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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. because the crowd he's catering to with the Saleen Focus gets off on that shit
  2. its definitely the Image wheel...front is 4 lug, rear is 5 lug
  3. Saleen mustangs have always been more concerned with handling than straight-ahead performance. Big brakes, big rubber, insane suspension, etc. Thats the one you're looking at; the basic 3-valve S281. The S/C version comes with a 435 bhp/425 tq motor, 14 inch front rotors, and lots of nice goodies. The Extreme version rocks a 550bhp/500tq motor, and is basically loaded. The S/C version is around $50k, so its not that outrageous versus a C6 or Z06, depending on what you want. IMO the new saleens look pretty sick, with performance to back.
  4. i went to a few of the kroger meets before i knew about CR, and those seemed to always have the least rice...they always would rev going in and out of Taco Bell, but they never gave too much crap until the end
  5. http://home.comcast.net/~atzen811/Middle_Finger.jpg have a nice day:D
  6. wow, that was one helluva novel that you unleashed upon a Kitchen thread.
  7. hope its not a repost, because i think this is pretty damn hilarious http://videos.streetfire.net/Player.aspx?fileid=AE341170-D6ED-4311-BB48-9B5029858254&p=0
  8. I fall into the 3000 that doesn't have a sub-13.0 car. Nor does anyone in my family. The fastest car in my family is a 1995 BMW M3. However, give me an even car to yours, and I'm fairly confident I'd hang with (beat, even?) many of these guys on track. So how do you define racing?
  9. wow...thats why the U.S. justice system is full of mothafuckin shit. when Anna Nicole is fighting for 88 million, and this poor dude is stuck getting shafted in the ass by this [see you en tee, for all the ladies that are sensitive] you know something is wrong
  10. Chuck Norris > Cicero <---waiting for emotionally debilitating response
  11. ladas are Russian cars famous for parts made of very poor quality steel, that often broke for no reason other than running them.
  12. Wow, people must really be taking the admin's warnings to heart. There has been none of the typical CR chauvanism (sp?) so far. Willkommen
  13. i'll remember that next time i pull into an empty bay or park in front of a garage
  14. this is the lamest flame thread since i went apeshit on singleturbo3kgt for his grammar. somebody throw a freaking pie or something
  15. this thread did not meet expectations
  16. a Lada is a Lada is a Lada. i wouldn't take a Lada with a Lotus engine like i wouldn't take a Civic with a Lotus engine...gimme the fucking lotus
  17. oh hell yes, its the "cunt" discussion. Here are my thoughts: the word "cunt" is for some reason looked at by women as the most offensive pejorative or most vile description of the vagina. Now, where as the word "n****r" has a very obviously etymological and historic reference as a derogatory term, "cunt" is much more obscure. Notice how I don't use asteriks' for "cunt". Part of this is a gender issue; men don't really give a fuck about the use of the word because we don't see it as particularly horrific, or as having a long-standing reign as a way to put women down. The etymology of cunt refers us to possible Germanic roots (kuntas, which means female genitalia) but especially Anglo-European. Supposedly in the 13th century, it was used to describe the absolute lowest class of women, seen as the Hindu people see the "Untouchables". However, this is obviously not a well known use of the word, and there is very little evidence linking the word "cunt" to any specific events or points in history where "cunt" has been associated with the oppression of women. Thus, I can only conclude that women hate the word "cunt" because they truly want to hate it, and for no other reason. I think the only reason it bothers women is because they accept the males' supposition that it is somehow a pejorative term. /threadjack
  19. i have a friend that might have one...i'll call him tomorrow if you're still in need
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