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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. The last time I got a similar call I told them they were mistaken, my name is "Hugh G. Rection" and would they be interested in subscribing to a penis enlargement service? No calls since.
  2. You're probably the 4th or 5th person to tell me that. We made a huge push, FIAT in general is going nuts for the 500X. I'll let the powers that be know we've lost you forever :lolguy:
  3. Honestly this is far from the worst $2500 you could spend on a car/truck. Probably got quite a bit of life left in it.
  4. This approach seems to work pretty well http://i.imgur.com/p5JlC.jpg
  5. That is the definition of a justified shooting.
  6. Weekdays earlier and later in the season are best. Tough with kids but sept/oct IMO is the best. even on weekends, short lines, everything is usually working b/c they shut down during the week late in the season, and the weather's still nice.
  7. where'd you take it? advertise good service, no matter who it is!!!
  8. I think Wiggles exhaust says it best: http://i.imgur.com/aPJYsQl.png http://i.imgur.com/kFRyAj3.png :no:
  9. Gonna borrow my uncle's BMW the first couple days we're there :fuckyeah: Awesome! thanks, we're definitely trying to figure out something to do with our first day there other than have a cookout, this sounds perfect. My uncle lives in Berkeley, that's where we'll be for the first 2 nights, then down to LA.
  10. I've heard Monterey is pretty great especially the aquarium. You're the 3rd or 4th person to talk about burgers in CA. Obviously I gotta get my In n Out fix while I'm there but 2 other people have specifically told me I'd be disappointed by the seafood for the most part (we're all from the east coast) but that I would not be disappointed if all I ate was burgers at a variety of good places. I'll definitely add Gott's to the "places we can stop" list
  11. So my gf and I are flying to CA for a friend's wedding in a couple weeks. The wedding is in Anaheim but we're flying to the Bay Area to stay with family a couple days, then we're taking another couple days to drive down the Pacific Coast Highway and take part in what is arguably America's most beautiful road trip. We're gonna stay overnight somewhere between SF/LA (not sure where yet) so we don't rush the entire drive. Just looking for a few suggestions of things to do/places to see along the way. There's a billion overlooks/beaches etc that we can check out, so I'm looking for any specific gems we should look for. A friend of mine suggested a short hike up the Limekiln trail, for instance, since it's a short hike and not an all-day thing that would be good to stretch our legs and break up the drive. Have any of you done the drive before and, if so, are there any suggestions of places to stay overnight? I think Santa Barbara is too far down the coast for the initial stop, maybe something farther north like Pismo beach/San Luis Obispo or San Simeon so we could potentially see Hearst Castle.
  12. he's just shutting everything down and burning the evidence so he can claim that "oh yeah it totes made 2k hp before the shop shut down, those rapscallions took all the evidence with them though!"
  13. This thread is about to be the definition of schadenfreude
  14. If/when you get a dog, Craig Richardson of Richardson K-9 in Baltimore, OH is an amazing trainer/instructor. He's very good at training pet owners as much as pets. I strongly suggest you look him up, my gf and I have an Italian Greyhound mix who was insanely unruly before she moved in with me; she let the damn thing run wild, he'd always run away and get in the trash. We took him to Craig, he laid a firm hand down with the dog as well as my gf (no more feeding him from the table, no more off-leash adventures, take some goddamn responsibility for your and his actions, etc.) He's been an angel ever since and now the gf doesn't beg for scraps or pee on the carpet either (kidding).
  15. Can confirm BB Lincoln's rack will accommodate a lowered FoST. Ours (FIAT store) wouldn't accommodate, unfortunately.
  16. Just go around the corner and down the block to Zauber they'll let you sample whatever.
  17. After reading this thread and googling "goat rentals" I'm already convinced you just need a small phalanx of goats.
  18. There's places where discounting alcohol in any ways is illegal. Comping beverages could land you in jail. Hell, IIRC there are places where even discounting FOOD (as a concession for alcohol) is illegal as it still counts as "Happy Hour". Also in CT a pickle must bounce in order to be considered a pickle. TL;DR stupid laws.
  19. I believe your issue can be handled under warranty by a Lincoln dealer, and I'm biased but a big fan of Bob-Boyd Lincoln on Billingsley. They're right near Germain Ford which I've not heard the greatest things about. BB Lincoln is 614 863 2800
  20. Question: How's pooping in the desert? Every experience I've ever had "roughing it" has been in New England where there's an abundance of leaves and foliage that won't leave you raw and bleeding. Also, congrats. But seriously, answer the poop question.
  21. good point. Still, the 5th Amendment shouldn't be something that is meant as a CYA tactic. There needs to be some sort of oversight/retroactive contempt charge available, or some sort of immunity caveat (how's that for an oxymoron?). It frustrates me that they can basically hold their testimony hostage for immunity, and that there's no recourse if their testimony ends up not being self-incriminating.
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