistic "one person dies every 20 minutes blah blah blah." That is assuming that every single person in a drunk driving accident has one person die at the scene of the accident and everyone else is okay. In fact, in 2004 there was a significant decrease (over 5%) from the previous year of alcohol+automobile fatalities. Rollover fatalities remained almost exactly the same, and were only 6000 fatalities short of the alcohol related mark, which by the way, was 9000 less than your statistic quoted. In fact, unless your statistics are taken from 1988, you're completely fucking wrong. The average in the last 15 years has been about 20,000 fatalities per year, with a maximum in 1988 being around 24,000. Additionally, speeding related (ohhhh this applies to us now!) crashes average about 14 or 15 thousand fatalities per year, since 1988, and have a 2004 rate of about 13,000, which is fairly stagnant since previous years; again reinforcing the greater volatility of the alcohol-related crashes. The median (just as good as the mean for statistical purposes, due to such a large sample) BAC for drivers is not .20 as you quoted, but in fact .16. This is important for 2 reasons. It is a 20% decrease in your stat, and it also puts the average below the "ultra-drunk" level of .17. I'm not trivializing Caitlin's death. I've had several friends who have perished in drunk driving accidents. There have been some where it was their own fault, there have been some that are caused by others. I have a friend whose entire immediate family (mother, father, brother) were all killed in an accident and he has severe nerve damage. However, if you're gonna get up in arms and start saying "fuck you" to people, know your shit. Don't start running your mouth and making enemies unless you know what you're talking about. All that aside, drunk driving is still bad. People die. That is fucking life. If you don't realize that we are all here to fucking fart around and do nothing more, consider the chances of you existing as you are. Infinitely against you. 1 in 500 million. Thats what chance that one sperm cell had in your mom's womb. But it doesn't stop. 1 in 500 million is about the same as your parents each had...and grandparents, and so on. Now lets turn to the Many-Worlds Theory. I'm not gonna explain it. Those of you bright enough to know what I'm talking about will appreciate it. Those not so...tough shit, you're missing out. So if the Many-Worlds Theory is true, or even remotely accurate, you really have to realize that this is all entirely retarded to be getting up in arms about. I do what I enjoy. No, I'm not gonna go drunk driving because I think its fun, I have respect for others' beliefs and attatchment to life. Its not wrong, it is just what each person holds to be true. So getting up in arms, IMHO, about someone's death is not something that should really happen. Are you trying to avenge her by attacking those with a less-militant attitude towards drunk drivers? /philosophical jibba jabba
  3. I was gonna say, for enough water to have an effect great enough to be worthwhile, you'd have to have A) a lot of water sitting around and B)something to get enough water in that short of a time to still have an effect. Also, I'm not sure but I'd venture a guess to say that any cooling effect that'd negate a need for a radiator would probably do buttloads of damage to the internals...I'm not too engine savvy, but in general, Mother Nature hates it when things get really hot then cool down really fast, and back again...someone refute or support that?
  4. He started on Wonder Showzen, a completely retarded show that was basically an un-PC spoof of a kids show. Then they realize the guy is so completely retarded that they might be able to give him a stupid show. They act like a second season is an amazing feat. Right...you got knocked off MTV to MTV2. That's like if ER got knocked back to UPN or the dubba dubba dubba dubba WB. Fucking worthless piece of tard shit.
  5. So you should be the posterchild for IQ and/or class for CR? I'll give you a hint where to start: Don't convey your phlegmatic bodily functions in text form for us all to read about. Also, indecision while typing is often fixed with either the "delete" or "backspace" button.
  6. Thats a legit question. We dated for 2 and a half years, then broke up and didn't talk for about 6 months. Then I had a bunch of her shit, and she had a bunch of mine, so I had to see her at some point. We kinda talked for a few minutes, and I realized that much less than a girlfriend, she was just a fucking cool chick. So after a while of just being dissociated, we just started partying together and got to be really good friends. SO even though she is my ex, she's now a very close friend.
  7. http://x11.putfile.com/3/8518031266.png
  8. I agree completely. However, she's lucky that is not the case. Dragknee, thanks for the clarification. I'll let her know what to expect.
  9. I'm gonna aim this thread in a better direction... My butthole has been itchy ever since I shat out my Taco Bell from last night. Discuss.
  10. this thread is gayer than an elf plowing Mr. Slave in the pooper while Liberace sucks off Elton John, and ben has experienced all the aforementioned
  11. someone (mod) change his title to "Lame Thread Starter"
  12. I thought the jail time was only for .17 and/or repeat offense?
  13. I just talked to her. She decided that whatever income she might possibly hope to retain by getting a lawyer wouldn't be worth the cost of a lawyer, so she's gonna take Zack's advice and go in with a humble attitude. I'm almost certain the cop that pulled her over will have written a report that HIGHLY favors her due to her compliance/coherence, so even a dick prosecutor might be lenient on her. She's also living with a dude that can drive her to/from work and the bus will take her to class. Thanks again for all the feedback.
  14. http://x10.putfile.com/3/850928089.jpg
  15. It takes one to know one. You're gay, no backsies, quitsies, no anti-quitsies. +20 cool points to the loser who tells me what movie that's from.
  16. Nope, she was partying hard the night before and never put on the brakes. Thank you all for your advice. She wasn't planning on getting a lawyer, so I'll definitely let her know to do that. All your advice is much appreciated.
  17. I'm not putting this in the Kitchen because this isn't supposed to be a flamefest. This is for a friend. My ex just got arrested for a DUI. She knows she completely fucked up, and she has additionally sworn of alcohol until she's 21. She's a really tiny girl, and apparently at the station (an hour after she was pulled over this morning) she blew a .122, which is pretty damn bad. She was trying to get to work to open, and drunk driving is not a habit of hers. After dating her for 2 years, I can definitely tell when she feels remorse. She said the cop was extremely nice to her and was astonished at her .122 because she seemed so coherent to him in the cruiser. They didn't cite her for speeding, I think just DUI (she said its OVI or something..a minor DUI I guess). What I'm wondering is how I can help her GET A BREAK SO SHE CAN KEEP HER JOBS. She's not trying to get off scot free, and she realizes the consequences, like mandatory classes, license suspension, and raised insurance rates. I just wonder what is the likelihood of her getting privileges for school and work as a first-time offender, because she wants to know what she has coming to her before she gets to court. Feedback? and keep it friendly...she fucked up and she knows, there's no point in being an ass to me about it.
  18. he's talking about the way they are driven on a daily basis, and yeah, i see what you mean a lot of the time...i'd guess it has to do with gas mileage, considering the current prices.
  19. mild racism makes the world go round, man. you still have no response to the Mac/homo correlation though:o i'm just trying to stir things up, maybe get a few people way too emotional about this shit
  20. ESPN.com has it Truly a sad situation. I was watching when it happened, and they pronounced him dead really quickly. Somewhere between 170mph and 206mph is where they estimated his speed (when I was watching) and he ran straight into the gearbox, taking away the entire front end of his car. Thoughts and prayers going out to a fellow racers family.
  21. This thread has deteriorated into a kindergarden playground fight. I might as well start throwing pebbles. Blue screen of death = spinning faggy color wheel of "waiting to load" frustration. You Mac users know what I'm talking about. That gay little rainbow wheel that spins when something is processing? Then it gets stuck like that...and never stops doing it, and the only fucking way to end your misery is tear the powercord out of the computer. I go to a school where 40% of the guys prefer hot dog to taco, and 75% of the overall population is girls or fudgepackers, and I can confidently say that at least 50% of the gay/female group (37.5% of school population for all you tards) probably use macs. I have yet to meet a straight male using a Mac. Even the Asians (uber-technologically savvy asians, at that) are using Toshiba's and Dell's. That is just my statistical analysis of my situation.
  22. it is so painfully bad what happened to David Hasselhoff?
  23. are you negotiable on game prices or is $25 firm...
  24. HAHAHAHAHA mathowned. I hadn't even though of that. Fucking hilarious. Back to which computers are better. Giving an idiot either a super high powered Mac or an insane PC and I guarantee you that they will be able to freeze up both within 4 minutes of use. People just are ignorant of computer capabilities. However, I'd say I'm fairly savvy of PC usage (you know...don't start 12 programs at the same time and keep clicking left and right and hitting CTRL+ALT+DEL 50 times), and I still manage to get frustrated with macs. Fuck, it took them long enough to realize that a 2-button mouse is "in". Mac OS X is pretty nice, but I feel like they got too hung up on being ergonomic with both physical design and making all the icons and shit all bubbly and happy looking. Waste of time and money IMO. That said, you can't beat a Mac for music stuff. As someone who has done a small amount of work performing and recording music, i can easily say that Mac > PC in every way for music/video design.
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