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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. I'm not saying you're wrong, but since you're an econ major I would expect you above all else to include "Ceteris paribus" in your statement. Supply-side economics ftw!
  2. http://x11.putfile.com/4/9721230598.jpg i dunno, I kinda see it EDIT: actually, I decided it looks more like if a Mazda6 got raped by an Acura TL
  3. My dad's older brother had come over 10 years earlier for school purposes, and was married at the time my dad came over, so it was really easy for my dad to get in for a school visa. A better way of life; that is the key statement. Who in this world is not seeking a better way of life. Why would the corporate execs at Enron, Worldcom, and Tyco all commit crimes on such a large scale as to hurt the lives of all their employees? Were they not trying to obtain what, in their eyes, appeared to be a better life? Who on this board would not want a little higher salary per year, or to pay a little less tax on that dollar he or she worked so hard to earn? Everyone wants their life to be better. I'm all for the betterment (is that even a word?) of society, but I don't think it should be at a cost to those who rightfully are in the system. I know "rightfully" is a terrible way to put it. I claim righteousness to this country solely because of the life my father has allowed me to achieve. However, does this mean we should supplant all the wealthy Americans with starving Ethiopians? It is a fucked up world, and everyone realizes that global equality could be achieved; however, equity is not the way wealth and earnings are distributed. I may be in an amazing position to get a job because of what my father is done; does that mean I should give up my education and my potential in this world to a Mexican family of twelve because they need it more? I'm not going to do that, and I don't think anyone would give up their life, regardless of how meager or how fruitful, for something less because someone hasn't been as lucky in life.
  4. I don't think he was referring to John and Jane Taxpayer. I think he was talking about how our economy is heavily owned by China. Just in 2003, China + Hong Kong bought $177 billion dollars of U.S. debt, and are severely undervalueing their own currency in order to produce better than the U.S. economy. Basically, if the current trend continues, we're gonna be slaves to the Chinese in < 50 years.
  5. I've always had a saying about getting drunk...with tequila. One is good Two is too many Three is not enough Cuervo > anything if you wanna wake up the next morning with a sombrero, a goat, and the worst headache you've ever had
  6. My dad came here from Portugal at the age of 15, legally. He worked his fucking ass off at Sears, a few mechanic shops, and paper routes to pay for school at UConn, which he entered at the age of 16 because his schooling was so far ahead of everyone else's in high school. So after having one year to learn English, he was in college and working his ass off studying and making money. My mom put him through grad school, and now he's become not only a successful employee of Nationwide, but a successful entrepreneur and most importantly an amazing father. And he did it all in this horrible system you speak so hatefully about. So who has had the curtain pulled over his eyes? You believe everything the liberal media tells you. I take everything I read or hear, both in the media or in my college classes with a grain of salt. The "right" thing to do is to do the best for society. Does that mean allowing Mr and Mrs Illegal Imigrant in is okay because their life outside of our great nation sucked? I'm a fairly compassionate person. I do some charity work--not a particularly remarkable amount for a college student, but some. I want to help the well being of society. However, those that are a pestilence; those that unrighteously subsist of the welfare of those who have worked for it are not welcome in my society. I refuse to work so that someone can go to school paid for by the tax on every dollar that I earn. I refuse to donate my time, money, blood and sweat to ease the pain and suffering of those who hurt my society. Maybe I'm a hateful being, but if we opened our borders, do you know what would happen? Do you realize the economic strain the U.S. has suffered simply as a result of NAFTA? You need to do some research before you make claims that both alienate yourself and also attack those who know what they're talking about.
  7. Read the rules of the forum first. Post a price or this'll get locked by someone more important than me.
  8. cool vid, needs moar bewbies. Was that red t/a Dave's?
  9. I like how Illegal Aliens are automatically assumed to be Mexicans (copperhead, don't swing the banhammer yet...please?). There are countless Cubans coming in to Miami every day; ever heard of "Little Havana"? I'm not sure about you guys, but I sure as hell wouldn't perform the kinds of jobs the immigrants perform with such tenacity given the hourly or daily wage they make. I'm not saying we should open the floodgates and take in every illegal alien that want in. In fact, I think that it should be a shoot-on-sight for the border patrol, and immediate deportation policy for the Coast Guard around Florida. Make it hard as fuck for the illegals to get in, and make it more perilous too. However, once they're in, don't spend money trying to get them out. If they're wiley or crazy enough to get in, then they can stay, and earn citizenship through marriage or whatever. I just think we need to implement a less-tolerant policy for deterrance, and ignore what problems are still incurred by the aliens that get in.
  10. You speak the truth. My friend is going to Israel this week and bringing us back some.
  11. man, you really shot yourself in the foot with that whole apartment thing. Sorry to hear about that, man. If you're getting offered jobs elsewhere in the company, you shouldn't have too much of a problem finding other work. Depending on what you do, Nationwide has so many people leaving that they can't hire fast enough. My friend is a headhunter for them, he is working like crazy right now.
  12. well, now you can tell people when you break shit, you break it to the max extreeeeeeme.
  13. No, man, he only had one of the big bottles, not two.
  14. Foshiz. Jake Gyllenhal will forever have the stain of "Bubble Boy" on his resume in my mind, but with movies like Donnie Darko and Jarhead, he's becoming an amazing actor.
  15. I personally think Butterfly Effect was a sensationalist POS teeny bopper flick that was Ashton Kutcher's pathetic attempt to make a film better than "Dude, Where's My Car".
  16. I dunno about that. It got to the point where anyone who played me would die so quickly anyways it didn't matter. That, and I always used to play on "License to Kill" mode with pistols, which was turbofun.
  17. Ever had real Guarana? Its a drink from Brazil, and its fucking awesome.
  18. I had one of those before my girl sucked my dick. Shot a hole the size of a grapefruit through the back of her skull.
  19. the smart bitch didn't sign it. Anyone else read that part about how he's wrapped up in the child porn rap too?
  20. They aren't allowed to "reel in" at all. they usually do the 14/f/oh thing in chat rooms, but they cannot say ANYTHING suggestive unless it is confirming something the "predeator" has already said. For instance, they can say "yeah, my parents try to keep me on a short leash, but they don't know what's best for me" "so you like suckin cocks?" "yea"
  21. This happened to a somewhat friend of mine, who I went to high school with. He went to the Columbus Academy and was doing ROTC. He was also 19 when they nabbed him. What I don't like is that even though the cops have a very strict set of rules and regulations so they don't get caught up with entrapment accusations, its also really fucking bad to get a 19-year old, IMO. My sister is 15, so I'm not too distant from the victim's side, but seriously; are any of your parents more than 5 years apart in age? I know plenty of couples who are, including two couples that have an age gap of over 15 years. They say that the little girls are incapable of making decisions, but when its with someone their own frikkin age? I think its a little harsh on 19 year olds (I still like a heavy punishment) to label them for life as a "sexual predeator" because when they were 19 they were interested in a 14 year old. I think they should have to pay a severe consequence for their actions, but not something that will forever disable them from being a normal part of society.
  22. Yeah, I know its a confusing concept. Ever since I got my license back from my suspension, I haven't gone over 70; after driving with privileges for 3 months, you get used to 65 being the fastest you'll ever go, and 70 feels like so much of a stretch. So I start to notice these things more as I'm no longer amongst the fastest percentile of cars on the road. I almost got squashed by a Mercedes ML350 this winter because on the last major right turn of I670W as it gets to Gahanna, there is often a CHP officer sitting under the bridge tagging people as they come around the bend in the left lane at 85. The Benz almost destroyed me, purely out of avoidance maneuvers. I know its probably a rare occurance, but it really made me think about "what if this was around every bend on every highway" I do agree that a presence of law enforcement generally makes things safer; however, as in all things in our natural world, there are always unintended consequences; the burden of intelligence and choice provides an infinite number of unforseen scenarios that simply throwing grants at police cannot solve.
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