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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Pre. Purchase. Inspections. Every time. You date a chick for a few years before you wife her. You have all kinds of inspections and appraisals done on houses before you buy them. Why people won't drop a C-note to have a professional mechanic and/or body shop inspect a car for evidence of crash damage before sinking thousands of dollars into them baffles me. CarFax is just a fantastic marketing tool for a mediocre aggregator service.
  2. DDing a 2007+ is a totally different prospect than DDing a pre-2006. The new ones have been de-Jeepified to a great degree in favor of comfort and mass market appeal. I'm not saying the new ones are bad, but OP asked about 2006 and earlier models.
  3. Bruh they're so super top secret they can't even talk about what they do and it's so special they'll never get credit for it. Just be sure that the next time you see something badass like a rhombus exhaust or a poorly fitted door, its CTD behind it.
  4. Honestly I think you'd probably hate it as a daily. They are anything but comfortable or fun to drive in traffic. Awesome cars though and fun as hell off road.
  5. Yeah that's why she's not considering a new one.
  6. Tough questions need tough answers.
  7. Does this have that magnetic power cord? fiancee is looking for a new laptop but it has to have that, the dog knocks her shit down all the time
  9. I would never fuck with another man's car but I always thought that someone should put a vinyl asterisk next to the LP-2000 on his car with a QR code that links directly to this thread.
  10. When they launched the car they had a QV-badged version with the row-your-own on display. Can't attest to whether AWD/6MT will be available together, but I'm 99% sure a MT QV will be available at launch.
  11. Don't worry boys, the QV line of Alfa sedans will have manuals and be 500+ hp.
  12. My dad (who works in this business) says other platforms are processing orders and this whole NYSE thing is probably just a glitch resulting from a system upgrade, but he's not sure.
  13. Nope, that's just a common thing on instagram I think. I don't have instagram either. I just use twitter for news and sports news, but occasionally instagram leaks into FB/Twitter universes and the majority of what i see is tilted car pictures and hashtags galore.
  14. It's a platform for people with terrible/boring/otherwise unremarkable cars and lives to make their cars and lives look interesting by doing things like tilting the camera, adding fancy filters, and using 14 kajillion hashtags so that other people with uninteresting and unremarkable lives will comment.
  15. :lolguy: you should start an instagram @fixestiltedpics
  16. Hmmmm non Moto, ~5" screen, thank you for this tip, I may hold off.
  17. What's to be confused about, I fucking hate those Kosher Kruisers and Yid Utes. Ok I'm done with the casual racism, I've got nothing against the Jews.
  18. I've gotten used to the bloatware on my GS4 and have removed/"hidden" most of it. Appreciate the tip on pricing, I figured as such. Best Buy is offering $100 gift card this weekend on S6 upgrades so I may do that. I know everyone hates on TW but it's never bothered me, and the consensus seems to be that TW still sucks but is less intrusive on the overall Lollipop experience. As awesome as the Nexus 6 is, I prefer 5" (or thereabouts) phones, anything 5.5" or above is just cumbersome to me. I also got burned with the Droid Bionic and swore I'd never buy another fucking Motorola product, no matter how awesome vanilla Android is. Putty thanks for your input as well. I remember your old S6 Edge thread and was really excited to go for it, but after playing around with it at the store a couple times and reading reviews, I expected more Edge-specific functionality to be out by now and it's definitely not worth $100 more as it sits. I plan on migrating my iPod classic library to my new phone so that'll be about 45GB (after I delete about 25% of my library that's music I never listen to), hence my need for 64GB.
  19. My GS4 is running out of space and expandable memory is not helping. I'm going to get a GS6 (unless LG G4/Nexus 6 blow my mind) and would like to A) get a deal on a 64GB and B) give my business to a CR member if possible. Anyone here can help me out?
  20. I'm a massive homebrew truck hater but those are fucking sick.
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