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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. every night i fear the buttpirates
  2. well, that's torn down my self esteem. now all i have to console me is my enormous penis
  3. this isn't a book review, this is a movie review. anyone who starts off a movie review with anything along the lines of "read the book" or "the book was soooooo much more insightful" should be impaled on ron jeremy's cock
  4. queerest thread evar. seriously, was CR just held hostage or something?
  5. yhelotharnoob. Nice house, its a damn fine setup for a guy your age. I'm sure when i turn 22, i'll be lucky enough to have a cardboard box to jack off in.
  6. nice try noob. to get the hang of it, you need to spend 30 years doing meth and getting your vocal cords fucked porno style until you can develop the oral flacidity it takes to sound like fifty cent getting face fucked by a horse
  7. the king gives me wet dreams
  8. e-ebonics are fun The ODB has been orally trangressed in the way of complete and utter unintelligibility.
  9. someone change this guy's name to "asscandy" i'll pay five bucks to whichever admin does it as soon as i get back to ohio. Disclaimer: *I am a poor college student and do not have aforementioned five dollars, so don't expect shit. feel free to change the name though*
  10. i had a boner when i woke up this morning
  11. first hour: FUCK YEA LETS JOIN THE MARINES second hour: goddamn...war sucks. all in all, 4 1/2 out of 5 stars. Gyllenhaal and Foxx put up amazing performances, and Sarsgaard is simply awesome as a supporting actor.
  12. This is my .02 from someone who still is active on CR, just that doesn't even live in columbus. From my perspective, i'd be willing to pay anything the admins ask. However, what I'd like more would for CR to be more social. I've never been to a meet, mostly because I don't really know anyone on this board outside of or whatever...you get my drift. I'm all in favor of a yearly fee, but I can also say that if given the chance where I was in town (say...a weekly or biweekly event for people who are always here), I'd definitely do a fundraising or even just social thing. Hell, throw a kegger and collect $10 at the door. Meet up at Steak n Shake and collect $5 from anyone who wants to sit. OR don't even do that. I'll donate, regardless. Most of the people on this board actually want to see it keep running, and I think ENOUGH of them are generous enough and want to be social enough to meet up with everyone and do SOMETHING. I don't know. I guess I'm just saying try the donations, and if that doesn't work, start the limited access + membership deal.
  13. from m-w.com fell One entry found for fell. Main Entry: 2fell Function: transitive verb Etymology: Middle English, from Old English fellan; akin to Old English feallan to fall -- more at FALL 1 a : to cut, knock, or bring down b : KILL 2 : to sew (a seam) by folding one raw edge under the other and sewing flat on the wrong side - fell·able /'fe-l&-b&l/ adjective - fell·er noun
  14. sprained and/or broken every finger at least once, most of then twice. i've been dealing with severe shoulder tendonitis for four years, and i'm only frikkin 18.
  15. i'm gonna put an LT1 in my celica, and me and this dude will pwnzor all of you
  16. yeah, that whole thing with having high enough resolution to prove that you are the driver is the main deterrence from doing it. Its stupid that they charge the registered owner of that car. I'd just keep some fake 30 day temp tags in the trunk if i wasn't so sure that they'd keep cops on that highway anyways, just because the world is retarded like that.
  17. No, it wasn't a threat. It was yet another erroneous spelling. kicked = licked. K and L are adjacent on the normal QWERTY keyboard, thus his flamboyant homosexuality was mistakenly conveyed as testosterone-abundant masculinity.
  18. Maybe you'll get into The Hannukah Song, version 34882324.2
  19. be prepared to have your mouth filled with more manseed than the san fernando valley has seen in 20 years
  20. yeah, i was taking a cab to pick my buddy up at the hospital on saturday morning, and there was a red/white ford GT next to us at a stoplight...hawt
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