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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. If the car is 25+ years old it's not a huge hassle.
  2. I love the illusion Mac users have that all Windows users spend all their time simply clicking out of ads and hunting down spyware.
  3. I've got no issues with Windows 7 so I will probably wait to upgrade. IIRC Win7 and Win8 users can upgrade for free for a full year from release date, so I'll wait to see if anyone reports problems.
  4. The ^^^ defender seems like it'd be the best option for him, but I have a couple cases. One is a Spigen Neo Hybrid, which is a very low profile rubber bumper with a red plastic frame that looks good and is nice to hold. I had it for 2 years and multiple drops, never had a screen issue. Only breakage was the plastic frame and I bought a replacement for $10. I also have a larger battery extender/"wireless charging" case that is bulkier and much more protective. It also extends the battery life a bit, not sure what mAh the thing is but I can try to look. I'd do the Neo Hybrid for $10 or the battery extender case for $20. Can get pics if needed.
  5. Not a single picture that's not a stock photo or a shite photoshop? Scam City, fellas.
  6. a supermajority of lawmakers are on Ashley Madison, clearly.
  7. Worth noting that 0-60 in 2.8 is a whole .1 second faster than without the $10k ludicrous speed package. I'm sure there are quite a few ways to pick up that same .1 second without dropping $10k to do it.
  8. I dunno which is more powerful, my hatred of privacy invasions or my massive justice boner.
  9. A circular rail that follows 270 would have to be incorporated in some way. it's the only way it makes any sense
  10. So sorry to hear. My mom is a survivor. All her best friends are survivors of breast cancer as well. http://www.teamtowanda.org/our-story.html http://www.teamtowanda.org/our-board.html My mom is the President of Team Towanda Foundation. Her best friend, Judith, was the first of their friends to be diagnosed and is the founder of TTF. TTF's main goals are to raise money to provide services for uninsured or underinsured women for prevention and treatment, but there are SO many resources on that site to help with your mom's fight. Attitude is absolutely, no question, the most important thing she can do. The doctors and hospitals will take care of her treatment, all she can do is try to stay positive, laugh, and smile. First and foremost, cancer is a horrible ugly thing but if it doesn't take away what makes your mom special, it'll never win. In the "Resources" tab of the website are a number of things that will hopefully help her keep a positive attitude. Again, so sorry to hear but I wish you and your family all the best in fighting this disease. Your mom cannot be defeated so long as she has a fighting spirit, a smile, and a loving family by her side.
  11. PREACH. Only reason I got rid of my GS4 was because I had too many apps and they didn't run properly on the SD card. I actually enjoy not having to worry about a cheap as fuck removable battery cover and removable memory any more
  12. I'm all about public transit but this is fucking retarded. What they need to do is tear COTA to pieces and rebuild it into something well planned and efficient. as it is COTA is a clusterfuck and does as much damage as good. if COTA can prove that it can run a bus system efficiently, then maybe we give a shot at ABOVE ground rail.
  13. still waiting to experience all the catastrophic bugs i'm hearing about on my phone
  14. Little of column A, little of column B. 2nd qtr Samsung sales figures were lower than expected so they need to bounce back. beating the iPhone to market is their plan to do so.
  15. In fact, they pushed the release date up because the S6 and S6Edge are cannibalizing each others' sales.
  16. I got an S6 and a couple wireless charging pads. Whenever I return to my desk, I just drop the phone on the charging pad. I haven't had any battery life issues and the battery charges stupidly fast when you connect it via a normal charger. Bloatware is still an issue albeit not as prominent as past Samsung devices, and TouchWiz is far less intrusive. I barely notice it. I skipped the Edge version and got the regular one and am a big fan so far.
  17. Yeah he went to great lengths to involve himself in the story that had little or nothing to do with him It's pretty clear from his writing style that the dude has a ginormous ego. Never met him, but that's just what I glean from reading. And as they say, never let the truth get in the way of a good story.
  18. If it makes you more confident in considering a FoST, I want to keep this car a long time. If my FoST was paid off (and I wasn't saving for a wedding) I would be all over that truck.
  19. DAMMIT I want to trade you my Focus ST for this. But I can't justify it for myself. Will definitely pass this along though. Beautiful truck.
  20. True, but comparing to other Jeeps in a vacuum, the 07+ is a damn Rolls Royce.
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