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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. And people wonder why everyone hates America. Get an education, you racist ignorant piece of shit.
  2. after my girl of 3 years and i broke up, we didn't talk for a while (despite what you may think, i was capable of having a serious relationship in high school). now we're pretty much best friends. sometimes shit works out in the end. time heals all wounds
  3. could it have been that you got a court suspension, not a BMW suspension? Thats what I did, and all you have to do is stop by the juvenile court on the last day and pick up your license.
  4. all are speedometer speeds 160 in uncle's C5 (probably not too far from real speed. .29 drag coefficient) 147 in dad's M3 130 in Viper SRT-10 lord knows what with Subarua's Legacy GT 130 in dad's 530i sport 115 in the slowica
  5. i have a quick question what the fuck
  6. my name is paul wall and i'm the people's champ
  7. this is the truth... its actually not too retarded if you don't play golf, which my family doesnt. we all just play tennis and go to the pool, but yeah...some things are retarded.
  8. you belong to jefferson country club? I play tennis there. I live at Stepping Stone (when I'm not in Boston)
  9. there are two things that are always certain; death and taxes
  10. Conservatives/Republicans are about state-decided laws and family values....when those values coincide with the ideals of those in power. Liberals/Democrats are more idealistic and think problems can be solved without conflict...but they still want to tax the fuck out of you to give it away to countries who can't help themselves. Talk about imperialism. Apathetics, like me, know that politics is a bunch of bullshit and the world is headed for a fall if people simply categorize things all the time, such as I have just done to point out the flaws of said categorization. Why I'm an Int'l Relations major is beyond me, but who knows; maybe i'll have fun.
  11. saying liberalism must die is just as closed-minded as they are. the world works because of the delicate balance of differing opinions
  12. The QX4 rides a lot more like a truck then the traditional SUV; thats why they were discontinued. With the rise of the RX300 (Lexus) and so forth, smaller/mid sized SUVs had to be more luxurious and based on car frames. The QX4 IMHO is a great suv. The problem i remember about it was that it had windshield cracking problems, but I think they were recalled for that? When I went to Venezuela, in la Gran Sabana (basically their version of yellowstone...its where Angel Falls is) we had some (older)land cruisers and one pathfinder, and they both ate up the rough terrain. if i were taking the QX4 out there, i'd feel perfectly confident in its capabilities.
  13. can't we just chalk it all up to SPS and be done with it?
  14. Nor will they associate themselves with anything leather, wear furs, or associate themselves with anything their great communist leader PETA tells them is forbidden
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